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Is Earth about to be swallowed by a black hole?

Two American citizens claim that Geneva's giant particle accelerator, which is about to start operating this summer, could destroy the Earth

Simulation of using the LHC to detect the Higgs boson. From Wikipedia
Simulation of using the LHC to detect the Higgs boson. From Wikipedia

Scientists in the US claim that the experiment that is going to take place this June inside the giant particle accelerator under the Geneva soil may create a black hole that will swallow the CDHA or turn it into a mass of compressed "strange matter".

Two American citizens claim that Geneva's giant particle accelerator, which is about to start operating this summer, could destroy KDA.

Demus nuclear safety officer Walter Wagner and botanist Lois Senko are suing the European Union for Nuclear Research on the grounds that the new particle accelerator LHC, currently being built at the European Research Center for Particle Physics, is an international danger. According to them, when performing the experiments in the accelerator, there is a probability of the formation of a type of theoretical quantum particle called a strangler whose effect could be catastrophic.

Another scenario described by Wagner and Senko is the formation of a black hole that will begin to swallow everything in its path and grow until it destroys Earth and the surrounding area.

The scientists of the European Union say in response that the doomsday will probably not come as a result of the LHC experiments. Instead, says Dr. Lynn Evans, who designed and built the accelerator, the protons that will collide there will create energies and conditions that occurred in the first trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.

Evans explains that his research will try to answer fundamental controversies in physics about the forces and symmetry of nature.

In order to create tiny black holes in an accelerator, energy equivalent to the energy of a mosquito is required. On the other hand, KDA is constantly bombarded with cosmic X-rays whose energy is greater, and this does not create a black hole.

"Since Wc is still here, there is no reason to believe that collisions inside the LHC will be harmful," says Evans.

The largest particle accelerator ever built, known as the LHC, has been the source of national pride for scientists in the European Union in recent years. It is found at a depth of 150 meters below the surface of the ground under the soil of Geneva, Switzerland and France. It stretches over 27 km, and has the structure of a huge ring, where particles will be accelerated to enormous speeds and slammed into each other.

The accelerator will try to answer basic questions in physics. Questions like what is the quark mass t, does the Higgs boson exist, do supersymmetric particles exist, do extra dimensions exist (according to string theory), is it possible to create tiny black holes.

Here in Israel there are actually no worries - Yeshayahu Atzmon, PhD student in particle research from Bar Ilan University says there is no reason to worry. The claims of the American scientists are not realistic and there is no fear in carrying out the planned experiments in the large particle accelerator.

However, Wagner and Senko's claim touches on ethical questions about the risk assessment of innovative and pioneering experiments. When scientists come to explore new areas of science, who is responsible for deciding what is safe and whether to continue an experiment whose results are not known in advance.

85 תגובות

  1. I don't like saying this and ruining it for everyone but….
    First. No such thing will be done because no human would want to create a black hole even jokingly and let that hole swallow our star….
    Second thing. This is the second time I've read this post… and it's right in 2017

  2. I'm not wrong at all (and I'm a girl) do you want to see it happen?!
    And it is not written in your book what you say!!
    And if you were a little smarter and more understanding in your daughter, you would have found out that in 2012 this is going to happen...
    Why do some people think they know and they know nothing! In this stupid world why hahahaha??!!!!!

  3. guest,

    You are misunderstanding what is being read. Pay attention to the hint hidden in the Bible:

    [Proverbs 2085:XNUMX] Sins will be pursued by evil, and the righteous will be rewarded with equal good in Gematria XNUMX
    And here is the next sentence:
    "There is no black hole in the Korah case" is also equivalent in Gematria 2085


  4. Actually not in the next 21 years…..

    These are in 2012….. =O…

    Well, I'm copying just for that anyway P=..

    To the end of the world!

    Hahahahahahahaha Gogo from Gogo in 2012 what fun!!!.

    For those who want details, I am at ISI: 496776947...

  5. This black hole is just nonsense after all more than a million years have passed and nothing has happened to us.

    May everyone have a good and sweet and especially interesting new year.

  6. I told you that it will not be read because there is no way that it will ever read anything in the next 21 years

  7. Our dear Michael.
    If we continue to deny human memories like this, a day will come when humanity will try to deny what happened
    The day before yesterday in our holocaust.
    All the stories are our lessons, so that we do not subconsciously repeat the same mistakes, but acquire
    The moral of them.
    There are very valuable things that must be remembered.
    There are things that need to be remembered in order to be careful not to repeat them over and over again.
    Look, the guest who came, he had something to say.
    It was necessary for us. And also called.
    Anyone who wants to learn, learns from everything. From everything around him. But you probably have a role here
    It is important as a "sworn opponent" and it does not seem to me that there is anyone here who does not appreciate your special way - even to the point of "self-sacrifice", as my local does in the "enlightened" way that is different from yours.
    I wish for all of us what Yehuda wished for today, that everything will be..I say this in my own my jokes and not personal insults. And maybe it's the freedom of each and every one to find the humor too
    In the "painful" way.

  8. Hugin:
    The claims are nonsense in every possible aspect:
    Both in their reliance on fairy tales that have no basis in reality, both in the far-fetched description of the behavior of a black hole as if it could swallow all its members without destroying the entire earth, both in the Sage's description of the creation of the face of the earth, and in the description of the intentions of the "evil Europeans" , both in thinking that someone is trying to be greater than God when even a box of corn is greater than God because it exists, both in the claim that the Sages knew how the people behaved in the Tower of Babel when they have no way of knowing this, what's more the event never happened, both in the description of "the whole scientific matter This" is undesirable and immoral.
    Surely if I try I will find more aspects where things are nonsense.
    I am aware, however, that none of this fully answers your question because it only explains why I see the claims as nonsense but it does not explain why the guest chose to talk nonsense.
    I suggest you ask him that.

  9. Let's say they destroy KDA.
    And they will see the answer to the question "How was God created?"
    Who the hell will they get from this?!
    What retarded
    If they destroy us before that I will destroy their eggs.

  10. Michael
    Learn from the wisdom of the Bedouin (descendants of Jethro??Moshe's teacher??) When a guest comes they say to him: Baruch
    Come to the shadow of our beams, your place will be blessed.
    There is no such thing, unreadable.
    Learn to accept.

  11. guest:
    You are an uninvited guest.
    If you knew what a black hole was you wouldn't write the nonsense about Korah, but your ignorance joins the general ignorance created by the religion that one of its necessary results is the poverty you propose to fight against.
    Therefore, to fight poverty, all religions must be eradicated and science must be promoted.

  12. There is one example in the Torah of Moshe Rabbino that a black hole was created: in Parshat Korach and his entire congregation, the mouth of the earth opened and swallowed Korach and all the heretics who were with him. Sages write in the chapters of Avot Shafi that the earth is a special creation that was created in the ten articles in which the world was created by direct command of God.
    What disturbs and worries about the whole matter is that the Europeans want to make creation that G-d created in his article. Thus they think themselves greater than G-d - like in the generation of the flood or the Tower of Babel - there sages wrote that when a man fell from the tower they said "not terrible", But when a brick fell they said "too bad".
    Therefore, this whole scientific thing is undesirable and immoral. It is better to help the sick and the elderly and the hungry in the third world with research on agriculture and water - instead of wasting resources on an experiment that is not sure to benefit humanity - only for the name and glory of slaughtered European scientists.

  13. Well no time to waste! I'm young!.. and if something really happens then I'll regret the fact that I really haven't had much in life... in short let's organize some proper orgy... with the best girls of Tel Aviv... come on there's no time... knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock invited)

  14. L 16 - And what is the scientific experiment that can overturn evolution?
    Hmmm... I don't think there is one.

    So tell me, do you believe in evolution or not? And if you are, doesn't that mean you are actually part of the "religion of evolution"? Because in fact, evolution is not allowed by religion, which means that evolution is actually...

  15. Ran:
    Either do the math or get out of it.
    The whole story with 20 solar masses shows that you don't begin to understand the subject, so I suggest you choose the second way, but if you insist, you are welcome to do all the calculations anyway, take into account the electromagnetic force, the weak force, the strong force and also gravity and explain why A situation cannot arise in which a certain amount of mass is not compressed in a volume smaller than the sphere defined by its Schwarzschild radius.

  16. The cool respondent
    You are right, but the particles collide with less force than force
    The collision from the Big Bang

  17. Michael
    Except for my previous response to have such a strong compression
    The mass should be large

  18. Haha Ran, what bang are you talking about?
    If I may remind you then it is recommended that you know that the force of gravity is the weakest force that exists, by dozens of counters than the other forces. Therefore, the fact that you say that only a mass 20 times greater than the sun has enough power to compress itself into a black hole, is irrelevant..
    Because the particle accelerator uses other forces that are much more effective than gravity, and also the compression (collision) is of atomic masses and below, and not of huge heavenly bodies.

  19. Michael
    After the imitation of the bang will not be compression strong enough as you
    claims after all that even in the real bang there was not enough compression
    To create a black hole was enough compression just to compress gas and start forming
    of a star.

  20. Ran:
    You're wrong.
    All that is needed for a black hole to form is a sufficiently high compression of the material.
    It is true that the black holes created by gravitation can only be created when there is enough gravitation, but if you find another way to compress the matter (such as by a particle accelerator) there is no limit to the amount of matter.

  21. Just nonsense so that black black will fortify the mass needs
    to be approximately twenty times larger than the sun and the mass
    of what he fortified in imitation of the bang will be
    Not even a thousandth of the mass of the sun

  22. To Michael

    I have never been a follower of the MOND theory.

    And as for the rest of your words - we'll see.

    Good night
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  23. To Judah:
    There's no way you'll find a reason to change your mind because Heat stands as a solid rock in the face of all the findings.
    What you said many times was wrong and is wrong now.
    The explanation for this can also be found in the little I wrote in this discussion.
    Of course, MOND, as has been explained many times, is also in contradiction with the findings - a contradiction that cannot be corrected and in fact blocked the Gollel on it.

  24. No. Ben-Ner

    I have already explained more than once that the explanation of the movement of spiral galaxies can be in several ways and not just a dark mass or a change in the gravitation formula. For example, changing Newton's second law as done in Professor Milgrom's MOND theory is also a possibility for explanation.
    We both agree that the reason for the "invention" of dark energy is the accelerated expansion of the universe, but let's not ignore the fact that the addition of dark mass with all the extra gravity it causes, creates a more "urgent" need for dark energy to eliminate this enormous gravitation at great cosmological distances.
    To Michael - the debate with you always slips into personal lines of the level of knowledge of the person responding to you, or his willingness to change. And I really don't feel like defending myself against your irrelevant assumptions about my willingness to change.
    Everyone knew that when I find a reason to change my opinions, I will change without giving you, Mr. Michael, a special account.

    Have a good day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  25. 1) For the cool commenter, the point is that it is impossible to know for sure what they will get in the experiments there. You understand that all physical (theoretical) theories are worth nothing without being confirmed or disproved in reality. You can build towers upon towers in the air, but in the end what matters is the results from the experiments as a whole. They haven't created a tiny black hole yet and they barely managed to understand what happens inside a non-tiny black hole. That's probably why there's all the fuss.

    2) Guys, what's the fight about, cans to everyone about me.

  26. A~ Ben-Noor

    I admit that many imaginary countries where Muslims are the majority have many problems, but be sure that the problems are far from being because of Islam, and I make it difficult for you to point to a country where the government is Muslim,,,,,,
    You won't find a gym that doesn't have skinny women

  27. Avner:
    As I have written to Yehuda many times and as you can see if you search for dark matter on Wikipedia, the dark mass is probably the only possible explanation for the set of findings and it is difficult to describe a change in the laws of gravity that would change this conclusion.
    There are many reasons for this, one of which is the detection of gravitational dusting around regions devoid of visible mass.
    Regarding "science has had its say" this sentence is always true and provided that it is not assumed that the current word of science is its last word on the subject.
    The scientific community is open to changing its theories according to the findings.
    This cannot be said about Judah.

  28. Lesbadramish Yehuda
    Respectfully, I disagree with your observation
    First, regarding "dark energy". The concept was created due to the discovery of the "inflationary universe" (the accelerator). This phenomenon is not directly related, to my understanding, to the problem
    The internal motion in spiral galaxies rather, in the problem of the expansion rate of
    The universe, as it is measured based on the observations of the "cosmic spotlights", aka the most distant supernovae that can be observed.
    Regarding the concept of "dark mass" which is indeed derived from the problem of circular motion within the galaxies and galaxy clusters, well as far as I know the research on this issue is in progress and it is not yet possible to definitively say that "science has had its say". The two main directions are: either finding evidence for the existence of dark matter or alternatively, denying the existence of dark matter and changing the wording of the gravity equations (as you probably know).
    However, you must know this clearly and without any doubt. Only denying the existence of the dark mass could pave the way for updating the laws of gravity. Because otherwise you cannot be sure that the laws in their "updated" wording are indeed valid.
    This sentence is also not necessarily true, but at least it can be said that the vigorous search of science for that dark mass, even if it does not bring up positive results, will strengthen our positive feeling about the validity of the "new" laws of gravity.
    And that's quite a lot.

  29. to brick
    If you come to praise Islam, I turn to you with a complete question.
    How is it that in all countries ruled by Islam (and sorry for the generalization)
    The regimes perpetuate a reality of social backwardness, backwardness in education, the rule of military tyranny by a few rulers over the majority of the people, a rule of force and violence
    A man over the women..? And more and more virtues of social "progress".

    Do you not admit that these are the social products that Islam produces?

    If so ? - So what's good about it?
    and if not ? - So please prove me wrong!

  30. Omri:
    I agree with your reassurance as you have probably read in previous comments, but in my opinion those who are afraid of the formation of a black hole in an accelerator did not think at all about the increase in the mass of the particles as a result of the speed but about the formation of a black hole as a result of the collisions between particles.
    With regard to the calculation you spoke of (which, in my opinion, is probably not the one that bothers those who are troubled), although I did not try to do the calculations themselves, it seems to me that your description omitted the fact that because of the speed, the proton is also "compressed" in the direction of motion (from the point of view of the stationary observer, for which the mass increases).

  31. to calm the spirits
    The Schwarzschild radius that defines the event operator of a black hole is
    We will isolate the mass
    According to the theory of relativity and the Lorentz transformation, we know that the mass of a body depends on its speed.

    In the end, you will compare the expression in the transformation to the Schwarzschild radius
    You will get that a proton should move at the speed of light minus 10^32- (ten to the power of minus 32)
    To become a black hole…

    And since the accelerator does not accelerate the protons to such a speed (0.9999999999999999*C) there is nothing to worry about

    There is no difference between a black hole and any normal mass in terms of the feeling of an observer outside the event horizon.
    A black hole is not as bad as you think
    If the earth was hollow
    And in its place was a black hole in the center of the sphere with a radius of 9 millimeters event horizon. We would feel the same gravitational force on the surface of the earth at a radius of 6400 km from the singularity...

  32. to the cool responder

    According to what I understood, it is true that blackheads are created every second in the accelerator, but because they are small, they consume themselves within a billionth of a second so that a chain reaction cannot form.

  33. Point: ok, this can is as good as mine (and no excuses after the fact like "they should have built a bigger booster!")

  34. Thanks for the info, Peter
    But if the black holes are created every second in the accelerator, can you say that the chance of two tiny holes colliding and merging is small enough? Because chain collisions can lead to a more stable black hole...
    May we know no trouble..

    Tommy Lapid, may he be blessed

  35. brick:
    The interesting thing about this film is that the site that originally featured it removed it because its operators received threats on their lives. The version in the link I gave was copied from it before it was closed. Those who are interested are welcome to read here:
    Obtained from searching the Fitna entry on Wikipedia.
    There is a lot more material that presents Islam in its nakedness and you should know that every time you try to sell us the nonsense of Islam I intend to bring a link to such material.

  36. Michael I saw it and it's crazy!! Livna do yourself a favor and see this or you are too blind to see the truth

  37. In my opinion this accelerator should take a number and stand in line after many more real things that could harm humanity.
    For example, the development of chemical biological weapons, global warming, plastic grocery bags, and more.

  38. Larry- You can still bet on a bottle of beer.

    No. Ben-Ner - My approach to science is not done on the spur of the moment but after much thought, which I understand is not acceptable to the majority. For example, contrary to your (logical) claim that failure in measurements will lead to changing the theory, what is more influential is "sticking to the goal". Humans stick to a paradigm that has served them faithfully for many years and will not be willing to break contact with it even in the event of a failure in measurements. The failures to explain the movement of spiral galaxies with the help of gravitation did not lead to its collapse and the step that was taken was to increase the mass by adding a strange mass (ten times, and more!!!), and when that was not enough, they also added an equally strange dark energy. So to say that it was a failure in the measurements Will invalidate a theory and will stand up for its rejection, this is stupidity.

    Laitzik - I agree with you that even not discovering the Higgs or graviton particles would be an achievement as you say. But then again, you're naive if you think this will cause the theories to collapse. I'm afraid this will lead to a requirement to build a bigger accelerator.

    To Labna - you have already been answered by others and I have nothing to add to that.

    So let's have a quiet and pleasant weekend
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  39. By the way, to all those involved:
    Regardless of your physical predictions, it is better to bet that we will not be destroyed because if we are destroyed you will not have to pay so and so

  40. Don't you understand that the black holes that will be created there will be smaller than 10 to the power of 17, which is the smallest size they are trying to measure?

    In order to reach the state of black holes that could really endanger us, we need to get closer to the state where it is possible to point to particles of Planck's constant size

    And we have almost 17 orders of magnitude more to get there….

  41. The Schrödinger radius will basically be

    as always
    M= the mass of the particles colliding together
    You can see for yourself that the radius is so small
    And that the black hole will evaporate after so little time that there is no way it will cause any damage.

    Consider that in order for a black hole to form, the ratio between the mass and the radius needs to be something around 10^26 (ten to the power of 26 times some constant)
    In any case, I think it can be understood that the situation is not dangerous

  42. Most scientists say that doomsday will probably not follow the LHC experiments.
    If so, the chance of this happening statistically is very low.
    I am asking you about future experiments
    When should an experiment be stopped, at what statistical prediction for the formation of black holes should an experiment be stopped?

  43. 1 Nothing will happen. I'm ready to compare the intervention to beer and raise it to Whiskey Sheaves. 13 This is nonsense from the point of view that power creates power equal to it according to the law of conservation of energy. There is no chance under these conditions to create a kind of "leading perpetum" of intensifying energy. Bigger. There is none and I repeat there is no way it will happen and if it does then let's all be a spectacle in a historic moment
    2 Levana if this is your real name stop this nonsense it drives me crazy and I'm secular and you know what I hope one day he will prove that "Allah" exists because if he exists then our God exists and then everything is true but so far it hasn't happened and it doesn't seem to me that it is It will happen in our generation, so let's stop fighting, let's forgive!!

  44. Livna, shame on your work.
    No Jew, certainly no atheist, will become a Muslim if you prove to him that the Koran predicted this or that, the Torah, the New Testament, the books of Buddhism, and all of these contain so many things that if they are interpreted as far-reaching as the link you provided, everything proves every thing, so it's as if nothing is proven.
    I'm still checking the legal aspect of linking to Islamic sites, in my opinion it's against Israeli law, and I don't want to break the law.

  45. brick,
    So let's take the credit that belongs to scientists and give it to those ignorant of science but wise in religion?
    The only reason I see as correct is that believers of all kinds come here and say - "Here it has been written for thousands of years in this and that holy book" is that their lives are drawn to these books and beliefs and are limited by them, either by choice or by education from birth. And so they find themselves in a dilemma when they believe in two different things that contradict each other, and therefore try to reconcile this dilemma as if there was no contradiction. How pathetic..

  46. Day Walker Get the intervention. There is a Higgs particle. The loser sees the other drink a Sprite.

  47. Yehuda

    Even if they don't find anything. This is a discovery and in my opinion for such a discovery it is not a waste of money. It will confirm or reject a certain opinion and direct the scientists in the right direction.
    After all, if we had known the results in advance, we would not have had to do experiments.

    By the way, these claims were also made against the Brookhaven RHIC accelerator

  48. Black holes have such an imaginary image that it is really hard to believe.
    The universe is full of black holes and we all still exist. Why? From blacks blacks don't swallow anything but only things that are in their Schwarzschild radius.
    The Schwarzschild radius of "black particles" is so small and their lives are so short that there is no chance of them causing any damage.
    As mentioned - everything that is supposed to happen in the accelerator anyway happens at the limit of the atmosphere and the only difference is that here it will happen under control and will allow scientists to observe what is happening.

  49. A welcome and respectful discussion. Well done friends! It warms the heart to see that there is a discussion of scientific-popular issues among the public. There is a future and there is hope.

    In the blessing of Shabbat Shalom to all those who have an opinion,
    Ami Bachar

  50. Lesbadramish Yehuda.
    I suggest you change your approach a little in relation to the physical sciences. I think it will help you better understand the physical scientific theories.
    The physical scientific theory should not be perceived as a rigid and rigid description of physical reality, but, more like a "mathematical theoretical model", which is only correct "for the time being", according to the partial scientific facts, known today and constantly changing in accordance with new observations and under the influence of new ideas.
    If the model confirms itself by experimental findings - it is considered "currently correct". If the model is hidden (in the sense of "contradiction") by a new scientific substrate, then it falls and the process of searching and formulating a new model begins.
    Unfortunately, man (including Sabdarmish Yehuda), is not gifted with the ability to guess in advance which one
    A theory will "finally" prove to be true and some will collapse. Science is allowed from religion. In religion there are people who claim to know the absolute truth in advance, that's why they are called rabbis and receive a salary from the state, so I and probably you too, don't really believe them. In science, only the scientific experiment can overturn a theory.

    Now regarding the financial investment. As far as I know, so far throughout human history, scientific research is the highest value-added investment in human vision. And in general the fields of knowledge and the amount of new knowledge that is revealed to humanity as a result of the investments in science, is enormous and immeasurable in the first place.
    May we all have Shabbat Shalom.

  51. As far as I know, from reliable scientific sources, the current expectation for the rate of formation of black holes at the LHC is one (tiny) black hole per second of accelerator operation.
    On the other hand, the lifetime of the black hole (tiny) is about 10 to the 26-
    of a second, which is roughly a billionth of a billionth of a second (roughly, don't count on me for one order of magnitude). By the way. The uniqueness of the LHC in relation to other accelerators is:
    A. at high energy, which increases the chance of black holes forming compared to weaker accelerators.
    B. State-of-the-art detection systems are more sophisticated and faster than previous accelerators.

    At the same time, at least according to the scientific forecast, tiny black holes are created
    Non-stop (albeit at lower rates) also in the previous accelerators and as we mentioned here before, also in the atmosphere and even in a condenser like DHA.
    And I'll end with a question for those in the know:
    What is the minimum mass of a black hole needed to maintain a stable black hole that does not evaporate and what is the radius of its event horizon?

  52. This article raises suspicion!!!
    It has been previously announced that this particle accelerator will create a black hole every hour or so. The reason scientists (stakeholders?) aren't worried about the Earth being swallowed up is that they trust Hawking radiation to vaporize these black holes very quickly. And maybe Hawking is wrong?
    But pay attention to the misleading denial in the body of the article:
    "In order to create tiny black holes in an accelerator, energy equivalent to the energy of a mosquito is required. On the other hand, KDA is constantly bombarded with cosmic X-rays whose energy is greater, and this does not create a black hole.

    "Since we are still here, there is no reason to believe that collisions inside the LHC will be harmful,"
    the truth must be told-
    Scientists usually don't know what will be born from their inventions and...
    They are interested in whether their inventions will do good for the world, just as any politician is interested in whether he is doing good for the world.
    Shabbat Shalom

  53. The scientists don't want to destroy themselves and their families either, don't worry.

  54. Let's say an atomic-sized black hole is formed, at what rate it might grow and develop, and whether it could be ejected from outside the earth (for example towards the sun or, on the contrary, thrown out of the solar system) to save us.

    I don't know why everyone is sure that there is no chance that an atomic black hole will form.. (reminds people who try to believe that what they are afraid of is not true)
    When protons collide with each other at speeds very close to the speed of light...

  55. rummy
    To be fair, no one has yet seen either of these dark creatures. All of them are still circumstantial evidence through circumstantial evidence. Originally a black hole is a possible mathematical result of the equations of general relativity. There are many solutions. There is no one definitive theory that describes one truth as it turned out at the end of the 19th century Newton was upgraded by Einstein and we observe the world according to this upgrade. Tomorrow a new theory will be born that will make the theory of relativity equally obsolete. The miraculous correspondence between mathematics and observations is still no less miraculous than the correspondence of other works of imagination produced by the human mind. Still no one has any idea why this match exists and why theories easily become facts. From the psychological point of view there is a clear preference for something certain that can be trusted in an environment of uncertainty.

  56. Why do such experiments at all?

    I think it's just that. After all, these are experiments on humans who live on Earth.

    Stop it and immediately!

  57. no panic…
    And don't forget to take a towel with you.

  58. Right Yehuda, there are no black holes and no dark matter and energy and there is no Higgs particle mixed by Derricks, it's all a scientists' bluff. The world is remarkably stable and stationary, with the sun revolving around it. Until when will the scientists work on us with their eyes.
    Yehuda, I support all your thoughts, your musings and your thoughts. I think you should be prime minister. (Do you accept envelopes?)

  59. I'm willing to be more daring, - who bets on a can of beer that there are no black holes at all?

    After they run the accelerator for a year, and as I believe they get almost nothing, they will begin to complain about one of the biggest wastes made in scientific research. There is no doubt that this will prevent a desire to invest in scientific projects in the future.

    Have a nice and quiet weekend
    And congratulations to the dochipet on the occasion of its election as our national bird!
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  60. Hanan Sabat,

    I'm not sure what you have to wait until the summer. After all, if the earth is really swallowed by a black hole, you won't be aware of it at all. Remove worry from your heart, it won't hurt.


  61. Even in the first test of nuclear weapons there were those who thought that the whole world would catch fire and explode as a result of a chain reaction. On the other hand, it may be that this time they are right, but we will know that when it is already too late...

  62. The worst results may be that nothing particularly interesting happens. The Higgs boson will escape and the other predictions will not come true. It is very possible that he will find something completely different and unexpected. Maybe Schrödinger's cat will emerge from the tunnel.

  63. More info:

    1. Not only "two citizens", claim that the accelerator may pose a risk, but this is an argument put forward by more than just 2 citizens.

    2. I have the feeling that the physicists in charge of operating the facility and planning the experiments that will be conducted in it, themselves do not know what results the experiments might lead them to (correct me if I'm wrong).

    I mean - this is called "shooting in the dark". Everything probably works on paper, the question is what will happen in reality.... We will wait for the summer...

    In the meantime, please hurry up and eat the watermelons before the accelerator, Iran, global warming, air pollution, the meteor strike, the earthquake, etc...

    Hanan Sabat

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