Comprehensive coverage

Yoram Soreq

Yair asks "Is there a person who does not have a name?"
AA asks: Nazi scientists during the war were given access to conduct experiments on human beings freed from any ethical or moral restrictions. Did they succeed in achieving anything? Can we see any contribution to science in the things that were done?
"The shekel man" asks "how is it that there are right-handed and left-handed people"
This week we were informed of the return of the Prime Minister's wife, Sara Netanyahu to her family after surgery to remove the appendix. Along with the sigh of relief, interest arises in Neta's question: why do you need the appendix if you take it out and you can live without it?
What would happen if the earth did not rotate on a north-south axis (like a shawarma skewer) but on some axis on the equator?
Jinjun wonders what the toes are for? Are they a useless organ destined to degenerate and disappear? And why is it so painful for them to hit a piece of furniture at night?
His mouth is lethargic and the hum of the drill still echoes in his ears. He turns to C with a desperate question: Who needs wisdom teeth?
Strangely, Naomi, not only is it not known why people kiss, but it is not even clear whether the romantic kiss is a universal gesture and whether it is a learned behavior, but evolution has clues
Judit reports with amazement about a dream in which she smelled fresh bread and asks if there really are fragrant dreams?
In honor of Tu Bashvet, the column will satisfy the curiosity of Corbus who asks whether trees grow old or are they immortal
Niv asks: Why does the compass point north if the dynamo that flows under the surface of the ground, under the entire earth, is the one that creates the magnetism?
Judith asks: "Why do women live longer than men?"
Until a few decades ago, insects were considered mindless automatons whose actions are guided by instincts and reflexes, but it turns out that they are also much smarter than was commonly thought
Noah has a few questions about body hair: From what period did women remove hair from unnecessary places? Did the women shave their legs during the time of the Bible? And how? Were there other periods (besides now) when men also shaved their hair?
Snails appearing with the shooter aroused the curiosity of Veronica who asks where do they disappear in the summer?
Nir looks in amazement at the rows of industrious ants and asks: Is there slavery in nature? Are the workers enslaved to the queen?
The day is divided into two dozen hours because the hour was born even before the decimal system defeated the competing base 12. The fixed hour is a relatively new invention
The column on the connection between evolution and emotions led my father to ask "Why are we embarrassed?"
Naama Erzi asks: Why do volcanoes stop being active?
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