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Massive filaments of matter filling the universe are responsible for the growth of galaxies and the supermassive black holes at their centers

For the first time with direct observations, researchers have discovered massive filaments between galaxies in a nascent cluster at the beginning of the universe. These threads span over a million peaches

Maps of filaments of matter filling the universe. The gas wires are shown in blue. The background maps are an optical image taken by the Subaru Telescope (left) and a millimeter wavelength image taken by the ALMA observatory (right). Existence of extensive gaseous structures and cosmic web wires discovered (left); and that the filaments connect several galaxies where there is a high rate of star formation (right). Credit: RIKEN
Maps of filaments of matter filling the universe. The gas wires are shown in blue. The background maps are an optical image taken by the Subaru Telescope (left) and a millimeter wavelength image taken by the ALMA observatory (right). Existence of extensive gaseous structures and cosmic web wires discovered (left); and that the filaments connect several galaxies where there is a high rate of star formation (right).
Credit: RIKEN

An international group of scientists led by the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research used observations from the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, and Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii to conduct detailed observations of filaments of galaxies connecting Galaxies within a large and distant nascent galaxy cluster in the early universe. Based on direct observations, they found that, consistent with the predictions of the cold dark matter model of galaxy formation, the filaments are extensive, they span more than a million persec (a persec is just over three light-years) and they provide fuel for intense star formation and the growth of supermassive black holes within the cluster .
The observations, which are a very detailed map of the filaments, were made on SSA22, a massive protogalaxy cluster about 12 billion light-years away in the direction of the Aquarius group, making it the largest structure in the very early universe.

The findings, published in 'Science', provide new insights into the formation of galaxies. The conventional understanding was that galaxies formed, then at the same time organized into clusters, from the bottom up, but now it is believed that "threads" in the universe will fuel the formation of galaxy clusters and galaxies in places where they crossed the threads and dense regions of matter were formed. In accordance with these findings, the group discovered that the junction between the huge filaments they identified caused the formation of active galactic nuclei - supermassive black holes - and "exploding" galaxies that have very active stars.

Their observations are based on the detection of what is known as Lyman alpha radiation - ultraviolet light produced when ionized hydrogen gas becomes neutral using the MUSE instrument. The radiation was found to be intense - too high to be detected only by the ultraviolet background radiation of the universe. Their calculations showed that the high radiation was likely activated by star-forming galaxies and caused the formation of black holes.

According to Hideki Ummahata of the RIKEN Pioneering Research Cluster and the University of Tokyo, the first author of the paper, "This suggests that gas falling along the filaments under the influence of gravity triggers the formation of large galaxies and supermassive black holes and thus gives the universe the structure we see today. "

"Previous observations," he continues, "showed that there are emissions from gas nebulae that extend beyond the galaxies, but now we were able to clearly show that these filaments are extremely long, even beyond the edge of the field we observed." This finding supports the idea that these filaments actually create the intense activity that we You see inside the galaxies inside the wires."

Another researcher involved in the paper, Michelle Pomagalli from the University of Durham, UK, said: "It is very exciting to see for the first time multiple and extended filaments in the early universe. We finally have a way to map these structures directly, and understand in detail their role in regulating the formation of black holes and supermassive galaxies.”

to the notice of the researchers
for scientific research

More of the topic in Hayadan:

15 תגובות

  1. How many are your works, Creator of the world. From bacteria to galaxies and black holes. Thanks??

  2. Approximate answer to Migiv Yosef:
    In a static universe the matter would collapse into "balls" (galaxies) first, but due to the inflationary expansion of the universe the "balls" stretch and form "wires".

  3. Now the question naturally arises:
    What is the mechanism that creates the massive filaments of matter that fill the universe?
    Why does matter crystallize into the form of threads that form a cosmological network, and not collapse straight into galaxies as was supposedly expected to happen under the influence of the gravitational field?

  4. And of course we will not offer the following solution to the connecting threads and clusters, which the sages of Israel discovered 1700 years ago:

    The Gemara in Tractate Berakhot page Lev: teaches:

    Said Rich to Quiche

    The Knesset of Israel said before the Holy One, blessed be He:

    Master of the Universe
    A man bears a wife on his first wife
    I remember the first act

    Did you leave me and forget me?

    The Holy One, blessed be He, said to her:

    My daughter!

    Twelve zodiac signs I created in the sky
    And with every luck and luck I created thirty soldiers for him
    And for each army I created thirty legions for him
    And for each legion and legion I created for him thirty Rahtons
    And for every rehton and rehton I created thirty cartons for him
    And for each carton I created thirty Gestra for him
    And on each gastra and gastra I hung three hundred and sixty-five thousand twenty-five stars against the sun

    And I didn't create them all except for you!

    And you said you left me and forgot me?!

    Here is 12











    which are in words one billion and sixty-four million and three hundred and forty thousand, billions of stars

    These things were published to the Israeli public by Rish Lakish about 1700 years ago, when the scientific world was in its infancy and decadence, except for these limited revelations from the mouths of a few of the world's sages, most of them Greek sages. Whereas the sages of Israel knew the secrets of creation precisely without having in their hands the modern tools of today, telescopes, cameras and supercomputers that are used and from which today's scientists derive their knowledge. And at the time they were uttered and for many hundreds of years later, such utterances were considered delusions and insanity since no more than 4000 stars are visible to the eye at the most.

    And here, with the magnificent telescope and the space camera, the scientists witnessed this tremendous wonder in the numbers of billions of galaxies that contain even more than the proportion that the Sage studied, because according to their calculations it is also in their opinion crude and not at all accurate, because even today there is too much hidden for them to be able to estimate more accurate estimates, and much more than the estimated By them today we will hide for tomorrow.

  5. The threads are the threads of the "spirit" through which every body in its atomic entirety is connected to a nourishing center. We humans are also connected with the silver thread (spirit) to our spiritual totality - the starting point.
    In contrast, the helical vibrations - the strings' function is not nourishment but creation.

  6. The information provides reinforcement for the multiverse theories. The stitches were there even before.

  7. Cosmic strings - string theory already predicted over a year ago the existence of super massive superstrings called cosmic strings related to the creation of matter in the universe

  8. The spiders of the universe spun their webs
    On the openings of time and destiny

  9. An interesting article, but it seems that you translated it mainly with Google translate, it needs crazy proofreading.

  10. Stop the sea! They are also spritely. the wires
    And every sat at the end we are like an ant trying to understand the purpose of the universe. Even if she falls on her back and looks a little blue……what will that do her? Soon the black hole will come in the shape of someone's foot that will step on it.

  11. Sorry, but the article is unclear. What does gas filaments mean?? After all, we always knew that the universe is not empty and the gas connects the galaxies, maybe these gas paths are the threads??.
    Besides, happy holiday to all the science responders
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

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