Avi Blizovsky

Illustration - global warming
Direct link to this page: https://www.hayadan.org.il/warming171202.html
The year 2002 is the second warmest year since 1860, and it marks a quarter of a century of unrelenting warming related to the greenhouse effect. This is what scientists working for the United Nations in Geneva said on Tuesday, 17/12/2002.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an agency of the UN, said that 1998 remains the hottest year on record, with 2002 following. The ten warmest years were all measured since 1987 and nine of them since 1990.
We clearly see in the last 25-26 years that the warming is accelerating. The rate of warming is different from what we've known for the last thousand years, said Kent Davidson, executive director of the agency's climate program.
An El Niño system of moderate intensity has been warming the tropical Pacific Ocean since the middle of the year and is expected to continue until April 2003.
While El Nino is less powerful than the 1997-98 event, which caused 34 billion dollars in damage, this time climatic anomalies have also accumulated, including dryness in Australia and hot weather conditions throughout Asia.
WMO scientists presented the report on the status of the global climate in 2002, based on observations through November from a network of ground, ship and balloon weather stations. The global surface has risen by 0.6 degrees Celsius since 1900.
The scientists say that the global demand to reduce carbon dioxide, the cause of heat trapping in the atmosphere, if we want to avoid floods, droughts and sea level rise in the coming decades.
Davidson called greenhouse gases "the most influential factors on climate."
A compilation of news and articles about global warming between the years 1999-2001
Scientist of the Earth
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