Yoram Soreq

Joy to Id. Created using DALEE 2. Definitions - Avi Blizovsky

Things that people know: why are we happy for Eid?

The proverb "There is no joy like the joy of Eid" arouses the curiosity of Moshe who asks "Really?"
board and a chalk. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that people know: why do scratching and squeaking sounds hurt us?

A. Questioner: Why does it hurt us to hear a scratch on a board?
Grandma spends time with the grandchildren. Image: depositphotos.com

Things Yoram knows: the grandmother's riddle

Following on from Judith's question about the longevity of women compared to men, Nir asks what is the evolutionary logic in living long after the period of fertility has ended?
The dog, part of the family. The Jewish one too. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: why is there a kosher stamp on dog food?

Surfer X wondered: why is there a kosher stamp on dog food? Even so, there are no ultra-Orthodox who raise pets
Galileo's pendulum. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that Yarom knows: how does time fly when you're having fun?

C wonders: How is it that time sometimes stands still and sometimes it runs?
American cockroach climbing on a sandwich. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: is the cockroach dangerous to humans? Is the person dangerous to fix?

Gidi shares with us the controversy in his family: are cockroaches dangerous pests for health or just a nuisance? Another question: can cockroaches really survive a nuclear attack
cruelty. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: Is man cruel by nature?

Yaniv wonders about human nature: "Why did the word humanity take on the meaning of human love, tolerance, patience, etc., are wars, death, cruelty and oppression of the weak less humane?" Yaniv wonders about human nature: "Why does the word
Lactose-free dairy products. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: why is there lactose in milk?

"Banana" asks: How is lactose-free milk produced?
lie detector polygraph. The image is for illustration, these tests do not have a strong scientific validity Figure: depositphotos.com

Things that women know: why do men lie?

A "good witch" shares a heartbreaking story about a suitor who lied to her. For reasons of individual modesty, we will omit the details and come to the question that ends the appeal: why do men lie? Because everyone lies
Height differences between humans. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: Is it healthy to be tall?

DP asks: Big dogs live less than small ones, so how is it that taller humans are healthier?
Avraham holds his son Yitzchak, who was born a year after the visit of the "angels". Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: when did our ancestors discover the facts of life?

The matriarchal society of the ancient man thrived precisely because of the ignorance of the connection between sex and pregnancy and childbirth, this has changed in the last 8,000 years
childhood memories. Photo: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: where do childhood memories go?

MP asks, "How is it possible that no one remembers their own birth, the baby can see and hear and smell and feel... how is it possible that such a traumatic event no one has even a trace
A dog looks at itself in the mirror. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things Yorami know: Why don't dogs recognize themselves in the mirror?

We had a dog that, when standing in front of a mirror, barked wildly at his reflection, in contrast, the current dog does not pay attention to his image in the mirror at all until we wonder if he notices it. Some animals may
Solutions have been found in nature to prevent "consanguineous marriages". Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows" Do only humans avoid incest?

Korbus asks: In human culture there is a taboo on sexual relations between family members, but not in animals. For example, it is not uncommon for a cat to fertilize its biological mother. Is incest
The logo of the Hebrew Language Academy. PR photo

Things that donors know: Why doesn't the Hebrew Language Academy have a Hebrew name?

How is it that: the Hebrew Language Academy does not have a Hebrew name? The angry D asks about the decrees of this institution
Joseph interprets to Pharaoh the dream he had in which there were seven cows and seven fat cows. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: why are cows fat?

An angry question is sent by a reader frustrated by counting calories and chewing celery: How is it that cows that eat straw, grass and other leaves and foliage that are so recommended for diets are so fat?
A cat hunts a sparrow. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: are cats to blame for the disappearance of sparrows?

My father asks: Do stray cats cause a decrease in the number of birds?
A dog peeks out from the ruins of the city of Leigu in the Sichuan province of China. The earthquake happened on May 12, 2008, the photo was taken on May 27. Illustration: depositphotos.com Soyuz launcher on the launch pad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: Can animals predict earthquakes?

"Nutza" asks: It is known that animals feel earthquakes. Why don't humans feel earthquakes coming?
chin. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things Yorami know: What is the function of the chin?

David shares the question and the idea: Homo sapiens is the only species that has a chin and science has no explanation as to what the evolutionary advantage of such a "facility" is and how it works.
tickling. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that people know: why is tickling funny and why can't a person tickle himself?

Dana asks: Why does tickling make us laugh and why can't we tickle ourselves? Evolution gives an answer to this question as well
The ancient man enjoyed music in the cave. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: how did evolution create music and why?

Tomer asks: "Why do humans like to hear music or at least a collection of cyclical sounds with one or another harmonies? How does this give us an evolutionary advantage?"
Navel with piercing. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things Yorams knows: Why do only humans have navels?

D.K. shares her puzzlement with us, "How is it that dogs don't have navels like ours?"
A lion yawns. Filmed in South Africa. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things Yorami know: Why is yawning contagious?

Not only do each of us yawn at least 5 times a day, but almost every vertebrate: mammal, bird and even reptile yawns sometimes. It is likely that a behavior that is zealously guarded throughout the animal world will have a role
A postman runs away from a dog. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: Do dogs smell fear?

Yas asks: Do dogs really smell fear? In a mysterious way, quiet and well-trained dogs manage to attack with threatening barks and growls precisely on the most fearful guests. How do they know who to take out aggressions on and who to wave at?
Soccer player in action. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: are footballers intelligent?

S. asks "do you need intelligence to play football"
The paired X and Y chromosomes. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: are men an endangered species?

Shmuel is worried about our future, the men "I heard that the male Y chromosome is diminishing over time, is it possible that every generation male mammals are losing more and more of their characteristics? Is it possible that they will disappear?"
Briefing at the Negev Division of the Palmach before going into action. From Wikipedia

Things that Yoram knows: were we few against many?

Perhaps he asks: Were we few against many in the War of Independence?
Serbian-style kebab. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: why cook?

Doron asks "Why do you cook meat? Logically, it seems healthier to eat raw meat because nutritional values ​​are lost when cooked."
Bicycle patent from 1890. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things Yorami know: Are we more creative than our ancestors?

Shmulik wonders: How is it that humanity has existed for tens of thousands of years, but all science, medicine, and technology have only developed in the last two hundred years? Were people more stupid before?
A couple of rich people. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: Are the rich happy?

Cartoon by Nir Mold and Amos Allenbogan. Published here with the permission of the creators.

Things that Yoram knows: Does only Adam have a sense of humor?

PS asks "Do only humans have a sense of humor and why?"
Kittens and a puppy sleep together. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yorami know: Who is the cat attached to?

Limor asks: Is the cat attached to its owner or to the place? And more: why cats run over more than dogs
Medical staff. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: Does medicine make us healthy?

Law professions. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: why are there so many lawyers?

It is no more right for a neutral body to investigate both sides, collect all the evidence, and in a trial, instead of lawyers speaking on behalf of the prosecution and the defense, give the right to speak to those ordinary people, and then judge
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her husband Prince Philip who died this week, the photo was taken in 2015. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: what is the origin of the ceremonies of the British royal house

In honor of Prince Philip's funeral, the section will deal with the British Royal House and Regina's question: What is the point of the Queen's Guard? Where did it even start? And most importantly - what are these hats that slaughtered 10 Jamus
A superhero Pegasus fights a Chimera, according to Greek mythology. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: Is it possible to create a hybrid of a human and a monkey?

Elior asks: Is it possible to take a woman's egg and fertilize it with another animal's sperm? (For example, a monkey or a tiger..)
A baby girl is crying. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things Yorami know: why do they cry all the time?

The word peace in many languages. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that Yorami know: Does multilingualism make us smarter?

Salomon wonders about the elusive connection between language and intelligence: does having multiple languages ​​make us smarter?
Mark Twain. Illustration: shutterstock

Things that donors know: Was Mark Twain a Zionist?

Is it true, the reader wonders) Ze'ev, Mark Twain personally testifies that the earth was empty until we redeemed it? Why doesn't our advocacy use such convincing and reliable testimony?
blush. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: why blush?

The embarrassment column leads the "chronically shy" to ask: Why do you blush? And why inside? and how does it work?
A girl gives a gift to a beggar. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that beggars know: what is the role of a beggar?

Korbus volunteers questions about beggars: Is it legal to sit on the street and collect beggars in Israel? Or maybe there is a law that prevents doing it freely?
Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: who needs medals?

Gal sends a doubt, a question, a regret about the lack of our government's hand "Why do we have so few Olympic medals? Why don't we invest more in sports to give us national pride?"
Announcement of Usain Bolt's record in the 100 meters at the Beijing Olympics 2008. Photo: shutterstock

Things that Yoram knows: when will world records stop being broken?

The coming Tokyo Olympics arouses L's curiosity "Why are records constantly broken at every Olympics or World Championships?"
Blowing of the shofar. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: is it worth believing?

Religion is not just a system of supernatural beliefs. Faith is not a religion, in fact a religion can exist without an orderly theological meaning but will always include worship, rules of conduct and above all community. Religion is probably a product
Supersensory phenomena. Photo: depositphotos.com

Things that people know: is it natural to believe?

Corbus wonders: "Is religion part of human nature? Why do people need religion? Do we have some quality that makes us believe? Is it a natural state for man to believe in the supernatural?"
walk. . Photo: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: does the way you walk betray your personality?

Zeev says, "I have an innate ability to analyze a person's character based on the way they walk. From early childhood, I had the virtue of guessing the character of any person, even from a distance of hundreds of meters
Twins a few days old. Photo: depositphotos.com

Things Yoram knows: why is the forehead bald?

Honey bees. Image: depositphotos.com

Things donors know: is the honey bee a wild or domesticated animal?

Depends on how you define domestication
Wine bottles and a wine barrel made of oak wood. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that donors know: why is alcohol not sold in plastic bottles?

NM asks: Why do you never put alcoholic beverages in plastic bottles?
Old beer glasses from Germany. Image: depositphotos.com

Things that Yoram knows: why not hot beer and cold soup?

"Snail" asks: Why are there drinks that are drunk cold and those that are drunk hot? Why not hot beer and cold chicken soup?