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Yahoo! Broadcast a digital time capsule into space

Yahoo! Prepare a digital time capsule that will include content sent by surfers ● The material will be broadcast into space and projected onto the wall of an ancient pyramid in Mexico

Kay. si. Jones, InformationWeek

Yahoo! Prepare a digital time capsule containing content sent by surfers. The material will be broadcast into space and projected onto a wall of the Pyramid of the Sun in Tutihuacan, near Mexico City. Yesterday (Tuesday) started Yahoo! Receive offers for photos, videos, sound files and text documents, at the following address. The goal, according to Yahoo!, is to "unify the past and the present and the future of the universe, and introduce the culture of Earth to life forms that may exist light years away from us."

According to the creator of the time capsule, Jonathan Harris, the self-expression "is a tradition that was born that the ancient man began to paint on the walls of the cave. We do this to express our uniqueness, fight anonymity and defeat the impermanence of time." According to Harris, people are "procrastinating" throughout life, trying to keep up, but they rarely have enough free time to "exhaust the full possibilities offered by their lives, certainly they do not manage to exhaust the lives of many. We don't often think about the legacy we leave behind. It might be worth choosing a handful of important thoughts and souvenirs that will reflect our lives - a few words, a few pictures, maybe an illustration or two, and put them in a safe place, for the sake of future generations."

The purpose of the time capsule is to document the good and the bad in life in the world in 2006. So far, hundreds of proposals have been sent, with the theme that appears to be the most popular being love. Yahoo! Estimates that this will be the largest time capsule ever created. Between October 25-27, the content will be projected on the wall of the pyramid in Mexico and will be broadcast into space with a laser beam. The capsule will then be signed and placed in the company's digital archive, which will open on its 25th anniversary in 2020. Copies of the material will also be kept in the Smithsonian Archives and the National Institute of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.

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