World Health Organization: The spread of lung disease has been stopped

However, it was noted that a period of time of between one and two weeks is needed to determine this with certainty; He was released to his Israeli home suspected of having contracted the disease

Haim Shadami and the agencies

The spread of pneumonia around the world - the first patients

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The World Health Organization announced today (Friday) that the spread of the atypical pneumonia (SARS) has been stopped, however, it was noted that a period of one to two weeks is needed to determine this for sure.

In East Asia, the first signs of stopping the spread of the atypical pneumonia (SARS) are being recorded, after the number of detected cases has decreased in recent days. It is not yet known whether the Israeli who returned from Singapore and is hospitalized at Billinson Hospital suffers from the disease; Yesterday there was an improvement in his condition. El Al announced that it will provide its passengers on flights from Hong Kong and China with breathing masks, if they are interested.

The 30-year-old Israeli who returned five days ago from Singapore suffering from a fever and slight breathing difficulties was released to his home. From the results of the tests conducted on him, it was determined with certainty that he is sick with the common flu. Even in the two previous cases where it was suspected that Israelis were sick with SARS, it turned out that they only suffered from the flu.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided yesterday not to return the diplomatic representatives in Hong Kong or the members of the families of the representatives in other countries in the Far East where the disease is widespread. that yesterday it was decided to return the family members from Hong Kong, and they were supposed to arrive in Israel early in the morning.

The director general of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Beaz Lev, clarified yesterday that at this stage the ministry does not have "any unequivocal recommendation one way or the other" regarding the evacuation of the embassies. However, Lev said that this is a "disease whose behavior is not fully known, so there is reason to consider this type of recommendation". According to him, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not ask the Ministry of Health for clarification on the matter.

The Ministry of Health again recommended yesterday, in accordance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization, to avoid unnecessary travel to the countries in the East that were the centers of the spread of the disease. Following the Ministry of Health's announcement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended considering the planned trips to the East, and especially to Hong Kong and southern China. The ministry also announced: "Those staying in the East are advised to follow the developments and plan their steps accordingly. Many countries require those entering to take a number of actions... It is recommended to check the instructions with the travel agents before the trip."

* Foreign airlines: The World Health Organization has published guidelines for airlines in the world regarding dealing with the disease. According to the instructions, in any case of suspicion of a passenger suffering from SARS or when one of the passengers is suffering from symptoms of the disease, the plane's crew is required to inform the airport where they are about to land. Upon landing, the passenger must be transferred to the responsibility of the local medical teams.

Hong Kong sent special forms to the international airlines yesterday: the airlines are required to sign every passenger arriving in Hong Kong on a health declaration, to prevent more patients from entering the island. Passengers arriving at the local airport are also required to report if they have come in close contact with a sick person and to wear protective masks.

* El Al: The company announced yesterday that it will provide special masks to its passengers on routes from Hong Kong and Beijing to Israel. "The company's passengers returning from the East will be offered the option of wearing breathing masks from a stock of disposable masks that will be kept on the plane as basic equipment to serve the company's passengers," said El Al's deputy CEO, Yitzhak Amitai. The company explained that this is a step that is not mandated by the Ministry of Health, but is for the well-being of passengers.

According to Dr. Benny Davidson, the chief physician of the "El Al" company and director of Assaf Harofeh Hospital, "there are currently no guidelines for flights entering Israel" beyond the instructions of the World Health Organization for the treatment of passengers suspected of having the blues. Amitayi said: "The company's passengers will be asked about their health status. Should it become clear that the passenger is not feeling well, or there is a reasonable fear that he came into contact with another patient, his flight will be considered with the company's doctor and his medical condition will be reported to the local airport authorities."

El Al advised its employees not to go to crowded areas in Hong Kong and in any case to wear a mask. The workers will also wear masks on flights from the infected destinations.

* East Asia: In Singapore, a 78-year-old SARS patient died yesterday, bringing the number of dead to 80. So far, 2,272 patients have been identified in 18 countries, and the mortality rate is 5-3%. About 2,000 of the patients are residents of China. Hong Kong and Singapore.

In recent days there has been a decrease in the number of cases of the disease discovered in China and Singapore. However, in Singapore, 609 people are still subject to the order, the schools are closed, some of the television programs no longer host an audience, and in a local zoo there was a suspicion that the animals would be infected - and visitors were forbidden to approach the cages of orang-utong monkeys.

* The researchers: A special team from the World Health Organization arrived yesterday in the Guangdong region of China - where the epidemic is suspected to have started - in an attempt to locate the source of the disease. At the same time, 11 laboratories in the world are trying to definitely identify the virus that causes it. The assessment in all health authorities is that the virus belongs to the corona family, which usually causes mild colds.

The American Center for Disease Control announced that public health experts believe that the disease spreads through close contact between people, probably when a patient coughs and emits droplets into the air, and a person near him breathes them. However, the center does not rule out the possibility that the virus also passes through the air or through contact with objects.

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