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What is allowed to be given to dogs to eat and what is not. Cut and save

Careful, Einav! Who can resist the big brown eyes asking for a crumb from the table? Can our leftover food harm the dog? Well, many foods are very dangerous for dogs

A dog holds a basket of groceries. Illustration shutterstock
A dog holds a basket of groceries. Illustration shutterstock

By: Dr. Doron Neri - Veterinarian, and Esther Malol - Assistant, Ramat Hasharon Veterinary Center,


Onion and garlic: Onions and garlic in all their forms - fresh, dried, powdered, cooked, fried - can destroy the dog's red blood cells and cause severe anemia. Eating them can cause poisoning, the symptoms of which are weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, shortness of breath and fatigue, and in severe cases death.

Cow kernels: The problem is that the seed pods of peaches, plums and more can cause intestinal inflammation and even intestinal obstruction. Yes, they contain cyanide, which is poisonous to humans and animals, but animals do not know how to avoid eating them.

Grapes and raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. A very small amount is enough to cause damage. An early sign is repeated vomiting. Within a day the dog will be weak, indifferent and depressed.

Avocado: Avocado contains percin. This substance is not harmful to people who are not allergic to it. However, large amounts of it can be toxic to dogs. Persin is found in the leaves, seeds, peel and the avocado itself, if you grow avocados at home, keep the dog away from them.

Nuts and almonds: Do not allow the dog to eat nuts and almonds due to the risk of choking. Besides that, some nuts and almonds, as well as their shells, contain toxic substances.

Milk and its products: Milk and its products may cause diarrhea and digestive problems and lead to the development of an allergy; This will manifest itself in itchy skin.

Fresh eggs: Eating uncooked eggs can cause intestinal disease, due to the presence of harmful bacteria, such as E. coli and salmonella.

Raw meat and fish: Even in uncooked meat and fish there is a danger of bacteria that can cause serious diseases. The fish and meat must be cooked before serving them to the dog.

Bones and fat: Food scraps that contain bones and pieces of fat that people don't eat are also not suitable for dogs. A lot of fat, even cooked, can cause inflammation of the pancreas. Although bones seem to be a natural food for dogs, they tend to break into sharp shards, and therefore can cause digestive problems at best, and suffocation, rupture of the digestive tract or intestinal obstruction at worst. It is recommended to completely avoid providing bones (both chicken and beef).

Salt: Do not give dogs salty foods (such as chips or pretzels). Excessive consumption of salt can cause excess sodium. The signs are vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, high body temperature and convulsions. In severe cases, the condition may end in death.

Sweet drinks and foods: Excess sugar causes the same problems in dogs as it causes in people: obesity, dental problems and the development of diabetes. Apart from this, candies, chewing gums, toothpastes, baked goods and diet foods sweetened with the artificial sweetener xylitol are prohibited for dogs. Xylitol may lead to a sharp drop in the blood sugar level, and because of this - to liver failure. First signs are vomiting, fatigue and lack of coordination. The dog may also suffer from convulsions and convulsions. Liver failure can occur within a few days.

chocolate: Chocolate (of all types, including white chocolate) contains a substance called theobromine, which is toxic to dogs. Eating a small amount can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and large amounts can cause heart rhythm disturbances, tremors, convulsions and even death.

Unbaked yeast dough: Yeast dough needs to rise before baking. This is exactly what happens in the stomach of a dog that has eaten unbaked yeast dough: the dough swells, stretches the dog's stomach, presses and causes pain. The yeast ferments and produces alcohol as part of the process, and this can cause alcohol poisoning.

Baking products and spices: Baking powder, baking soda, nutmeg and other spices are toxic to dogs. Keep them away from the dog, close cupboard and pantry doors to prevent poisoning.

caffeine: Caffeine can be fatal to dogs, and there is no medicine to treat this poisoning. Signs of poisoning are restlessness, rapid breathing, palpitations, muscle tremors, convulsions and bleeding. Besides coffee and tea, there is also caffeine in cocoa, chocolate, cola and energy drinks, and even in certain medicines. Avoid giving them to the dog!

Alcohol: Beer, liqueur, wine and food that contains alcohol - are not healthy for a dog. Even a very small amount can cause vomiting, diarrhea, suppression of the central nervous system, coordination problems, breathing difficulties, coma and even death! The smaller the dog, the greater the effect on him. So on Seder night, do not serve even one small glass to the dog...

Medicines: Many drugs intended for humans are toxic to dogs. Do not give medicine to the dog except on the instructions of the veterinarian!

What are dogs allowed to eat?

It is recommended to ask the veterinarian about the type of food recommended for the dog. Balanced dog food contains all the components the dog needs, and therefore it does not need supplements. It is possible to treat the dog from time to time with a dog snack or food from the kitchen, as long as it is small amounts of cooked, clean food that is not seasoned and does not contain a lot of fat (and of course is not on the list of pests). For example: cuts of lean meat or chicken that do not contain bones, skin or fat, well cooked without spices; fresh fruits, such as slices of apple, banana, watermelon or orange, without seeds, branches and leaves; Vegetables: fresh carrot and cucumber sticks; Cooked white rice, cooked pasta. The combination of white rice and chicken is also suitable for digestive problems (diarrhea).
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6 תגובות

  1. Do not know. This paragraph is really puzzling: "Raw meat and fish: even in uncooked meat and fish there is a danger of bacteria that can cause serious diseases. The fish and the meat must be cooked before serving them to the dog." Dogs are carnivores by nature. What do you mean it must be cooked before serving? Dogs also have more antibacterial substances in their mouths than we do. Refined products such as chocolate, alcohol, white sugar, caffeine, etc. are very logically harmful to the dog. (Probably not really healthy for us either).

  2. On the other hand, I had two dogs, one of whom lived for 16 years and the other for 17 years, and they would die for spicy Moroccan foods, fish meatballs, etc. And by the way, they were champions at catching popcorn in the air. And nothing happened to them and they didn't get sick and they didn't have diarrhea or vomit more than any dog ​​that eats dogwood..they lived happily and died honestly. So A. It doesn't seem to me that every dog ​​should live its life on industrialized food like Dogley and B. Each case individually...

  3. Caution - there are true things here, but quite a bit of nonsense and wild exaggerations and the conclusion at the end - is ready-made dry food the best? Walla? How much can everyone be brainwashed with this invention? The poor dogs