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Communication through Cepheids - the Galactic Internet

If aliens wanted to communicate with Earth, or any other intelligent civilization in the universe, how would they do it? Some suggested microwaves, monitors or lasers or even moving stars around in patterns. But why wouldn't the aliens just use something similar to the Internet? The Kafid Internet

A hard variable
A hard variable

A group of scientists recently hypothesized that a highly advanced civilization could use Cepheid variable stars as beams to transmit information through the galaxy and beyond. These stars are visible from a great distance, and scientists say that intelligent societies will surely observe cupids as distance markers. The group of physicists and astronomers from Hawaii and California say that the Cepheids and any other regular variable star should be scanned for signs of phase modulation (phase modulation) and patterns that could be an indication of directional signals.

In the article The group hypothesizes that advanced civilizations hoping to communicate will use a form of high-speed communication, just as we prefer broadband to the Internet. Microwaves and lasers suffer from resolution and noise problems, while photons or neutrinos would require enormous power to transmit messages over long distances. Moving stars is also quite a difficult operation. Therefore why not dress on the T1 line which is already there? All that needs to be done is to stimulate Capaid to send the message. This is more practical in terms of energy investment and allows sending a large amount of data, and even allowing such a civilization to transmit its history or encode something equivalent to the Rosetta Stone. By stimulating the star, by investing a little energy with a neutrino or some other kind of power pulse at the right time, the cupid can be leveraged into a specific variation, and the message can be encoded within that variation.

The researchers admit that these experiments will require a fairly advanced technological civilization. However, if some civilization has already created a message and sent it through the Cappadic Galactic Internet, all we have to do is open the inbox.

Who knows, maybe they're onto something. They even discussed the issue with Freeman Dyson (physicist who proposed the existence of Dyson balls - and which According to Wikipedia The Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical structure first described in 1959 by physicist Freeman Dyson. It is a hollow sphere-like structure that surrounds a star, sealed to the extent that allows the energy emitted from the star to be stored for the use of the sphere's builders. )

"It may be a groping in the dark" they write. "But if this is true, it will pay off and the payoff for humanity will be enormous. The beauty of this proposal is that it looks like the data already exists and we just need to examine it in a new way."

For the news in Universe Today

Is the universe controlled by artificial intelligence?

78 תגובות

  1. Red cap/point?/bloated?/..
    Why why why spoil...why?

    If all the good will..something up there..there in the sky and here in the heart is not ready to allow what you sent to open. In order for me to take a look, so if you feel like sharing please.

    And greetings to the one and only Yehuda ..ours.... Yehuda?? How can I survive without you on the site? How.?

  2. Hugin
    We noticed the absence of the shadowed air.
    Again you came back with most of your self-praise, wait for the praise of strangers instead.

  3. Yehuda
    Indeed, I have the possibility to write a sharp and fluent literary criticism: to crucify, whip and destroy any work, even if it is exemplary.
    It is so easy these days to criticize, to deny and as if to excel at the expense of the other.
    But this is not my way.
    Therefore, even if it seems to you that the physicalization with Michael is necessary. There is a certain stage where it is not right neither for his benefit nor for my benefit - and not for the benefit of anyone actually.
    Regarding altruism: it is a mistake to think that an altruist sacrifices. He is simply smart and far-sighted
    And knows that at the end of a big cycle everything will finally come back to him...even with the addition of unexpected surprises.

    And about solving your puzzle?
    Those who do calculations excessively, get stuck in the middle of the calculation and the issue. Meanwhile, those who go with
    The special sense-sense distribute a few more altruistic credits on their way, move away from the arena and Oops
    Suddenly they also find food...for they just return to the scene and share with the hawks.
    In the present case - how exactly could you eat Ramach Shasa's soul.. of Hogin?? She was not whole at the time you calculated.. (disappeared without you noticing her absence) but she left her spirit in the spirit and in thought - and you, Yehuda the Hammod, built rocket launchers on it Imagination creates a lance of organs that licks sinews, juiciness for its own sake.. and it seemed that you were also satiated by the culinary simulation full of the developed sense of taste..
    I may have explained what the essence of everything is.
    I may have also explained what a delicate balance is..required.
    It is possible that sometimes first you have to act instinctively and only then logically analyze the phenomenon.
    There may be solutions only at the end of the entire complete set.
    Perhaps this is the great secret of time

    Personally, I was flattered that the wolf bit my innocent skin.
    But since she remains completely intact…….she extends her hand to you..and the precious light of her innocent love in a triumphant bond of security...and we will all walk intertwined and exalted to the beautiful sunset..
    And a wolf dwells with a lamb and a tiger dwells with a goat...

  4. To Hugin... the literary critic.
    The very fact that you discovered two small errors in one of the last pages of the play I wrote shows me that you took my little creation seriously.
    The grade "very good" on the Hugin scale, there is no doubt that we will sleep well at night.
    I would love to receive a more in-depth analysis to my email.

    All the best for you
    And with you in fire and water
    in science and art
    Good night and good year
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  5. Dear Mr. Aryeh Seter
    Aren't you wrong? After all, only two appear in the third question, so it was possible to understand that it was the one that was missing, Hugin, he had already shared with us his reasons, the source of her soul, and we had already checked her tassels and the rest of her body parts. So only me and Rai Michael were left for the third question.
    But, I admit, that your script in which I am left alone with the divine Hugin, is a juicy script better than mine.
    I will give my opinion on the matter.
    And by the way, I've already encountered the gender problem in a student film produced by a film student, Shahar Arieli, based on a script I wrote called "The Research". Count in my fiction about the creation of the world in which God and Satan appear. Shahar Arieli asked me to change the script so that the devil turns from a man into a girl named "Natasha", a beautiful and evil blonde. The role was wonderfully played by the actress Shiri Gadani, and the playwright Shahar Arieli showed his expertise here.
    So I should have known that for script and tension purposes, it would have been better to stay with Hugin, and this of course after a solid fight between Yehuda HaToraf and Michael Tsimhoni.
    Okay, in the next script.
    I hope everything is clear now.
    sweet Dreams
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  6. Yehuda
    I've got no words.
    I am proud of you with all my heart.
    There is no knight who can compete with you on the site.
    Everyone admits this - even if they keep it in the secret of their hearts.

    Hugin: Yours…….in fire and water.
    By the way, the play is very good. (p. 90 two characters were replaced by mistake).

  7. To Judah
    Let's start from the end. Michael said in a spasmodic squeal as a nickname for true vegetarianism.
    Regarding the characters in the culinary logic question. I didn't dig deeper, but my logic went like this: in the first question there are four names and in the second three, a sign that what is missing is the answer to the first question (which is vegetarianism). In the third question, say specifically that Michael is walking (in the way of all flesh).
    Conclusion - so Hugin and you stayed. So something is wrong with your script or I didn't understand something.

  8. to Arya Seter

    You were wrong, the altruist was Hugin and I hope she knew how to appreciate a stormy week in the dark forest with Michael and Enochi.
    But it happened in the story. What would really happen, and what would be the order of priorities in a real case, God has solutions.
    Between us, a lot depended on Hugin and who she would prefer to stay with, and I'm not sure that I, the good, the cute, was the favorite. Under such conditions, a confrontation, and the expectation of the aggressive toughness inherent in Michael, would have caused a fruitful pseudo-masochistic action between Michael and Hogin, and I, your faithful servant, would have ended up on the plate.

    As the ancient Chinese sage, Yang Cheli Dag, said: - You know how you enter the kitchen, but you never know how you will leave it.
    And Michael
    I don't understand why are you screaming? This is Shabbat dinner.

    Happy New Year
    Sabdarmish Yehuda.

  9. Yehuda.
    You noticed that you left yourself with Hugin alone in the forest on Shabbat evening (Satiety and happy)!

  10. Yehuda - we laughed - in the positive sense of the phrase.
    And let's see who remembers (from memory - and not from another review of the responses) how they even got to the discussions of meat, vegetarianism and cannibalism.

  11. For all those who know
    Culinary logic question

    Hugin, a real vegetarian, Michael and Yehuda, went to the forest to collect berries.
    go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go,
    They got confused and lost their way.
    Shabbat evening came and hunger began to plague them:
    Yehuda said:- Here comes the eve of Shabbat and we need to eat before the holy day, who and what will we eat for the "K(ni)bat- Shabbat" meal?

    Hugin said:-
    "The question is who is brave enough to see the facts contained in it and without getting cold feet from the heart of the truth. And - also - not to use the knowledge for his personal needs only... this is indeed a very delicate balance."

    A true vegetarian said:-
    "A true vegetarian does not fear his existence in the flesh and his soul is free from any hint of wanting to exist from another creature in his life and in his death."

    Michael said:-
    "My objection is to murder and not to the consumption of meat, and in this sense I also have no objections to people who ate the flesh of their friends' corpses when their plane crashed in some pizadioloch."

    Yehuda said:-
    I'm hungry!

    Reasoning questions:

    first question:-
    Which of the following four was the first to become a Shabbat cannibal meal:-

    A. Hugin
    B. vegetables
    third. Michael
    d. Yehuda

    second question
    Who was the second one whose supreme altruism contributed to the culinary legacy of his body:-

    A. Hugin
    B. Michael
    third. Yehuda

    third question
    Briefly explain Michael's last moments as recounted by Yehuda. Is there any justification for Yehuda's claim that Michael was not ripe enough for the meal.

    Happy New Year
    And happy holiday
    with a smile
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  12. for vegetarians. I would like to stop this debate that has deteriorated under any criticism. In a few days it will also be deleted because this particular article is not relevant. I would love to find a connection between eating meat and permanent variable stars?

    I would appreciate it if you contributed in other debates and in a slightly calmer language.

  13. To Michael the living:

    The one who sees himself as a carrion eater seeks death, identifies with death, is identical with death.
    In seeing himself and others, man is a being without soul and life.
    Considers a person a corpse in his life and in his death.
    Sees himself as a living corpse.

    Eating a human corpse clings to a dead body.

    Ask Judah to describe to you how he expects to eat your flesh and then you will perceive his true attitude towards you - as a carcass!

    The soul is aware of itself as life, freedom and love.
    In deceiving herself by her identification with death (cadaver), her adherence to it and her existence from it, she will lose herself to know.

    As mentioned, you will stick to it!
    The one who eats carcasses or expects himself to eat them is stuck in death and would become a living carcass.

    A suicide is someone who wants the death of his spirit.
    Since a person is a spirit, then a suicide is someone who wants his spirit to die.

    A person who is forced to die is not a suicide.

    Immorality is exploiting others for your own benefit.
    There is no such thing as selfish cannibalism without any morality.

  14. Cannibal has real vegetarianism

    How dare you eat cows and vegetables plucked from trees/bushes.
    what? The plant doesn't have a soul, the plant doesn't want to spread its seed in a natural way?
    The cows and vegetables plucked from the plants are actually heathen, therefore you are a cannibal.

    There is a proverb that says that those who do not feel sorry for plants will end up in hell!

    You and your ilk are in spiritual retreat, dullness of mind and low spirits - the proven recipe for failure.

  15. In my opinion he should have encouraged eating meat because he has already proven that mentally he has grown

  16. To Michael

    Let's decide that the aforementioned "true vegetarianism" is not ripe enough for our culinary needs.
    I understand the concern of the aforementioned Mr. "Timkhon" because he knows that he will be a preferred candidate for cooking needs in stressful situations. Hence his upset reaction.
    Happy and delicious new year
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  17. Suicidal vegetarianism:
    You are not worth the effort of formulating an answer.
    Everything that needs to be said has already been said and each reader can judge for himself.
    The fact that you continue to blaspheme and curse will not be useful and logical reasons do not bring anything from your words so it is simply a waste of time.

  18. To Michael the spiritual suicide and his followers:

    Out of incredible madness continues to justify and incite cannibalism.
    Insanity that has gotten out of hand. Deep spiritual retardation.

    - You don't need deadly hunger as justification, the absence of murder is enough;
    It is enough that a person or an animal died not at the hands of a person, their flesh will be worthy of eating in your opinion - a peak of hypocritical vegetarianism that is difficult to define.

    Cannibals are among the scum and the most despised among humans and it doesn't matter what justification they found for themselves.

    The prophet describes the lowest level of human existence that can be reached:
    "And you shall feed the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and a man shall eat his neighbor's flesh in the siege"

    "Those who chose to worship the vile and despicable

    will be required to pay for it
    without being able to escape anywhere
    on the surface of the earth

    Those who chose to create pain in this world
    From dark and smelly motives

    They will have a good taste of the stench
    that they chose to produce

    He who chooses hell
    He will not be able to get rid of it until he experiences it well

    These are the laws of the universe."

    You and your ilk are in spiritual retreat, dullness of mind and low spirits - the proven recipe for failure.

    - The cannibals from Stalingrad regretted after a deed of great sorrow and there is no savior for their lost souls.
    They did not benefit themselves in their cannibalistic choice which made their despised lives unworthy and unbearable to live.
    And they will be tired of their lives and will desire their deaths.

  19. Mr. Vegetarian:
    You don't seem to understand where you live.
    I assume you don't eat anything because in the end the plants you eat were all fed by dead animal carcasses.
    I am not interested in what "real vegetarianism" is according to your definition and I never decided to be a "real vegetarian according to your definition".
    I have decided not to murder, nor to condemn to death people who do not want to commit suicide.
    Fortunately, I have not personally been in the situation where the people I described were, but that does not prevent your majesty of idiocy from describing me as a cannibal.
    Roy's words regarding the immorality in your response are valid and I will only add that your claim implies that people should die for the sanctification of the dead.
    In my opinion, this is unprecedented nonsense, but it could be that you are already spiritually and morally dead, and that's why you speak like that.

  20. 'True vegetarianism' -

    There is death of the body, and death of the spirit, and the former is not always more painful than the latter. You seem to derive great pride from avoiding killing the body, but you also enjoy hurting the souls of others such as Michael, just because they don't meet the standards you have written for them.

    Something to think about.

  21. For Michael the "vegetarian" cannibal:

    Vegetarianism is not for cowards!

    Cannibalism is not a reason to be proud, unless it is a pig that is proud of its pigness!

    A true vegetarian is a vegetarian in spirit.

    The identification of a person with his flesh to the extent that it would make him want to subsist on the flesh of his children and parents as carcasses, as Michael testifies himself, is abominable, disgraceful and shameful.
    There is no respect.

    Since he identifies with his life in the flesh with a dark identification - he will not understand this even if he imitates a vegetarian and imitates his practice, during a test his deception will be exposed.

    You will stick to it.
    Human corpses eat human corpses - stick to their death in their life and in their death.

    True vegetarianism clings to spirit and life always.

    The spirit sees a carcass as a carcass. death
    The spiritual adheres to my spirit and departs from my death (the flesh in its life and death).

    Not his body will seek to save, but his spirit.
    His honor in his truth that is not a subject of buying and selling.

    A desire to survive from the loss of another creature's life (regardless of what was caused) is a desire to survive from its death and the denial of its life.
    A despicable and vile desire that goes against the essence of true vegetarianism - to desire life.

    Not murdering the spirit is true vegetarianism.
    Not submitting to meat and not being humiliated by it is true vegetarianism.
    As mentioned, it is not intended for cowards and those who surrender and are defeated by their mortal flesh.

  22. Yehuda:
    You're 100 percent right.
    True vegetarianism - you are only ten percent smart. In the rest of the percentages you are stupid.
    I'm not a vegetarian to get a degree from you.
    I chose this way of life only to not murder.
    It has nothing to do with the taste of the meat (which actually tasted good to me before I made my decision).

    It is not enough to read. You have to understand what is being read and you don't come close to that.
    You did not understand my words in which I never claimed that there is no quantum communication.
    You also did not understand that the whole topic of discussion here is the speed of communication.
    In short: the impulse to attack, which is probably unconquerable for you, has overtaken you

  23. For a real vegetarian

    Michael Tsimkhoni and even real, of this I am sure. But he's not stupid.
    If his life is in danger and meat is the thing to save him, then he will eat meat, even the corpses of his friends.
    Do you want to tell me that in a similar case you would not eat meat?
    It wouldn't make you more vegetarian it would make you at most dumber (and probably deader)
    I hope this is the essence of Michael's opinion. If I was wrong, I apologize.

    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda
    Eating meat

  24. To Michael pretending to be a vegetarian from comment 50 who wrote:

    "I also have no complaints against people who ate the flesh of the dead bodies of their friends when their plane crashed in some pizdioloch."

    - Then you won't have any problem eating the corpses of your family members.

    A true vegetarian is not afraid of his existence in the flesh and his soul is free of any hint of the desire to exist from another creature in his life and in his death.

  25. Michael Yehuda
    Did you not understand!?
    This is the "object" - it carries the entire set of elements in the universe. It is the weight of gravity (carriers-carriers) it is the particles. (carriers-carriers) in a corresponding magnetic mutual attraction

    And to him the "dark matter" is attracted - the energy of life - Oregon - HAVA the present - Jehovah - the present - the present - -

    I got lost..Eva Maria..Mr-sea (dark matter...murky water? or clear water??)

    Hugin: Save him.

  26. Yehuda:
    As I said - I didn't disqualify anything outright and in fact I didn't disqualify anything at all.
    As I already said, the ways I described do not contradict the theory of relativity.
    A vegetarian can easily throw away any bone that has a noun.
    He will probably shy away from throwing living objects for fear of harming them, but if it is inanimate objects or even animals that have already died of their own accord or even their bones, he will not have any problem.
    My objection is to murder and not to the consumption of meat, and in this sense I also have no objections to people who ate the flesh of their friends' corpses when their plane crashed in some fizdioloch.

  27. Sorry, a vegetarian bone like you is sure not to be accepted,
    I wonder how the vegetarians translate this sentence?
    Shabbat Shalom
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  28. Michael

    With a little initiative I have a feeling it could be done.
    Just don't dismiss ideas outright because they contradict relativity.
    You have to remember what I have said many times - there is always a certain uncertainty in every physical formula, in every physical theory and in general in every physical statement.
    For example, if we decide that the theory of relativity began with the experiment of Michelson Morley who discovered that the speed of light in his experiment is the same in every direction, then there is a certain uncertainty in this statement that is inherent in the measurements themselves - in every measurement there is uncertainty. And it doesn't matter how many measurements were made afterwards and how carefully and precisely they were made, because always, every measurement has its uncertainty!
    So we cannot be sure how the theory of relativity will behave in exceptional cases such as, for example, very close, very, very, to the speed of light, etc.
    Even if the odds of success are small, keep in mind that a lot of money could be made just from royalties on a million galactic internet channels.
    And don't forget to throw a bone
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  29. Michael
    Which transmission route do you mean? What needs to be created?
    I have a vague feeling that no matter what has already been paved for you in advance, what you pave every day, what you accomplish every moment - something in you is simply bound by a heavy screen.
    Maybe you are a witness. Who knows.?? Who knows?? God's ways are hidden: Who-as-God..
    Trust me at this rate I'm starting to go blind too.

    All good." On the rivers of neurons where we sat and cried.."

  30. Yehuda:
    The routes I described must be created because otherwise the transmissions would have passed through them already today.

  31. age:
    Anyway, what is it to ride quantums?
    The fact that they bear their name in vain does not mean that scientific terms will make the nonsense claims that incorporate them into the formulation wise.

  32. age:
    According to the theory of relativity, even information cannot move faster than the speed of light.

  33. According to the theory of relativity, no matter can exceed the speed of light
    Information is not material
    Information can ride on top of the quanta
    As he rides on the waves of light and sound waves and more...

  34. I must confess that there is some truth in at least one of your comments: "You only introduced the dark matter for dark reasons", I said to myself, I must also write something about the beloved dark mass.
    But besides that, you gave the best explanation that can justify communication on Orit., it is simply "communication that advances at the speed of light in a path where the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is shorter"
    And this is proof that one should not despair and look for communication about Orit. Explanations for the "contradictions" will already be found.
    So in the New Year's spread, we wish all of us that we will get to experience communication on Orit between galaxies soon in our days. Amen..

    Good night
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  35. Yehuda:
    I didn't disqualify outright.
    Although most of your explanations do not describe communication on Orit, but communication that progresses at the speed of light on a route where the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is shorter (a route that sometimes someone has to produce it and if you were already there to produce it, then the communication is almost not necessary anymore because you know what is there and in general - interesting how did you manage to get there);
    It is true that the claim about communication on Orit in the quantum theory is not true;
    Admittedly, even if there are tachyons, their high speed does not allow us to "load" information on them nor to absorb the information contained in them;
    Although the theory of relativity can be part of a wider theory, but not one that includes an internal contradiction;
    Although you introduced the dark matter only for dark motives;
    But, despite all that - I didn't reject it. I was just expressing my appreciation.

  36. To Michael

    I would not cancel a communication on Orit outright. According to what I learned about science, even if it contradicts the theory of relativity, they will find a solution to it.
    How many "pleadings for explanations and justifications" for the media about Orit that could be, if they find out for example that:-

    The communication goes through a parallel universe
    Communication goes through a wormhole
    In quantum theory, instantaneous communication exists
    Particles that always move only above the speed of light (tachyons) can exist.
    The space is shortened in the direction of communication
    The theory of relativity does not work in cases of special functions through which communication passes
    The theory of relativity is partial to an extensive theory in which there can be a link to Orit.
    And another option you'll like: communication on Orit is a legitimate feature of the dark mass

    So you understand that it is enough for one of these excuses to exist so that communication about Orit can flourish,
    So let's not eliminate the possibility of communication on Orit.
    I would like to believe that there is communication on Orit and that cultures in the stars do not end up chatting on the Galaxy Internet and possibly also between Galaxies in a million channels.

    Good weekend everyone
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  37. For example: Biorhythm. See entry.
    Everything is like a huge clock..huge..huge..ticking.
    Even when you close your eyes, ears and heart... the clock works... tick tick tick tick...
    In short: we are all sweet.
    The question is who is brave enough to see the facts in its content and without getting cold feet from the heart of the truth.
    And - also - not to use the knowledge for his personal needs only.. This is indeed a very delicate balance.

    Yehuda? Thank you..
    From the way of the contexts there will already be articles synchronized to your book and I will find a way to respond..
    Is that okay with you?
    The virtual world is also delicate.. even more delicate.. sharp-sharp. That's how it is.

    Hugin: For a goldsmith's fund.

  38. Note to the above:
    I don't believe that the second option - the one based on "super-orite" communication is possible, and that, of course, because it would contradict the special theory of relativity.
    I added this option just for completeness.

  39. Roy and my father:
    Even if they don't use radio waves, they probably used them in the past. Since we don't know when that past was, it is quite possible that nowadays it is even better to search in radio waves because what was transmitted later has not yet arrived (or has already passed us by and stopped because they were destroyed).
    You should always search by all known means.

  40. Avi,

    You are right, but this is the level of knowledge we have today. And as you said yourself, it is worth investing the minimal amount of money invested in it today, simply because it is possible that they use radio waves after all, and maybe not for interstellar communication.

  41. Regarding SETI, I do not believe that civilizations more advanced than ours would use radio waves
    For the purpose of galactic communication, for the simple reason that the method is not effective.
    You imagine a phone call that takes more than 20 years just to say hello to each other, and that's it
    in the best case scenario???
    Doesn't sound reasonable (not even to extraterrestrials who live 10 times more years than us, or the perception of time
    Theirs is different..) that a more technologically advanced culture will use outdated technologies and not
    effectiveness such as radio waves.
    Our problem at our current point of technological development is that we are unable
    To understand how "they" are able to communicate (if at all) with each other at such distances, since
    Ours does not yet have the technology or even the knowledge of how it works.
    But does the fact that we still do not understand the technology indicate that it does not exist or
    possible?? of course not! Imagine that the ancient Greeks would have thought about the possibility of
    Existence of intelligent beings on other planets. Maybe they would come to the conclusion that they certainly are
    They communicate by signals of huge bonfires, because we know that light reaches far, because the light of the stars reaches us, and this is the most appropriate technology they know.
    Ridiculous right? But it is similar to our situation.
    Anyway, I'm still running the SETI software, because they may be using radio waves
    for national communication, and part of it leaks into space, or they have other uses for radio waves.

  42. to hug

    Because it's fun to chat with you, and because you promise to read, and if you also agree to respond, then
    Send me your address in the email attached at the end and I will send you a play I wrote as a gift.
    The play tells the story of the love and dreams of a group of proud pioneers, builders of a future city called "Goodhill", and their pride.
    I have a feeling that the subject of the play and the special confrontation that develops in it, may interest you.

    As for me, a scientific book, that's another story, you have to think about it, I'll do it if I find people from the academy who are willing to express a positive opinion on the subject. Are there volunteers / recommenders here on the site??

    Below is my email:-

    good evening
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  43. Yehuda Shalom
    I also went over some other articles and a comment sheet that circulated among you in previous months.
    Food for thought..
    I know a lot of people whose approaches are different from the accepted approaches in academies. Luckily for me and for them
    of many and good ones, they published books for the general public in the world in their original and special way - thanks to which many of us received
    Feedback to their ideas and they earned themselves anew. I want to wish you, that you consider and implement, if I see your book on the shelf I will read. Just one small tip: write in your original language!
    Happy New Year.

  44. To Michael
    indeed, food for thought,
    This shows that already 3000 years ago the bookkeeper was talking about future popular radio shows.
    God's ways are wonderful.
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  45. Yehuda:
    In my opinion, in that verse in Ezekiel, they meant to hint to us about the radio quiz "Keep his head."
    Fact: At that time we did not have peace with the Arabs even though we asked for it.

  46. To Michael
    Maybe because that's how it appears in the Gemara?

    And by the way, in Ezekiel 25:XNUMX, it is said: "Be careful when he comes and asks for peace and there is none"
    You see Michael, everything was already known and written in your book.
    God's words are alive!
    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  47. And something about the article:
    Does anyone know why there is a tendency to call these stars in Hebrew by the name "Cephaids" when all over the world they are Sephids?

  48. The truth is that I am a 56-year-old high-tech man, retired from the IDF (a measly pension even though I was discharged as a lieutenant colonel), master's degree in mathematics-computer science, engaged (no longer for a living because I don't need to but still enjoy doing it) in consulting in various high-tech fields (mainly algorithms) and getting rich from selling more and more patents.
    I'm not software, but I really don't like false claims - especially when I think the claimant knows they're not true or at least knows he doesn't know if they're true and that's because what I really hate is lies and pretense.
    All of the above, like the IQ I once alluded to, are technical details.
    What I really am is someone trying to understand what's going on here before I die.

  49. And Michael is a sophisticated computer program programmed to get angry at people who write false claims. and i'm a monkey

  50. to Nimrod and others
    I don't think it's important who I am and every response should be treated on its own merits. It has no advantage if it is said by a physics professor, or by a person from the village.
    But beyond that, we here at the science have been hanging around for years and we are already friends, at least virtual ones, and friends are supposed to know each other a little, so at your request:-

    Sabdarmish Yehuda, 62, B.SC in industrial management with honors at Shankar College, married plus three. "Techno Apart" business dealing with efficiency. Specializing in confection, and trying to upgrade to other things as well. Lover of science, astronomy, writing, screenwriting.
    Original in the way of thinking and without fear of difficult conclusions in the analysis of the phenomena.
    The most important rule in my opinion in scientific analysis is uncertainty in measurements. That is to say" measurement cannot be with a point result but with uncertainty from the environment.
    Hence, there is always uncertainty in physical formulas because they cannot be confirmed except with the help of measurements.
    Hence, for example, there must be uncertainty without exception for all formulas of relativity, for example.
    The cosmological principle is for others (Michael for example) and not for me. For me, a formula is only correct where it has been measured, and that too, as I said, within the framework of uncertainties in measurements that always exist. Beyond the measurement range, its correctness has almost no meaning.

    Secular, after the Holocaust I don't care about God. I am not ready to believe in a God who sees to it that we are massacred for two thousand years and finally ends with an encore of six million.
    Extremist?, not exactly!, at my wife's request, he makes Kiddush on Friday and does not bring game into the house.
    All my children have learned to be interested in and appreciate the book of books. Beati the firstborn even excelled in her daughter.
    So much for me and my scientific and religious belief, scientific on one foot.
    I hope this satisfies you Nimrod, and the others.
    Good night
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  51. It should be noted that one of the most striking things about the Dyson Ball is the fact that no outside culture will remotely recognize it. His sun is trapped inside him.
    And if it's such an advanced culture, why does it need to shout loudly in the galaxy "here I am"? Do you know which neighborhood of Ares your galaxy is in?
    A Dyson ball is better

  52. Michael and Yehuda,
    Of course I forgot to mention your almost daily action/skirmishes in the forum (each in their own way).

  53. Dear Sabdarmish Yehuda,
    You are also chosen here in the forum, you and Michael are the "contributors" in knowledge.

    Michael and Yehuda, I would love to know what you are doing in your life/studying.

    Good Day.

  54. Gillian
    The difference is…..
    For them it is a theoretical game, a logical test and an injection of intellectual stimulation
    However, for you it's about truth and it's a bit burdensome because if it's about truth why are aliens so shy.

    Mika-LeMichael for...Mika LeMichael..
    Lots of names... Similar styling...
    Somewhat reminiscent of the Indian gods with eleven faces
    Nice overall

  55. Cupid?
    Could you please explain this term? At first reading it sounds like a robot with a fondness for coffee.

  56. G has nothing to do with us that you are not an extraterrestrial who stank and stank the place and the universe in a definite scientific way - you have to prove
    That you have a place in this world is not self-evident. What proof do you have that is worthy of consideration?

  57. What 'widespread scientific recognition'?
    It's an interesting idea, which might lead to a study or two. If the research achieves results and evidence is obtained for ciphers from these stars, then we will reach 'widespread scientific recognition'. Until then, it's just an idea, just like the aliens.

  58. Once again I find myself wondering how completely hypothetical hypotheses, lacking any scientific basis and support whatsoever (and I'm not talking about minimal logic anymore), which are in the nature of philosophy and nothing else, are so quickly gaining widespread scientific recognition while well-established scientific issues, with a large body of evidence, are not receive the required scientific research attention.

  59. Lamika

    What about me?, I'm not trying hard enough?, Michael recommend me, it's not fair.
    Maybe it's better to say: "It's not Hugin"
    Anxious for the critical situations in question.
    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  60. Michael Shalom.
    This is not a game, nor an exercise for the bored who have no place here. This is a special message for you as one of our hidden representatives who were implanted here to ensure the existence of our later civilization. You are one of our ancient shipments. You carry a security message for the intensified and accelerated events for our return to our quarries from 13 billion years ago. You had a special shipment here on our behalf. It does not casually enter into the special projects. Indeed, we are beyond the speed of light. We have many unacceptable-but also "routine" ways to reach you according to special needs of the hour from which there is no escape.
    The road to our arrival can be easy and can also be the most difficult - depending on where you are
    As one of our representatives will remember your past-future destiny.
    We will continue to be in touch with you and those under your protection - the hidden and the visible.
    We must let you know again and remind you: in critical situations related to the purpose of the universe and our survival - we use the toughest reserves - we have not yet secularized the destiny you are in.

    We wish you success at this stage (conditional on a wise choice.)

  61. Following Gil's words
    No communication would be relevant if it could not move faster than the speed of light.
    How Einstein will deal with this is another story.
    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  62. CQW – Cosmos Quantum Web
    Quantum communication is based on the possibility of transmitting information in the universe at infinite speed.

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