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planets outside the solar system

Every ten years since the XNUMXs, astronomers and astrophysicists in the U.S. have gathered to compile a list of priorities for means and instruments. These surveys require scientists to think about priorities
Given the hundreds of billions of planets in the Milky Way alone, "it's inevitable that we'll find some form of life somewhere"
NASA's Breakthrough Initiative, Saber Astronautic, and JPL have announced Project Tolliman, a project to find out whether the nearest stars have planets that could support life
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is designed to pick up the haze surrounding warm sub-Neptune planets—planets that range in size from Earth to Neptune, but orbit their suns closer to the orbits of Mercury.
Using the Gemini South telescope, with an instrument called IGRINS, the team observed the planet's thermal glow as it orbited its host star. From this instrument they gathered information about the presence and relative amounts of various gases in its atmosphere
The potential discovery of a planet with a triangular coffee orbit has implications that strengthen our understanding of how planets form
An international team of astronomers has become the first research team to identify carbon isotopes in the atmosphere of a gas giant
In a first-of-its-kind project in space - Tel Aviv University will mediate between the two European Gaia spacecraft and NASA's Tess to enable easier and faster discovery of planets
A rocky planet discovered in the constellation Virgo could change the way we look for life in the universe
The research focuses on a relatively new topic - the programming of biological life in planets orbiting red dwarfs * To verify the hypothesis, the James Webb Space Telescope, and the Israeli Ultrasat Space Telescope when they are launched, will be directed to the planets discovered by Vandel and his colleagues
"If rocky planets exist around white dwarfs, we should be able to detect signs of life on them in the coming years," said co-author Lisa Keltenger, associate professor of astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Carl Sagan Institute.
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