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Evolution in action

Many species of moths, which are the favorite prey of many bats, have developed all kinds of tricks to avoid being eaten. Some of them developed a sense of hearing at the appropriate frequencies and others, lacking the ability to hear, developed acoustic instead of visual camouflage solutions
Researchers from Tel Aviv University demonstrated with the help of worms that epigenetic inheritance of sexual attraction can influence the process of evolution
A delegation of researchers from the Faculty of Life Sciences, in collaboration with the Steinhardt Natural History Museum, flew to the other end of the world and participated in a conference on the conservation of biological diversity in the Galapagos Islands
A research group from the field of life sciences and computer science challenged goldfish to navigate in a terrestrial environment. The results change everything we thought about fish
Cockroaches will survive even a nuclear holocaust (provided it doesn't happen when their wings are cut off), bed bug extermination is almost impossible today even with the pesticides we have because of the resistance it has developed and spider webs are 5 times stronger than steel
Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that adopted fruit bat pups behave like the adoptive mother
The researchers from Tel Aviv University discovered that exposure to the sun affects, among other things, the regulation of the sexual endocrine system (hormone secretion system) among humans.
Prof. Yehu Moran from the Hebrew University, one of the leaders of the research: "Sea anemones have lived and thrived for the last 600 million years despite the presence of many viruses, so their immune system is probably effective. A possible disadvantage that I can suggest is that complex systems have a significant metabolic (energetic) cost" . And also: what can be learned from this about the human immune system?
A large-scale study in which Dr. Amiel Ilani from Bar-Ilan University participated, which examined data collected over 27 years and 74,000 social interactions, sheds light on the mechanisms of sociability, status and survival in the spotted hyena * The study was published in the journal Science and, as mentioned, was featured on the cover of the magazine
It is the fusion between the genetic load of the mitochondrion and the host cell that allowed the development of eukaryotes and the sophisticated multicellular organisms we know today," states the researcher
In the Gulf of Eilat, an animal was discovered, which belongs to the mechanized system, can regenerate all its organs so that each piece knows exactly how to complete all the missing body systems and in a short time
Prof. Frumkin: "In a proper step, albeit a bit late, some of the animal species from the cave were also included in it (only the species living in the cave's aquatic environment). This helps in preserving the cave, but without declaring the cave and its surroundings as an official nature reserve, it will be difficult to enforce the law."
A new method makes it possible to locate points of similarity between gene control molecules of different species - from lizards to humans - and thus reveal essential sections that have been preserved throughout evolution
165 years after the thought of the father of the theory of evolution, scientists have finally proved that Darwin's hypothesis about why many insects are wingless is correct - at least for the most part
During 2020, human products exceeded the mass of all life in our world. ​The mass of buildings, cars and bottles doubles every 20 years - and the curve is about to flatten
Nir looks in amazement at the rows of industrious ants and asks: Is there slavery in nature? Are the workers enslaved to the queen?
It is no coincidence that dogs are cuter than wolves, or that goats in the wild have shorter horns and friendlier manners than their wild ancestors. Researchers call these phenomena "domestication syndrome"
According to Prof. Oded Beja, "From the genomic mapping we conducted, we concluded that the evolutionary origin of the genes is in the algae, not in the virus, and we estimate that at some point in evolution, the virus 'stealth' accelerated the genes into rhodopsins in a way that allows it to carry out some kind of manipulation related to sensing light"
Adult wolves miss their handler when separated from them, just like dogs
Dogs' personalities change over time, but these changes occur unevenly throughout the dogs' lives, and each trait develops at a different age trajectory.
It is an effective mechanism that developed independently and simultaneously, in different groups of animals during evolution and in different forms. The big questions that remain open about most toxins is what is their origin, how are they produced in the living body and how did they evolve evolutionarily?
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