A new study warns that electronic cigarettes may lead to premature aging of the brain

The Cancer Society: "Teenagers and young adults are particularly sensitive, as the brain continues to develop until at least the age of 25"

Illustration image - Electronic cigarettes cause premature aging of the brain. Courtesy of the Cancer Society
Illustration image - electronic cigarettes cause premature aging of the brain. Courtesy of the Cancer Society

A new study presented by the Cancer Society Information Center found that electronic cigarettes can damage the brain's stem cells and lead to premature aging.

Stem cells (stem cells) are cells that have not yet undergone final differentiation processes and can differentiate (get a defined role and unique properties) into specific cells, such as brain cells. These are essential cells for the development of various organs in the body and the renewal and restoration of tissues, both during the development of the fetus in its mother's womb and during life and puberty. The great sensitivity of stem cells to toxins, such as tobacco smoke, which impairs their ability to reproduce and differentiate, has long been known. Now, researchers from the University of California at Riverside in the United States wanted to check how stem cells in the brain are affected by exposure to the liquid nicotine (nicotine and chemical flavor additives) found in electronic cigarettes, to the vapor and spray (aerosol) emitted from them.

The choice of brain stem cells as the basis for the experiment is related to the ability of the inhaled chemicals to reach the brain through the olfactory pathways. To test this, the researchers conducted a series of laboratory tests in which they exposed brain stem cells to the liquid, vapor and spray of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine in the same concentration as that found in a common type of electronic cigarette. The results of the experiments showed that the exposure of the brain's stem cells to nicotine, which is found in most e-cigarette liquids and sprays, caused a stress response, which manifested itself in the disruption of the process of eliminating damaged cells and replacing them with healthy ones, oxidative stress (a condition in which the body has difficulty dealing with free radicals and may cause the development various diseases) and damage to the cell's ability to differentiate and produce energy, which are phenomena related to aging. The researchers note that during the stress response of the cells to nicotine, oxidative damage accumulated in the cells, so that even after the nicotine was eliminated, it is possible that the abnormal genetic and physiological changes in the cells remained.

Therefore, long-term exposure to electronic cigarette vapors has the potential to increase the risk of premature aging and disease. The researchers also point out that damage to stem cells has a great impact on the development of fetuses and babies and that fetal exposure to nicotine changes pathways in the brain that are essential for cognitive and motor functions and behavioral responses. The researchers summarize the findings of the research conducted on stem cells in the brain tissue of laboratory mice, in that in the long term, the direct or passive exposure to electronic cigarettes, even for short periods of time, may lead to repeated and cumulative use to accelerate the aging process and morbidity. The study was published in the journal iScience from the prestigious scientific monthly Cell in the June 2019 edition and was presented by the information center of the Cancer Society. Click here for the full study in English.

The Cancer Society is very concerned about the results of the new study. Dana Frost, the health promoter at the Cancer Society, explained that: "Each week more scientific evidence accumulates about the connection between electronic cigarettes and real health risks. The new study shows that electronic cigarettes containing nicotine are now also suspected of increasing the risk of premature aging of the brain. Although devices Vaping, vaping, pods and electronic cigarettes of their kind are a relatively new technology, we already know that they contain other substances besides nicotine Addictive and harmful, some of which have already been proven to be carcinogenic. Teenagers and young people are particularly sensitive, since the brain continues to develop until at least the age of 25 and these substances can cause attention and concentration disorders, headaches and migraines, have a negative effect on judgment, encourage impulsivity, emotional imbalance, cause depression and anxiety, etc. harm the development of the brain and, according to the new research, even cause premature aging."

Dr. Dodi Bitton, a physician and senior outreach coordinator at the Cancer Society, added that: "This laboratory study that deals with increasing the risk of premature aging of brain cells, joins the already known connection between electronic cigarettes and heart attacks, strokes and hypertension, which are the causes of death the leaders in the world. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that it is investigating reports of young electronic cigarette users experiencing seizures. Updated studies also indicated genetic changes associated with the development of cancerous tumors in the oral cavity of electronic cigarette smokers and an increase in markers associated with the risk of developing cancerous tumors in the lungs and urinary tracts among users. The new study was conducted on laboratory mice, but in our opinion, its results are relevant to anyone who is considering using electronic cigarettes. We are particularly concerned about young people and teenagers for whom the damage to brain development is already scientifically established. They are tempted to enter the circle of smoking and are harmed by the short-term damages that are already known and the long-term damages that have not yet been fully revealed."

For in-depth review bThe position paper of the Cancer Society on the subject of electronic cigarettes and the damage to the health of the smoker, those around him and the environment, which is updated in the spirit of the times and science.

for the scientific article

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