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Dinosaur footprints that lived in the polar region were discovered in Australia

115-million-year-old meat-eating dinosaur tracks discovered near Melbourne. Scientists estimate that the traces were preserved from a time when Australia was connected to Antarctica and closer to the South Pole

Large dinosaur footprints near Melbourne
Large dinosaur footprints near Melbourne

Dinosaur footprints in Australia. Photo: Anthony Martin, University of Texas

Traces of meat-eating dinosaurs recently discovered in Australia teach about the life of the oldest creatures in polar regions, in ancient times when the region was connected to Antarctica and closer to the South Pole.
Among the findings that were uncovered: three fossilized dinosaur footprints, each 36 centimeters long, and two or three footprint parts. The findings were presented by Anthony Martin, a senior lecturer in environmental studies at Emory University, at the Society for Vertebrate Paleontology meeting held in Austin, Texas earlier this week. The researchers estimate that the footprints were left 115 million years ago during the Cretaceous era, by a theropod dinosaur, a group of meat eaters. Going for two, which also includes Tyrannosaurus Rex. The assessment is based on the size of the traces. Martin and his colleagues also estimate that the monsters stood on legs about one and a half meters long, and speculate that it was about 20% smaller than Allosaurus, another large theropod from the Jurassic period.
Martin discovered two of the tracks in February 2006 at the Flat Rocks site near Melbourne. A year later, the traces were discovered at the same excavation site. Tyler Lamb, a student at Monash University in Melbourne, discovered the third clue. "I believe many more traces are there, but they have been too subtle to notice until now," Martin said.
225 million years ago, all the continents on Earth were connected to one continent - Pangea, which broke up. The new findings add to the body of evidence about so-called polar dinosaurs, excavated in Australia. Previous studies have hypothesized that polar dinosaurs adapted to the cold climate and were equipped with good night vision, which allowed them to search for food during the dark winters.

For Emory University's press release

Two new species of dinosaurs have been discovered in Antarctica


Remains of the dinosaur's body at the excavation site in Antarctica

American scientists working in Antarctica have uncovered fossilized bones of two new species of dinosaurs. The remains were discovered at the end of last year at two different sites, about 3,200 kilometers apart. One of the species is a predatory dinosaur that stood about 2 meters tall and weighed about 150 kilograms. The researchers, who found his remains on James Ross Island, estimate that he died about 70 million years ago. Almost at the same time that the remains of the carnivorous dinosaur were found, a group of scientists located the tail and chest bones of a large and unknown vegetarian dinosaur in the Beardmore Glacier. The examination of the remains shows that he was about ten meters long, and lived almost two hundred million years ago.
Paleontologist James Martin, the head of the expedition that located the carnivorous dinosaur fossil, says that he and his men arrived on the frozen continent with a completely different purpose: "We came to Antarctica to try and establish the theory that animals migrated from North America to Australia in the past." The harsh weather conditions at the site where Martin planned to excavate forced his team to reach the area where the remains of the dinosaur, which has yet to be named, were found.
The members of the second expedition, who located the vegetarian dinosaur, initially planned to dig at the site where dinosaur remains were found in 1991, but they too had to change location due to weather conditions.

They knew the dinosaurs

12 תגובות

  1. Educated people, with all the interest in the matter, let's mainly focus on doing good deeds, we will be happy and invest in education!

  2. I don't understand what they learned from the traces, finding the traces is not the interesting thing, so try to elaborate more on what you discovered and not on what you found.

  3. What a shame you don't continue..

    This reminds me of a debate I heard about 20 years ago, one claimed that the electronic chips only contained sand, and the other claimed that they also contained a circuit or two..

  4. Lior, thanks for the compliment
    With all due respect, you don't really need to know every comma on the religious side,
    It is more important to get to know the scientific topics I write about, if only with a suitable interpretation one can find enough things that agree on every determination of science, it's just a shame that most things are done in retrospect.
    As for the examples you gave, of rabbis from the Middle Ages, it is true that in some cases they were more advanced in science than their Christian contemporaries (especially Rambam who lived in areas of Muslim influence) but nevertheless, science advanced in these thousand years and religion - less so. I am convinced that the Rambam knew nothing about atoms, their particles, nanotechnology, etc., and also his profession of medicine - he would not recognize it, so with all due respect, there is no point in taking Genesis even as a metaphor. The fish and the birds were not created on the same day - the birds of today are the descendants of the dinosaurs, and the fish were long before the dinosaurs.

  5. oh yeah and

    Enough of the condescension - really, people don't need the arrogant sound to internalize.

    (Especially in light of the fact that there are probably kippah wearers here and there who understand science 5 times more than Avi Blizovsky)

    good week

  6. In order to draw conclusions, minimal knowledge is required not only in science but also in the Torah field

    Just as the tip of the iceberg - according to Judaism the world as we know it (in which, among other things, man was created) was not the first to exist, and it has already been said that he 'built worlds and destroyed them'. 6 days were not necessarily perceived - and certainly not by the Sages as 24-hour days (don't forget that the Torah, in every parameter, predates this division of time) and the meaning of "wonder" is not necessarily "nothing";

    There are many more things in the body - and because the time and space are short(s) I will only add for the record that the Reverend Rambam Rashi, the Maharal and all these other giants had a vast array of knowledge in the scientific/astronomical/medical/mathematical field and those Certainly one cannot be accused of ignorance. in any field.

    A sequel would be great
    Great site ☺

  7. Indeed a contentious creator, who created all the proofs that he does not exist such as the movement of continents, extinction of species and how by chance did the kangaroo come to Australia? Did he skip within one generation back from Turkey?
    Or maybe he created the dinosaurs in his image as his image, and then changed the image of something similar to a lemur, and slowly evolved into a human, and thus it is difficult to distinguish it from evolution

  8. To my father - no one is perfect!
    In my opinion, there is nothing more appropriate than the Sabbath day, to reflect on it, on the wonderful works of the Creator. And on this occasion, I would also like to thank you for your energetic work and your contribution to the advancement of faith in the Creator of the world.

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