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The development is expected to revolutionize the improvement processes of agricultural crops
The institute's scientists discovered a new type of inflammasome - a "smoke detector" of the immune system that ensures more precise control of the height of the flames of an inflammatory reaction. The findings may pave the way for treatments for inflammatory bowel diseases
Scientists have published draft results from a comprehensive research effort underway to capture all human genetic variation
The grant was given to the company for the purpose of developing agricultural crops with high oil seeds, increased absorption of carbon dioxide and drought resistance * The grant is within the EU Horizon program of the European Union, and was approved following the successful POC from the previous program launched in 2016
The institute's scientists reveal how cancer leads to fatal emaciation and point the way to treatment
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists revealed that a botanical relative of lettuce produces no less than 40 cannabinoids - active substances with medical potential that characterize the cannabis plant
The scientists of the institute have identified the cells in the brain that are responsible for the grace periods of the multiple sclerosis patients. The findings may pave the way for new treatments
To direct substances to their purpose within the body, a delicate balance must be reached between stability and solubility
The scientists of the Weizmann Institute of Science and their research partners identified for the first time the cells that are responsible for one of the most basic actions of life - the production of a hormone that gives an order to produce red blood cells; The findings are expected to break new ground for innovative medical treatments in various anemia conditions
The cooperation of Betresides with the Volcanic Institute is also intended for the development of healthier peanut varieties, extending the shelf life at the end of the harvest and adapting them to a more efficient mechanized picking
It started with very strange experimental results, continued in a new physical theory about the behavior of photons, and in the future may improve our smartphone screens and allow faster data communication. faster data
First, the molecule anchors itself to the surface of the membrane, before it penetrates the membrane in a direction perpendicular to it. In the next step, it changes its three-dimensional structure while passing through the membrane, rotating once along the longitudinal axis before reaching the opposite side of the membrane, where it exits the membrane again
A blue-and-white device that was created especially for an experiment by Weizmann Institute of Science scientists was launched to the planet Jupiter, as part of an international research mission of the European Space Agency
Chinese researchers propose combining genes from tardigrades (water bears) to improve the ability of human cells to deal with radioactive radiation
A study in C. elegans worms found that a type of small RNA molecule is essential for slowing the rate of aging and prolonging the lives of animals with a damaged reproductive system
Microsomes are recently discovered cellular organelles that are formed by local swelling of membrane fibers formed during cell migration. The microsomes store intracellular biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins and even whole organelles such as the mitochondria and affect the intercellular communication
By using an innovative microscope, they were able to identify for the first time the process in which the seashell produces crystals used for vision, and discovered that it is similar to the process of the formation of freckles in humans
The amino acid selenocysteine ​​may be the key to curing diseases that result from misfolding of proteins
The director of the observatory, Dr. David Polischuk from the Weizmann Institute, says in an interview to the site of the scientist that the telescope is actually an array of 48 small telescopes that together give the opportunity to observe an extremely wide field of view in order to locate planets, supernovae, sources of gravitational waves and more
The researchers behind the new study were able to create baby mice with genetic material from two males without any genetic changes. They achieved this by using stem cells to create primordial germ cells (PGCs), which differentiate into sperm and egg.
Beginning 4,500 years ago, three very different Tibetan populations occupied the northeastern, south-central, and southern and southwestern regions of the plateau, but they carry a common gene that allows them to function in high, low-oxygen areas. This gene may have come from Denisovan man
Researchers succeeded for the first time in the world in developing a vaccine against a deadly bacterium, opening the door to mRNA vaccines also against antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Bacteria that are carried in the air for great distances on particles land in part on the ground while they are alive - and ready to multiply
A preventive procedure performed on mice protected them from the damage of a future heart attack. The surprising findings redraw the boundaries of knowledge about the regenerative abilities of the heart
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