The Amos-3 communication satellite is on its way to the Clark Belt

Telemetry signals have already been received, but there are still critical stages until 15:19, when the satellite is expected to reach an orbit at an altitude of 36 thousand km

Amos launch 3, the first seconds
Amos launch 3, the first seconds

This morning at 08:00 Israel time the Amos-3 communication satellite was successfully launched into space. Seven hours and 19 minutes after launch, the satellite will detach from the launcher, open the solar panels in order to receive energy from the sun, and in fact begin its independent life in space.
During the next few weeks, the Aerospace Industry's Space Plant will conduct comprehensive tests of the satellite systems in orbit, and immediately after their completion, the satellite will enter its final position in space where it will provide service over the next 18 years.

David Polak, CEO of Space-Communications said today that: "The placement of Amos-3 next to Amos-1 and Amos-2 in space establishes our position in the markets in which we operate, is an essential step in the positioning of Space-Communications to a global satellite communications company, and strengthens Israel's position as a power in the field of space. This is an exciting moment for the Space Communications Company and for the State of Israel in general.
Only three years after the Amos-3 satellite was merely a number of definitions on paper and diagrams on a computer, and after successful development and production work by the Aerospace Industry, the third satellite of the State of Israel was launched into space today. It is important to note that this morning we passed the first and important stage of the Amos launch 3-And we are waiting for the next and critical stages that the satellite will go through until they reach their final orbit."

Just before launch
Just before launch

Details about Amos-3:Amos-3 is the most advanced and latest version of the communications satellites of the Space Communications Company and Israel in general, so far.
The satellite was designed and built by the aerospace industry for Spacecom, which defined the improved performance required of the satellite, following the technical and commercial success of Amos-1 and Amos-2. The construction of the satellite took about three years, during which about 100 employees of the "Mabat-Hell" plant of the Aerospace Industry took part in the project. It should be noted that Israel belongs to a limited club of 8 countries in the world that design and manufacture operational or commercial satellites.

About the communication space company:
Spacecom, operator of the Amos communication satellites, is one of the leading companies in providing satellite communication services: television, radio, data and internet in Israel, Europe, the USA and the Middle East.
Space-Communications began its activity in the provision of satellite communication services in 1996 with the launch of the Amos-1 communication satellite over the years and with the launch of Amos-2 Space-Communications established its position as a leading satellite operator in the Israeli market, in the Middle East and in Europe.
Among the clients of Halal-Communications in Israel are the Government of Israel, the Broadcasting Authority, the Second Authority (Channel 2 and Channel 10), the YES satellite television company and Gilat. Among the major clients of Halal-Communication abroad are HBO, Telespecio, Antena Hungary BOOM TV (operator of the DBS platform) and many other broadcasters as well as government users.

Space Communications plans to launch four more satellites in the next ten years to two different sky points; Among other goals, Halal Communications will continue to establish its position as a provider of two leading DTH platforms in Europe, while penetrating new markets such as Africa.

Amos 3 is on the way to space
Amos 3 is on the way to space

Halal Communications is a public company traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
The main shareholders are:
Eurocom - about 46%
VAT - about 20%
H.Mr - about 9%
The General Company for Satellite Services - about 9%
Public - about 16% (of which total holdings about 8%)

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