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Chameleons that live less than a year

Half of the 150 chameleon species live in Madagascar. The chameleons of one of these species spend more time in the swamp than as adult chameleons

A chameleon of the Madagascar species lived for a few months
A chameleon of the Madagascar species lived for a few months

There are about 150 species of chameleons in the world. About half of them live in Madagascar. A chameleon is a medium-sized reptile with a dramatic ability to change color. Chameleons have protruding eyes - each eye can move in a different direction at the same time. Many chameleon species have a very long, rolled tongue that is used to capture insects or small vertebrates from a distance.

The rare species of chameleon, known as Labord's chameleon or (Furcifer labordi), spends more time of its life inside the egg than outside it. An individual is closed and enclosed in an egg for 8 to 9 months, then it rapidly completes its life cycle. All species hatch within one month (November), mate, lay eggs and then die - all within 4 to 5 months. This short period of time makes Labrod chameleon the first place winner of the championship for the shortest adult life of a four-limbed vertebrate. The researchers reported this in the online journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in June 2008. The entire population of the species is replaced every year and at any given time the existing individuals are of the same age.

The scientists hypothesize that this shortened and rapid lifespan is an adaptation designed to prevent injury to individuals from unexpected extreme events common in the densely scrubbed region of Madagascar where this species is found. At the same time, the researchers are still confused and still not sure about this explanation since the lifespan of other species, which are evolutionarily close to the Labrod chameleon and live in the same bushy area, is much higher and ranges around several years. 

 A flash on the Science website
News on the nature site in Madagascar
News in National Geographic

17 תגובות

  1. In a simple calculation, I think that most species of chameleons are found in Israel (about 120 items), and even work in the Knesset. Their life cycle is at least 4 years long and they are not in danger of extinction (reproducing and even multiplying with mutations), but I still don't know if they have vertebrae and a backbone Because they are slippery from it...

  2. Hugin:
    Tell me just one thing and answer in a simple way so that even I can understand if the answer is yes or no:
    Does the author of the book in question describe events of reincarnation and does he try to infer something from these events?
    I will try to give your opinion more weight than I gave to others who talked about the book because their opinion is gossip but your opinion is by no means like that.

  3. Oops, I blinked for a moment.. a sharp flash, amazingly similar.. to one of those that were reflected
    With the launch of the Iranian satellite..
    And Michael, I respect with all my heart, people who are aware of the principle of priorities
    in their lives..but there is one principled and decisive thing for me: if you don't know the value of something because you haven't yet
    You checked the thing yourself, don't distort the message, out of your ignorance...
    It really doesn't matter, what others have said, nor what I offer you... the principle is,
    that do not judge anything based on.. gossipy information of all kinds.. "Mr-rumored" is the darkest side of reality.. and if this is your purpose, it is your choice, or your method,
    In life, as you mentioned in another context, you will be perfumed on your way.

    I will produce, ha, ha.. of peripheral and thorough checks, and research of truths. Blind lies and distortions of reality are banished -
    From me onwards..for their required development.

    And to the head of the site, bless you for the fact that there are some blessed voyeurs who do all kinds of "crafts",
    Visitors to your website, and even respond, to different and different good shades, as many as there were
    And there will be, who holds who, and who educates whom, subject to our personal understanding, of each and every one
    My response to Michael, can clarify points for you too, that you too are allowed to think about.

    Apart from that, the site is fascinating, for the time being... bye...

  4. It's strange that whenever you come across someone who doesn't understand things, and therefore can't explain briefly, he will always turn to one book or another.

    Darwin's theory of evolution can be explained in 2 lines.

  5. Hugin:
    I did not read the books.
    I might read but given the load of things I still want to read and haven't read yet it's not that likely.
    When resources are limited (and of all resources - the life span resource is the most limited) we must work according to priorities and meanwhile you have not convinced me that these books should have a high priority.
    I contented myself with reading the comments on Amazon and saw that people mention the fact that he talks about reincarnation - not that it is the main topic but that it is part of the basis of his words.
    As I mentioned in my words, reincarnation does not exist and I will add here that anyone who bases his Torah on things that do not exist is building an unfounded Torah (or one that is based on Ephesian waters)

  6. Michael, I already responded to the point, in a different way.
    The question is, if you have read the four books, and they do not discuss reincarnation,
    But on, insights and developmental may take time in order for that too
    You will understand, what I take and what, my specific place filters, for the sake of wisdom,
    which is required of every true seeker, I am not in this for anyone, unless, Adam,
    And every person who asks someone else to feed him with a spoon
    From mature and developed people, who are captive in binding concepts, like handcuffs.. and they are not
    Want to understand more... I do understand, in the processes and tools required for development, it is impossible to understand the whole at once, and no one should
    Being me.. there is a price for every path, but there is also clear vision and satisfaction, if you
    Goes right, with superior weighting, and in harmony with others.
    Obviously, there is not always harmony in an inferior state of being, and the fact is, not always
    We are all "agreeing zombies", but a person who really wants to learn, learns, about one
    How many of his opponents.. because they are the optimal mirror for knowing himself - and his dignity.
    That's it, in short, I drank in Roy's honor... and in my honor... ha ha
    Besides, I'm really more of a book type, so I don't understand exactly... where
    You are leading the link, sorry.

  7. to the point..
    I strongly recommend you to read James Redfield's books - Opus Publishing
    About the 9 insights, and the tenth insight.. it may even give you an answer beyond what was expected.. I already recommended it, here on the site.. but they turned me into Nostradamus' mother.. ask Michael, maybe he read in the meantime.. but, as I mentioned
    There is nothing like reading for yourself and understanding.. I hope I answered.

  8. Hugin you didn't quite answer my question. Either you didn't understand or you avoided it.

    Can you explain what evolution of consciousness is and what is the mechanism behind it. And how do you measure state of mind and energy state. I mean, what is it made of?

  9. Hugin:
    It seems to me that you did get into trouble, but it also seems to me that it happened a long time ago and not now.
    Beyond the vague language - can you demonstrate to us an achievement of those advanced levels of consciousness?
    You say you learn about these "ages". What do they learn from? Are we talking about what someone said or can we point to some connection to reality?
    I don't think you explained anything.

  10. For my people, when there is sailing or shit, they usually go to the toilet to empty themselves. It's healthy
    and releases

    To the point, yes, I will try to explain.
    There were discussions and disagreements about the concepts of the concept here, in relation to other articles
    A local is trying to say that there is the possibility that the concept of evolution is not exactly a sequence
    Chronological of development, as Darwin tried to say, although Darwin did bring
    We introduced the nomenclature for the concept of the evolutionary chain.
    There are other teachings that deal with the development of ages that existed before the concept
    The so-called creation.. I will not expand here excessively, because it is a very extended study
    And there are many books about it.
    In any case, my approach says that the whole of memory, from ages ago, is woven into the array
    The genetic, encoded in us, and as the fall to low levels of being was, so it was blocked
    The same opening to this memory. The more gifted a person is, the level of mental-spiritual development
    Spiritual, more noble, yes he is able to see more and more to surround that memory.
    The study of comparative teachings deals with the matter, and it is open to anyone who wants to know.

    I had a typographical error in the sentence you asked, the word is the consciousnesses.
    Readable, states of development and evolution of the insights-consciousnesses. This is a degree, readable
    To that, a higher octave of the linear world of thought that we use
    For the normal communication between us, and for receiving daily information.
    A level of consciousness is more receptive, quantum, such as lightning, satellite communication
    A more telepathic level, and geometric logic, Rav Hittli.
    Regarding energy evolution, the wider the concept of space and space, the less
    Resource density Yes, we also need less mental-animal energy, heavy,
    And we are going through, so to speak, a resource sublimation-refinement process, actually
    The resource of the internal forces, comes more directly, from the mana of the interior of the sun., etc
    The galaxies feeding her in the chain.
    And at least one example that you asked for... we don't recognize physical, maybe we do, and it's unknown to us
    The thing for the matter. But this communication is easier for transferring ideas and consciousness
    From dynamic situations, it consumes energy, in gatherings of crowds... and that of course
    Thanks to the brilliant high-tech brain, to its metastases.
    I avoided using my professional lips..which serves me mainly for researching consciousness
    and intelligences in the historical ranges.

    Well... well. Now I'm in trouble, no big deal, bye

  11. Hogin and Mogin,
    I did not understand the following sentence
    "The states of evolution, energetics and consciousness found in all"
    Can you explain, detail, example?


  12. The chameleon, and in general, the lizard family, are very interesting in their behavior in nature,
    By tracing them, we learn, in fact, about parts of the "holy animals", which lie in who we are, as human beings that contain all the states of evolution
    The energies and consciousnesses found in all.
    In the book of animal virtues, the parable of the Indian tribes, the powers of the lizard are attributed
    For dreaming and keeping the cosmic vision, and by the way, we also know one of their kind, called power.

    And by the way, and maybe this will interest Yanon, in the book I have, it is numbered as 36 or XNUMX,
    And maybe this is the role of the righteous, according to them, to preserve the vision.

    The logic, regarding the lifespan of this need to sleep
    So what's wrong with doing it in the swamp.. which is more protected, for that matter..

    Well..another..Indian..unconventional thinking? If you ask me, the Indians
    Save Judaism..Forgotten to the holiest places found, in hiding
    in her library and teachings.

    It is also possible, while looking wild, and perhaps intelligent, that the chameleon is expressing or reflecting
    From within us - and beyond us, in an exchange of shades, the scripts that dominated the alternating consciousnesses
    Then, and today, and the change - reference, ours, to the whole beam, outside and inside.

  13. For some reason, we are used to assuming that every trait is the result of adaptation to the environment.
    This very thinking is the proof that it is wrong.

  14. I'm actually an evolutionist, so I'm not looking for an advantage in every feature over every alternative.
    If evolution selected only traits that have an advantage over any alternative, there would be only one species in the world.
    Evolution leaves combinations of traits that manage to survive - that is - those in which each individual manages to produce, on average, more than one offspring that will reach an age where it can produce offspring.
    It turns out that these chameleons are successful in this.
    There are other evolutionary solutions and they are realized in other animals.

  15. As an interesting article. The verbs must be converted to the feminine (chameleon) language.
    This phenomenon of an entire species being the same age is an amazing phenomenon.
    What can one guess the evolutionary advantages and disadvantages of such a thing?
    I would think that such a mass hatching of all these individuals at the same time would create heavy mating pressure, but since we are talking about Madagascar, this may not actually manifest as pressure on the population at all. If everyone matures at the same time, then the chance of interaction between an adult male and an adult female is great (advantage) compared to other species in which such interaction can also occur between individuals who are not sexually mature.
    Also, temporary non-separation causes homogenization of the population (does anyone agree or disagree? Necrosis) and serves as a buffer for recessive alleles that mix well in the population. Is this an advantage or a disadvantage?

    I'm glad I'm not an evolutionist,
    Ami Bachar

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