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Search for life in space

Organic materials have been found on meteorites before, but Yabusa was the first time a sample of an "S-type" asteroid was observed to contain organic molecules. It even came directly from the source, and was not subjected to significant periods of time on Earth before being tested.
And what does it have to do with the Genesis mission that crashed on the moon? For 50 years, government organizations adhered to the accepted rules and laws for self-defense of the solar system against terrestrial pollution. Now they are being joined by an increasing number of commercial space missions. How to enforce the law on them?
An international team of researchers has shown that glycine, the simplest amino acid and an important building block of life, can be formed in the harsh conditions that exist in space
The recent discovery of possible biogenic phosphine in the clouds of Venus reminds us that at least some of the ingredients necessary for life exist elsewhere in the solar system. So where are the most promising places for extraterrestrial life?
Astronomers have discovered a rare element - phosphine - in the clouds of the planet Venus. On Earth, this gas is only produced in industry or it is emitted by bacteria living in an oxygen-limited environment
A Japanese experiment on the space station looked at how bacteria can survive in space conditions and transfer life from one planet to another.
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