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8 scientists and an architect received the Wolf Foundation awards

Storm Rally

Nine Wolf Fund winners, eight scientists and one architect, received yesterday
(Sunday) the Wolf Foundation awards at a state ceremony in the Knesset. the prizes
Awarded by the President of the State, Moshe Katsav. Among the winners are two Israelis - Prof.
Avraham Hershko of the Technion's Faculty of Medicine, who received the Keren Award
Wolff for Medicine, and Prof. Shahran Shelah, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
who won the Foundation Prize in Mathematics. The winners will receive prizes of half a million
Dollar - 100 thousand dollars for each

The winner of the Wolf Prize in Medicine, Prof. Hershko, 63 years old, is a member of the faculty
The Faculty of Medicine of the Technion, a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences
and the European Organization for Molecular Biology, and winner of the Israel Prize before Sheva

Along with Hershko, Prof. Alexander Varshavsky, 54 years old, won the prize for medicine
from the California Institute of Technology in the USA. The prize was awarded to outstanding scientists
"Their pioneering research in the process of breaking down proteins in the living cell".

The Wolf Prize in Mathematics was awarded to Prof. Shahran Shelah, 55 years old from the university
Hebrew in Jerusalem, "for fundamental contributions in mathematical logic and theology
the groups". Shelah teaches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. two years ago
Received the Israel Prize in Mathematics Research. Together with Shelah he won the prize
Mathematics Prof. Vladimir Arnold, 63 years old
from the Staklov Institute in Moscow, who received the award for his "in-depth work
and the most influential in a variety of mathematical areas, including dynamic systems,
Differential equations and the theory of singularities".

The Wolf Prize in Agriculture was awarded to Prof. Roger Beachy, 58, of the Center
of Plant Sciences in St. Louis, and Prof. James Womack, 60
from the University of Texas, "On the use of DNA biotechnology
Recombinant, in plants and animals, which caused a scientific revolution and paved the way
for application in many fields".

The Wolf Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Prof. Henry Kagan, 70 years old from the University
Paris-South, Prof. Ryuji Noiri, 62, from Nagoya University
In Japan Prof. K. Barry Sharples, 60, of the Scripps Research Institute
in California, for "their pioneering, creative and most important work
In the development of asymmetric catalysis for the preparation of chiral molecules".

The Wolf Prize in Art was awarded this year to architect Alvaro Siza, 67 years old
from Portugal, on "the essential connection between his architectural work and
The constant transformations in the landscape and the urban fabric".

The Wolff Foundation was founded by Ricardo Wolff, an inventor, diplomat and philanthropist, who was
According to 40 years Cuban ambassador in Israel. In addition to the awards, the foundation also grants
Scholarships and research grants for students in Israeli institutions.

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