Bionic eye implants can help blind people see again

After inserting the implant, the user will wear special and adapted sunglasses on which a tiny and compact camera and a transmission device will be sent from which the signal will be sent to the brain via the wire in the optic nerve

The structure of the eye
The structure of the eye

A June eye implant developed by Boston researchers may give blind people the ability to see again.

The new implant consists of a computer chip surgically implanted near the retina, with a thin wire connecting the chip and the optic nerve. After inserting the implant, the user will wear special and adapted sunglasses with a tiny and compact camera and a transfer device. The images from the camera will be transferred to the bionic eye implant, and then sent to the brain via the wire in the optic nerve.

In an article in the New York Times it was stated that the implant will not provide 20-20 vision, but nevertheless, it will allow blind people to see their surroundings again at such a level that they will be able to recognize familiar faces and even distinguish facial expressions, and thus communicate more fully in society. Although the implant cannot help people who are blind from birth, it may be very effective for millions who have lost their sight over time.

After the bionic implant successfully passes the first stage of research in animals, it will be implanted in humans, and if the findings confirm its effectiveness, millions of people suffering from blindness will be able to see again within a few years.

The issue is reported extensively in the New York Times


  1. Well when when will I be able to put one of these on my dog ​​and it will transmit via Wi-Fi straight to my brain? 🙂 Let's dive into the realms of imagination

  2. There was a mistake in the title: you should write special and adapted sunglasses and not special and adapted sunglasses... too bad

  3. Hugin:
    You see it didn't work.
    Your vague words made me hypothesize (if they weren't vague maybe you would know) that you write the things in Word and then copy them here.
    If this is what you are doing, then the combination I gave you creates a smiley in Word itself and this smiley does not transfer correctly here.
    What you need to do, if this is the case, is to press Back Space (the arrow that goes back while deleting) right after the word smiley is created. This will return the letter combination you entered and cancel Word's smiley.
    If you copy the result here you will get what you are trying to get.

  4. Michael
    I'm trying Smiley, it seems to me that my Aeronauts box is easier. Suddenly it jumped out at me
    What a rose, oh, everything happens to's really funny, no wonder I'm a self-taught creature
    So now I'm trying to get ready :::::::::)) I'm not sure if it worked haha

  5. Hugin:
    A smiley is created when you press the symbols in sequence - space, colon, left parenthesis and then a space or the end of the response. Here: 🙂

  6. As far as I understand, this is not a direct link to the optic nerve, but to the remnants of the photoreceptors in the retina.

  7. The final step is a complete decoding of the signals of the brain and nervous system. I wish, come on Matrix!

  8. As depicted in this article and similar articles on the subject, it will take several decades until even the blind and deaf from birth will be able to function normally.
    As soon as the prostheses are good enough and there is a cure and a good enough diagnosis for cancer - we have closed the matter.

  9. This is called the application of science! Finally, the dream of every brain and nervous system researcher has come true.

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