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A new website for the history and heritage of the Air Force went online

From today you can download free history books, old air force journals, memoirs and fiction about the Israeli Air Force

The cover of the first issue of the Baytown from September 20, 1948
The cover of the first issue of the Baytown from September 20, 1948

A new website that went online: the digital library for the history and heritage of the Air Force, is designed to bring the general public and the youth in particular closer to the history and heritage of the Israeli Air Force.

The site includes hundreds of publications in full text that can be downloaded to a computer or e-reader free of charge. The site has about 40.000 pages and is regularly updated with new books and movies.

Among the publications: official history books of the Air Force, memoirs of Air Force veterans, various books about the Air Force, old Air Force statements from 1948 to 1997 and films.

It was established by the information center of the Fisher Institute for Strategic Air and Space Research under the guidance of a steering committee whose members are: Major General (Ret.) Dan Tolkovsky, Brig. Department of History in the Air Force, and the Director of the Information Center, Lt. Col. (Rev.) Amos Cohen.

A partial list of books on the site:
The history of the Air Force in the War of Independence, the roots of the Air Force, volunteers in blue - Eretz Yisrael in the service of the Royal Air Force, the history of the Air Force from independence to Kadesh, the first flyers, the forging of the wings, the wings of victory, day and night in the fog, alone in the sky, the sky is not the limit, the story of the Air Force The Israeli, Hawk in the Sky, Tulib 4, AA was or God was, Tammuz in flames: the bombing of the Iraqi reactor - the full story, hour 6 as usual, new skies, wings of war wings of peace - the history of aviation in the Land of Israel in the XNUMXth century, like thunder on a clear day, A ghost over Cairo, Air Force planes, from the Tiger Mouth to the Storm, the IDF in Hilo - an encyclopedia for the military and security, wings over Suez, air maintenance wings, trapeze, a helicopter pilot's journey, they took off in Alta, Suez, fire on the water, The Israel Air Force photo album, may take off, the Elephant Squadron, the Palmach Pilot Department, the Negev Squadron in the War of Independence, the Galilee Squadron in the War of Independence.

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