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Where are we headed - and the evolution still continues (after so many years) / John Hawkes

For 30,000 years, the human race has changed at a surprising speed, and the end is not in sight

future evolution. Illustration: shutterstock
future evolution. Illustration: shutterstock

Humans are tough creatures. No other species on Earth can direct its own destiny like we do. We neutralized countless threats that in the past killed millions of us: we learned to protect ourselves from the forces of nature and beasts of prey; We have developed drugs and treatments for many deadly diseases; We have turned the small farms of our farming ancestors into vast fields of industrial agriculture and have significantly increased the chance of having healthy children in spite of all the usual difficulties.

Many claim that technological progress, meaning our ability to defy nature and control it, exempts humans from natural selection, and that human evolution has effectively stopped. The argument is that "survival of the fittest" no longer exists if we all survive to old age. This is not a passing thought in the public mind, but a widespread claim by professional scientists such as Stephen Jones from University College London, or researchers and nature broadcasters such as David Attenborough who have declared that human evolution is over.

But it is not so. We have undergone evolutionary changes in our recent past, and will continue to undergo such changes as long as we exist. If we look at the more than seven million years that have passed since humans and chimpanzees split from their last common ancestor as one 24-hour day, then the last 30,000 years are equivalent to only six minutes. However, in this last chapter of our evolution there were many events: massive migrations of peoples into new habitats, dramatic changes in diet and a more than 1,000-fold increase in the world's population. All these new individuals added many unique mutations to the general pool. The result is a pulse of rapid natural selection. Human evolution does not stop at all, if anything, it accelerates.

Anthropological heritage

It has long been known that ancient human skeletons indicate that people developed certain traits quickly and in the recent past. About 11,000 years ago, when humans began to shift from hunting and gathering to farming and cooking, human anatomy changed. 10,000 years ago, for example, people in Europe, Asia and North Africa had teeth 10% larger, on average, than our teeth today. As our ancestors began to eat softer, cooked food that required less chewing, their jaws gradually shrank, generation after generation.
Although anthropologists have known for many decades about the existence of such features, only in the last decade has it become clear how new they really are. Studies of human genomes have shed light on the genes that have recently undergone changes in human natural selection. It turns out, for example, that descendants of farmers tend to produce more salivary amylase, an important enzyme that breaks down the starch in food. Most people alive today have several copies of the AMY1 gene, which contains the code for amylase. In contrast, modern hunter-gatherers, such as the Datoga tribe in Tanzania, have far fewer copies of this gene compared to people of agricultural descent, and one is whether they originated in Africa, Asia, or the Americas. Increased processing of starch already at its point of entry into the body probably gave ancient farmers an advantage wherever they switched to a diet that included starchy grains.

Another nutritional adaptation is one of the most studied examples of recent human evolution: the ability to digest lactose. Almost all are born with the ability to produce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk sugar, lactose, and facilitates the production of energy from milk, an essential ability for breastfed babies. Most people lose this ability as adults. At least five different times in the recent evolutionary past, when people began to discover dairy products, a genetic mutation emerged that extends the period of activity of the lactase gene. Three of these mutations originated in different parts of sub-Saharan Africa, where there is a long history of cattle grazing. Another mutation among the five is widespread in the Arabian Peninsula and probably originated in ancient populations of camel and goat herders.

The fifth and most common version of the mutation for which the lactase gene is active even in adulthood is currently found in human populations from Ireland to India, and its highest frequency is in Northern Europe. The origin of the mutation is in a single person who lived 7,500 years ago (with the possibility of an error of a few thousand years). In 2011, scientists analyzed DNA from Uzzi the Iceman, a body that was naturally embalmed about 5,500 years ago in northern Italy. Uzzi did not have a mutation that allowed him to digest lactose, a hint that it was still not common in this area thousands of years after it was first created. In recent years, researchers have sequenced the DNA of skeletons of farmers who lived in Europe more than 5,000 years ago. None of them had a mutation in the lactase gene. However, in the same region today, lactase mutations are common in hundreds of millions of people, which is more than 75% of the gene pool. This is not a paradox, but a consequence of the mathematical properties of natural selection. The distribution of a new mutation under selection increases exponentially, and many generations pass before it can be detected in the population. But once it is widespread enough, it spreads at an accelerated rate and eventually quickly takes over the population.

The shallowness of the race

Perhaps one of the most amazing things about recent evolution is the amount of completely new common physical features in human anatomy. The thick, straight, black hair that characterizes most people in East Asia, for example, appeared only in the last 30,000 years, due to a mutation in a gene called EDAR, which is essential for organizing the early development of skin, hair, teeth and nails. This genetic variant came to North and South America through the first settlers, all of whom had an East Asian evolutionary past.

In fact, the entire evolutionary history of human skin, hair, and eye color is incredibly shallow. In the earliest stages of our evolution, all our ancestors had dark eyes, skin and hair. Since then, several dozen genetic changes have lightened the shade to some extent. Some of these modifications are ancient versions found in Africa, but more common in other parts of the world. But most of them are new mutations that appeared in some population: a change in a gene called TYRP1, for example, makes some Solomon Islanders blond; A mutation in HERC2 causes blue eyes; Changes in MC1R cause red hair instead of black; And a mutation in the SLC24A5 gene lightens the skin color and is currently found in more than 95% of Europeans. As in the case of lactase, ancient DNA provides clear information about the age of such mutations. Blue eyes probably appeared in people who lived more than 9,000 years ago, but the SLC24A5 mass change has not yet been detected in the DNA of ancient skeletons from that time. Skin color, hair and eyes developed at breakneck speed.

Changes in pigmentation are among the most obvious differences between races, and to some extent the easiest to study. Scientists have also studied far stranger and less obvious features of the human anatomy, such as earwax. Most people in the world today have sticky earwax. But many East Asians have dry, flake-like earwax that doesn't stick together. Anthropologists have known about this trait for 100 years, but geneticists have only recently discovered the reason for it. Dry earwax results from a relatively new mutation in a gene known as ABCC11. The mutation, which is only 30,000 to 20,000 years old, also affects the sweat glands. If you have dry earwax and hardly ever need deodorant, you most likely carry the new mutation.

A few thousand years before dry earwax first appeared in East Asians, another seemingly simple mutation began to save the lives of millions of Africans from a deadly disease. A gene known as DARC produces a starchy molecule on the surface of red blood cells, which absorbs excess immune system molecules called chemokines from the blood. 45,000 years ago, a mutation in DARC conferred exceptional resistance to one of the two most common malaria parasites in humans today, Plasmodium vivax. These parasites enter the red blood cells through the DARC molecule that this gene produces. A mutation that impairs the expression of the gene suppresses the pathogens. The absence of DARC molecules in the blood also increased the amount of inflammatory chemokines in the blood, which in turn is linked to an increase in prostate cancer in African-American men. However, in the end, the mutation was so successful that today it is found in 95% of the population south of the Sahara, and only in 5% of Europeans and Asians.

The power of randomness

We are used to thinking of evolution as a process where "good" genes replace "bad" genes, but recent human evolution is a testament to the power of randomness in evolution. Beneficial mutations do not necessarily survive: it all depends on timing and population size.

I first learned this lesson from the late anthropologist Frank Livingston. The beginning of my training coincided with the end of his long career, during which he studied the genetic basis of resistance to malaria. More than 3,000 years ago, a mutation emerged in Africa and India in the gene encoding hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. When people inherited two copies of the mutation, known as hemoglobin S, they developed sickle cell disease, a disease in which misshapen blood cells clog blood vessels. Normally, red blood cells are soft and flexible enough to pass through tiny capillaries, but the mutant blood cells are rigid and curved in a characteristic "sickle" shape. It turns out that the change in the shape of the blood cells also impairs the malaria parasite's ability to infect these cells.

Another mutation that interested Livingstone is hemoglobin E, which is common today in Southeast Asia. The mutation confers considerable resistance to malaria without the severe side effects of hemoglobin S. "Hemoglobin E seems like a much better option than hemoglobin S," I said in class one day. "Why didn't they get the E mutation in Africa?"
"Because it didn't happen there," Livingstone replied.

His answer stunned me. I assumed that natural selection was the most powerful force in evolution's armory. People have lived in Africa with deadly malaria transmitted by the plasmophorum parasite for thousands of years. It goes without saying that natural selection will weed out the less effective mutations and leave the successful ones.

But Livingstone showed us why the early presence in the population of the mutation to hemoglobin S actually made it difficult for the mutation to hemoglobin E to penetrate. Malaria makes its name in a population consisting only of carriers of normal hemoglobin, and a new mutation that gives even a slight advantage quickly becomes widespread. However, in the population already equipped with a protective mutation, such as hemoglobin S, the risk of dying decreases. Carriers of sickle cell anemia still face considerable risks, but hemoglobin E confers a smaller relative advantage in a population that already has partial resistance to malaria. It is not enough that luck gets lucky and an effective mutation emerges, it also needs to appear at the right time. Partial adaptation, even if it has negative side effects, can win, at least in the time period of the last thousands of years when humans are adapting to malaria.

Since humans first started getting malaria, dozens of different mutations have emerged that increase immunity to the disease, each mutation in a different area. Each one started as a successful random event that managed to take root in the local population even though it was very rare at first. It is likely that each of these mutations would not have survived long enough to become established, but the large population of our ancestors, who reproduced at a rapid rate, allowed many opportunities for mutations. When humans began to reproduce and spread to new areas of the world, they quickly adapted to their new homes precisely because the populations were so large.
Our evolutionary future

Human populations continue to undergo evolutionary changes even today. Unlike in the distant past, where we must infer the existence of natural selection based on its long-term effects on genes, today scientists can observe evolution in action, often by studying trends in health and fertility. Although medical technology, the level of cleanliness and vaccinations have considerably extended life expectancy, the birth rate in many populations still fluctuates.

In sub-Saharan Africa, a particular version of the FLT1 gene makes it less likely that malaria parasites will infect the placenta during pregnancy. The birth chances of women who carry this version and become pregnant during the malaria season are slightly higher than other women. We still don't understand how this gene reduces the risk of placental malaria, but the effect is definite and measurable.

Stephen Stearns of Yale University and his colleagues examined records of long-term public health studies to discover possible correlations between traits and current birth rates. During the last 60 years in the US, the average number of children of relatively short and obese women, who have low cholesterol values, was slightly lower than the number of children of women with the opposite characteristics. It is not clear why these traits are related to family size.

On the horizon are new studies in public health, such as the UK Biobank project, which will analyze the gene sequence of hundreds of thousands of people and compare it to their health status during life. Such studies are conducted because the interrelationships between genes are complicated, and we must test thousands of possibilities to understand which genetic changes underlie human health. Tracing genetic lineages of human mutations gives us enormous power to observe evolution over hundreds of generations. But such monitoring may mask the complicated interrelationships that developed in the past between the environment and between survival and fertility. We only see the genes that "won" over time, such as the activity of the lactase gene, but miss the short-term events. Human populations are about to become a long-term experiment that will attract more attention in the field of evolutionary biology than any experiment before it.
What will the future of human evolution look like? Over the past thousands of years, human evolution has followed different paths in different populations, but has also maintained a surprising uniformity. New mutations did infiltrate different human populations, but they did not push aside the old versions of the genes. Most of the "early" versions of the genes have remained with us. Meanwhile, millions of people move from country to country every year, causing gene exchange and mixing at an unprecedented rate.
With such a rate of genetic mixing, it is reasonable to expect that traits such as skin color, which is the sum of the independent effects of many genes, will become more uniform in the future. Will humans in the future look like a uniform soup instead of a colorful stew of diversity?
The answer is no. Many traits, which are expressed differently in different populations, cannot be connected. Even skin color is not that simple, as you can easily see in the mixed populations in the USA, Mexico and Brazil. Instead of an unremarkable herd of mocha-colored cloned people, we're already beginning to see a vibrant riot of variants: freckled blonds with dark skin and spectacular combinations like green eyes and olive skin. Each of our descendants will be a living mosaic of human history.

in brief
There are scientists and science writers who claim that humans are no longer subject to the influence of natural selection and that human evolution has ceased.
In fact, humans have undergone an amazingly rapid evolution in the last 30,000 years. Straight black hair, blue eyes, and the ability to digest lactose are examples of relatively new traits.
This rapid evolution was made possible for several reasons, including the transition from a hunter-gatherer society to an agricultural society, which enabled a considerable growth of the human population. The more people produce offspring in a given population, the greater the chance of new and beneficial mutations.
There is no doubt that humans will continue to evolve in the future. Although we seem to be marching towards a uniform and cosmopolitan mixing of human genes, future generations are likely to be a bewildering mosaic of our entire evolutionary past.
About the author
John Hawks is an anthropologist and expert on human evolution at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
More on the subject
Are Human Beings Still Evolving? It Would Seem That Evolution Is Impossible Now That the Ability to Reproduce Is Essentially Universally Available. Are We Nevertheless Changing as a Species? Meredith F. Small; Ask the Experts,, October 21, 1999.
African Adaptation to Digesting Milk Is "Strongest Signal of Selection Ever." Nikhil Swaminathan;, December 11, 2006.
Did Lactose Tolerance First Evolve in Central, Rather Than Northern Europe? Lynne Peeples;, August 28, 2009.

The article was published with the permission of Scientific American Israel

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25 תגובות

  1. Interesting and fascinating on the one hand, disappointing on the other, like the name of the article, evolution to where, I expected that modern research on the subject brought little more about future evolution than skin color and poor color, blue with olive skin, etc.
    I am interested in where humanity is going in general from an evolutionary point of view, where nature is developing us, what are its plans for us as humanity, how is it that man has evolved so much while a bull has remained a bull for hundreds of millions of years almost unchanged, and also to the question of the monkey, why does it not evolve ? The same chimpanzee that separated 7 million years ago, why did he step on the spot?
    There are many more important questions, I have not found an answer.

  2. I read somewhere that the reason for the deficiency in the g6pd enzyme was created as a defense against malaria which was common in Mesopotamia - present-day Iraq.

    I would be grateful if you would treat

  3. In the future, genetic tests will become a van, every baby born would be able to know everything about him, and there would be a score for everyone.
    Those with desirable genes of high intelligence, athletes, and helpful traits will score highly.
    And those who have genetic diseases, and health problems will receive a low score.
    Companies will invest in children with high scores, they will attend better schools, and they will earn more when they grow up.
    And so the population will be divided into classes according to genetic score, when all the clarification will be concentrated at the bottom.
    Those with the high score, will not want to mix with a population with a lower score.
    A phenomenon that will cause man to split into at least two different species.
    The split will be quite fast, due to the fact that this is domestication and genetic improvement.

  4. Shmulik,
    As a general rule, additional copies can lead to increased expression, the exact effect depends on several factors such as the location of the copies, the rate of production/decomposition of the products and, in general, the nature of the control mechanisms for these genes and their products. There is usually a certain range of expression that the control mechanisms can handle, but above that a situation can arise where a certain product accumulates (for example in some metabolic pathway) which will obviously cause the disease. One of the most impressive phenomena in this context is the silencing of the genes on the X chromosome in female mammals:
    Apparently to prevent overexpression.
    Additional examples of gene expression amplification following gene duplication are found in some cancerous tumors, see for example at the end of this entry:

    In general, gene duplication is associated with many phenomena both because of a direct change in expression (and sometimes because of a change in the control of genetic expression) and because the duplication allows relaxation of the selective pressure on mutations so that a mutation in one copy does not harm expression on the one hand but allows the acquisition of genetic variation that can be reflected in improved function Another or even the emergence of a new function for the gene. In this respect, it is one of the most important engines of evolution.

  5. Shmulik
    I don't know the subject in depth, but I understand that there are many possibilities. There are cases of a duplicated gene and each instance of the gene is expressed in different areas of the body, and there are cases where the duplication of a gene increases the expression of a certain trait, and so on.
    I don't know of a specific case of a gene that creates a certain antibody that the amount of production is doubled when there are duplications in a certain gene. Logic says it can happen, but I don't understand it...

  6. Nadav, that's why the green organizations arose to create a balance to the situation you described, at the same time we will probably move more and more to green energies (solar energy, wind energy, etc.) and stop consuming natural resources.

  7. There is no guarantee in my opinion for continued prosperity. The extermination of most animal species, and a look at human history, show a herd motif. It is not impossible that a mass extinction event will happen, because it does not make sense that one species could consume all the resources and destroy all the diversity created in nature. This happened to dinosaurs after 100 million years of prosperity about 65 million years ago. Our history is much too short to give a historical perspective of what happened and what is going to happen.

  8. Future changes, resistance to AIDS and Ebola. Good eyesight in Cambodia (there was a murder of glasses owners). This is just a hypothesis.

  9. Miracles,
    written like this:
    Most people alive today have several copies of the AMY1 gene, which contains the code for amylase. In contrast, modern hunter-gatherers, such as the Datoga tribe in Tanzania, have far fewer copies of this gene...

    This is how our DNA exists in every cell, so this gene exists in every cell, right? Does it mean that the same gene appears several times in the genome?

  10. The truth is that in the meantime I only skimmed the article and saved it for later reading.

    I still need to read it and see what it is about.

  11. Eyal
    We have known for a long time that DNA alone does not contain all the information, and that substances in the cell have an effect. All the cells in the body have the same DNA and yet we have some 200 types of cells.

    Note that there is a small mistake in the article - it says that the "new theory" is not compatible with Darwin. On the contrary - Darwin clearly believed in the influence of the environment on the characteristics that were lost.

    And another point - how is it that the work of Chava Yablonka and Marion Lem is not mentioned anywhere? They wrote about this topic already in 2008.

  12. There may be other factors influencing evolution besides natural selection, i.e. death.
    The relatively new field of epigenetic research shows that changes in the behavior of DNA (based on turning off and on parts of it and not on changing the information it contains) can occur due to environmental influences. They also showed on mice that these epigenetic changes are inherited.

  13. Social influences on birth are also an evolutionary factor. Today there are many nations with a very low birth rate compared to the world average, which will cause their gene density to decrease.

  14. I completely agree with Kobi, the technology we have created insulates us from the environmental conditions (heat, cold, rain, wind...) and creates a comfortable environment for us to live in, including the availability of food, or the developed field of medicine that protects us from diseases and epidemics and corrects defects that are created in our bodies (implants, etc.) There is almost no environmental pressure that affects the extent of our survival.

  15. The greatest influence today on the evolution of humans is related to the intervention of medicine.
    Harmful mutations are not extinct as before and continue on, due to a medical solution
    What makes man in the future depends more and more on supportive medicine.

    It is possible to domesticate animals such as monkeys, dogs and cats and make them smarter, by intelligence tests.

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