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A planet has been discovered that may allow liquid water - a necessary condition for life

The planet is called LHS 1140b and is larger than Earth. The researchers say that it absorbs enough light from its star to have liquid water on it - a necessary condition for life on Earth

Super Earth LHS 1140b and the Sun it orbits. Imaging: ESO
Super Earth LHS 1140b and the Sun it orbits. Imaging: ESO

Scientists have discovered a planet that may be a kind of large version of the Earth (super-Earth) and it orbits a star - located 39 light years from us. And the question being asked is of course whether the astronomers will succeed in discovering any sign of the existence of life there. The article was published yesterday (Wednesday) in the journal Nature.

The planet is called 21. It absorbs enough light from its star to have liquid water on it - a necessary condition for life on Earth. The planet in question lies 39 light-years away from our solar system, so it's not exactly a close neighbor, but it's certainly close enough that giant telescopes currently being built can hopefully spot oxygen molecules wandering around it.

The first signs of this planet were discovered already in 2014, but researcher Jason Dittman reanalyzed the data and realized that it could be a world that might contain conditions sufficient for life. "It turns out that he was just there winking at us all this time," the researcher said in an official announcement.

To really confirm the existence of the planet, Dittman and his team used four telescopes - one of them in Australia. The joint observations revealed a small, dim star surrounded by an apparently small planet - but its mass is seven times that of Earth. According to the study published in the journal Nature, it is likely that the planet is mostly composed of rock. It is assumed that life is more likely to be found on rocky worlds than on gas giants orbiting their stars.

"The temperature of the planet is moderate and relatively similar to what we have on Earth," added researcher Dittman with another hint to the possibility that this world could indeed support life.

According to the website The Verge, so far scientists have managed to discover about 20 planets that are similar in size to Earth and can support liquid water. But many of them are so remote that it would be particularly challenging to try and examine them more deeply.

However, two huge telescopes currently being built in Chile could be powerful enough, if aimed directly at LHS 1140b, to detect oxygen molecules that life needs to breathe, assuming the planet is indeed enveloped in oxygen.

For a message from MSO - European Southern Observatory

7 תגובות

  1. It should be noted that water is a necessary condition for life as we know it. Other life forms cannot be ruled out.

  2. Hi Chen, no one knows the answers to these questions.
    The existing viewing technologies and existing telescopes do not allow this.
    It will probably be possible soon with the help of future telescopes like the ones mentioned in the article
    And especially when using the Webb space telescope that will be launched in October 2018
    That's why the claim "the temperature of the planet is moderate and relatively similar to what we have on Earth",
    It is to be published and is not based.
    There is an excellent lecture of about 80 minutes on YouTube on the subject of finding life on other planets:
    Innumerable Globes Like This One: The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System – YouTube
    To determine whether a planet is in the "life zone", i.e. temperatures suitable for liquid water, 4 data are required:
    The amount of sunlight reaching the star, the percentage of energy returned, the amount of light "absorbed" and heating by greenhouse gases.
    In comparison, Venus receives almost double the amount of light compared to Earth because of its proximity to the Sun.
    The amount of energy returned from Manga is a little more than double that of the Earth
    Therefore, the amount of energy absorbed is almost the same.
    But the difference of the greenhouse effect is significant: 33 degrees Celsius on Earth and 510 degrees in Venus.
    That's why the average temperature on Earth is 16 degrees and 470 degrees Celsius!
    In all the technologies that the lecturer referred to, only the first figure can be calculated,
    That is, the amount of sunlight reaching the star.
    Therefore, it is still not possible to determine what the approximate temperature of the planet is with any existing technology.

  3. Hi Chen, no one knows the answers to these questions.
    The existing viewing technologies and existing telescopes do not allow this.
    It will probably be possible soon with the help of future telescopes like the ones mentioned in the article
    And especially when using the Webb space telescope that will be launched in October 2018
    Therefore the claim regarding "the temperature of the planet is moderate and relatively similar to what we have on Earth",
    It is probably to be published and is not based.
    There is an excellent lecture of about 80 minutes on YouTube on the subject of finding life on other planets:
    Innumerable Globes Like This One: The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System – YouTube
    To determine whether a planet is in the "life zone", i.e. temperatures suitable for liquid water, 4 data are required:
    The amount of sunlight reaching the star, the percentage of energy returned, the amount of light "absorbed" and heating by greenhouse gases.
    In comparison, Venus receives almost double the amount of light compared to Earth because of its proximity to the Sun.
    The amount of energy returned from Manga is a little more than twice as much as the Earth, so the amount of energy absorbed is almost the same.
    But the difference of the greenhouse effect is significant: 33 degrees Celsius on Earth and 510 degrees in Venus.
    That's why the average temperature on Earth is 16 degrees and 470 degrees Celsius!
    In all the technologies that the lecturer referred to, only the first figure can be calculated,
    That is, the amount of sunlight reaching the star.
    Therefore, it is still not possible to determine what the approximate temperature of the planet is with any existing technology.

  4. Unbelievable.
    Around our globe and also in the depths of the sea there is movement of space vehicles that are not from our world.
    This has been known for over 50 years.
    What are you doing...?

  5. A letter here is expected to indicate what temperature prevails in the center and at the poles, how many days a year there are, whether it rotates on its axis like

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