Comprehensive coverage

The universe in a nutshell

About Dan Falk's book "The Universe on a T-Shirt - The Search for the "Final Theory". From English: Shlomit Canaan. Crown Publishing, 2005

The universe book cover on a t-shirt
The universe book cover on a t-shirt

This book has a combination of broad historical evidence and excellent popular writing. Although its title refers to the aspiration to reach the final formula that will describe the physical world, there is not even one mathematical formula in it. The mathematics is replaced by the historical and biographical descriptions mixed with a hint of humor seasoned with several caricatures. I am not one of those who claim that excessive popularization distorts the image of science - and physics in particular. Even the modern physicists who try to explain to themselves and their colleagues the meaning of their theories need pictorial descriptions in the usual space, as this is mainly reflected in the drawing on the blackboard. These are only partial descriptions which are a means of conveying the message, when in the extreme case the descriptions are not accompanied by mathematical formulas. For example, string theory in particle physics, which deals with eleven-dimensional strings, is explained using two-dimensional illustrations. The purpose of such popularization is not to train physicists but to give a general picture of physics to the intelligent reader. In addition to the social-historical insights, Falk discusses in his story also tastes from the philosophy of science.

The book describes the search for the "final theory" that will explain in a simple and uniform way the vast variety of natural phenomena using simple formulas such as E=mc^2 or Maxwell's equations (which are sometimes seen printed on T-shirts). Such theories have appeared since the dawn of history: from the theory of the four The foundations and the atomistic theory among the ancient Greeks up to the theories of symmetry and the superstring theory nowadays.

The author identifies the "scientific method" developed by Galileo and Newton with the experimental method. It is true that the latter characterizes science from the 16th and 17th centuries, but to that must be added the mathematical component and the close integration between it and the experimental component. He claims that there are two fields "in which it is difficult, almost impossible, to conduct experiments in the field", these are high-energy particle physics and cosmology. This claim is true regarding cosmology because we cannot directly investigate, for example, processes that happened at the beginning of the universe. And to our knowledge of the big bang we can refer only as an educated guess. However, high energy physics using giant particle accelerators is the pinnacle of experimental physics. On the other hand, the superstring theory, which is considered the most promising theory in particle physics and which also has significant implications for cosmology, is a theory that is largely considered speculative because it cannot be tested experimentally. This theory tries to fulfill the dream of a unified and final theory after which there will be no employment left for physicists.

The book deals with the history of scientific ideas and the people who conceived them. And when talking about people, there is no place for luck. Indeed, as we will see, luck plays an important, and not just a marginal, role in the story. There are two aspects to the development of science: the conceptual aspect and the human-anecdotal aspect. The author mixes both and treats them as equivalent. Even when he moves to modern physics he emphasizes the anecdotal aspect of creating ideas. And this comes at the expense of describing and explaining the ideas themselves.

The beginning of the story in ancient Greece where the gradual transition took place from a mythology dominated by the gods to a philosophy of nature in which the forces of nature take the place of the gods. The author mentions Thales, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Leukippus and Democritus who raised the first scientific hypotheses regarding the composition of the material world. Hypotheses according to which all material objects are made of water or air, fire, the four elements and atoms. It can be said that unlike the modern physicists who strive to reach a final theory that would unite previous theories, the above thinkers created their theories from the very beginning as "final" theories. However, the author claims that the Greeks were also looking for a unified and final theory that would unite religion and science, that would give a sense of mental security. In connection with this, he quotes (on p. 28) the British writer and physicist John Barrow (1998)1 who claims that the ancient thinkers, and the Greeks in general, "did not want anything to remain outside the scope of theory", and that they had "a deep - religious tendency, one could say - to strive for a single and coherent description of everything around us". It can be said that these were the first steps in the direction of belief in a single "God" - that is, in science.

When the story of the discovery of the hydrostatic law by Archimedes (29) - the famous "Eureka" event - is described, the event is presented as an unusual and spicy event. However, it can be presented as one of a series of foundational discoveries in the history of science - the serendipitous, or privileged discoveries (in which luck plays a central role. See also below). In this type of book, where human stories largely take the place of technical-mathematical descriptions, it would be possible to expand more on the phenomenon of serendipitous creativity in the development of science, which is both interesting and important and does not require technical descriptions.

The chapter on the Copernican revolution deviates from the description of the search for the final theory and becomes a standard chapter in the history of science that reviews the contribution of the Middle Ages and the Arab world to science - a contribution that is mainly "technical" and not conceptual. Both the Arabs and the Church did not foster innovation or originality, but only preserved, taught and translated the traditional knowledge. It can be said that they did not do science, but only maintained the ancient science and applied it. In the words of the author, their description of the world was "too rigid" (39). Whereas in modern science, a theory is changed or replaced when it does not fit the facts, and it is not treated dogmatically or "too rigidly" as one treats a religious belief. Thus, the geocentric view (placing the earth at the center of the universe) was immune to criticism and the "unruly" phenomena that did not fit this model were tried to be "saved" in various ways. For example, according to Ptolemy, the planets were supposed to move at a uniform speed in circular tracks. And to explain why the planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn sometimes appear as if they are going backwards in their orbits, it was necessary to assume that the planet moves on a sub-circle - an epicycle - whose center moves across the main track of the planet, or on epicycles that move on top of epicycles, so All the epicycles together will provide the necessary "corrections" in order for the track to match the observations. These are ad hoc corrections designed to preserve the principle of the uniform circular motion of the planets. Such corrections are considered unscientific in modern science. In particular, Karl Popper summed it up this way: preserving the principle of uniform circular motion by adding epicycles on top of epicycles is an example of a persistent attempt to defend the theory against refutation, in contrast to the Popperian approach that a scientific theory must be falsifiable and it is necessary to try to disprove it.

The epicycles passed away with Johannes Kepler and his mathematical laws that paved the way for mathematical physics. Kepler's laws survived only in part. And basically no theory has survived in its entirety, as the author reminded us (p. 55). It can be said that this is the lesson that Popper teaches us in his theory of refutation. The author claims that "Kepler's laws, in almost all cases, are completely correct; That's why they are included in the undergraduate curriculum today." Well, inclusion in any study program cannot be used as a benchmark for correctness. Newtonian physics is also taught in the first year at university, while general relativity replaced it at the beginning of the last century. Newtonian physics can be used as a good approximation for engineering needs, but Einsteinian gravitation is conceptually completely different from the Newtonian one.

The author writes that the scientific revolution, i.e. "the series of discoveries that lasted from the days of Copernicus to the days of Newton approximately... created a new and rational world picture based on empirical science and mathematical inference. It was the greatest flood of new ideas that ever swept the world" (p. 59). What does this mean that the picture of the world was "based" on empirical science and mathematical inference? This reflects an inductivist position, that is, a mathematical-logical derivation of the theory (picture the world) from the facts. However, this approach leaves no room for creativity and the appearance of innovative ideas. And it is true that a large part of the philosophers of science today do not take such an approach. The more accepted approach is the approach whereby new ideas are arrived at through hypotheses, guesswork, selection of ideas, intuition, incubation , Halima, etc. (an extensive discussion of these topics appears in my books from Amba to Einstein). Only after the idea or theory is confirmed can the theory be accepted (at least temporarily).

The peak of the scientific revolution occurred with the advent of the Newtonian theory of gravitation. According to the author, Newton came to the law of gravity following the apple that fell from the tree while he was probably deep in thought. However, the law of gravity was not created/discovered only as a result of "a combination of experiments and mathematical analysis" (p. 71). Its creation process can be interpreted as follows. He was in the process of formulating ideas and gathering details of information and fell into a state of mental incubation. The event of the apple falling triggered the missing link that was needed to complete the picture in Newton's head. The enlightenment stage, which is not related to conducting experiments or mathematical analysis, which follows these, is the critical stage in the creative process. Other stories of this type are the Archimedean eureka event that occurred while immersing in the bathtub or the discovery of the ring structure of the benzene molecule by Kekola when he fell asleep while traveling on the bus. That is, science is not only a rational process, in addition to experiments and mathematical analysis there is an unconscious or unintentional process that leads science to the great discoveries. According to this approach, the author's assertion that the scientific method that began with Galileo and was established by Newton is the one that relies on precise measurements and mathematical analysis (p. 77) gives only a partial picture of the process of scientific discovery. This picture ignores the non-directive creative part of the process which is the most interesting part which is also considered "irrational".

The author describes the works of Isaac Newton and Clark Maxwell in light of the central theme of his book, namely the quest to find a unifying theory of nature. Newton unified the physical laws that apply to terrestrial and celestial bodies just as Maxwell unified the laws of electricity and magnetism and added to them the laws of physical optics.

On page 113, the author describes how Einstein arrived at his theory of gravity, that is, the theory of general relativity. As he describes it, it was an illumination similar to that experienced by Newton when he saw the falling apple. But this time it wasn't watching a falling apple, but a thought experiment about a person who is in free fall in an elevator and doesn't feel the force of gravity. The author points out that Einstein himself said about this "it was the most discounted idea in my life". The use of the word "discounted" by the translator is interesting. In the article I published in the journal Eyon, I used the word "mamoloz" as a translation of the word "serendipity", and this was according to the advice of the editor Professor Adi Tzemach. I refer to the concept of cheapness as the ability to discover a solution to one problem while you were looking for a solution to another problem or when you were generally busy with something else. Since I don't have the original book, I don't know the original English word used by the author. In addition, the source of the quote from Einstein is not specified.

The author emphasizes Einstein's failure to reach a unified physical theory. "He was the embodiment of this search" (p. 125). He devoted most of his time to this from the twenties of the last century until his death - over thirty years - and failed. He failed to unify gravity and electromagnetism. He remained on the fringes of physics which progressed in other directions. He did not feel comfortable with quantum theory and did not participate in its development. The great revolutionary in the field of space-time and gravity stayed behind and focused on his "Uniform Field" theory, as the last of the eccentricities. "In his last years, Einstein was perceived by his colleagues as a kind of museum exhibit, an old man with outdated ideas" (p. 120). And as the author rightly points out (p. 129), of the two revolutions of the twentieth century, relativity and quantum theory, it was precisely the latter that posed the greatest challenge to common sense. The author does not attempt to provide an explanation for this. The explanation can be found in the social dimension of modern science. Einstein was not completely cut off from the scientific community, but he spent the beginning of his career outside of academia in the Ministry of Standards. Relativity was largely the work of one man. Then he was unable to connect to the quantum theory which was developed by a growing number of scientists in competition and cooperation. Such a style of operation created a fertile ground for the emergence of innovative ideas that went further and further away from common sense. This type of collaboration in the creation of knowledge characterizes modern physics where there is no place for individualistic scientists. I will touch on this point later.

The paradoxes and oddities of quantum theory are an expression of moving away from common sense. The author describes and explains them as much as possible in a fairly up-to-date manner. Here philosophy invades the field of physics and deals with the interpretation of quantum theory. The translator uses the word "interpretation" here (p. 146). However, it is customary in this case to translate interpretation to "interpretation", since the reference here is to the philosophy of quantum theory. However, most physicists do not deal with this field and leave it to the philosophers of physics. Most physicists "take advantage of the fact that quantum mechanics works and leave the rest to the philosophers". That is, you can continue working even if not everything is understood. It is only important that you know how to calculate experimental results correctly, this is the motto of quantum physics.

When the author moves on to Paul Dirac's contribution to quantum mechanics (p. 147), he talks about the antimatter whose existence is guaranteed by Dirac's theory. He claims that "the first antiparticle - the antiproton - was discovered in 1954", but the truth is that the antiparticle The first was the positron discovered in 1932.

When the author describes the development of quantum field theory, and in particular quantum electrodynamics, he tells us that one of the main characters in the story (Richard Feynman) was also a bongo drummer and prankster, and that he received a "modest score of 125 points on an IQ test" and that a well-known magazine declared that He is "the smartest man in the world," and in response to this his mother was stunned and said: "If this is the smartest man in the world, may God help us" (p. 148). The author mentions all these unimportant trifles, while not bothering at all to explain to the reader who is not in the field what quantum fields are. One gets the impression that the gossip about scientists comes here to fill the void when the author has nothing to say about scientific matters. This can be compared to physicist Anthony Zee's book Fearful Symmetry (1984)2. This book is very similar in character to Falk's book: it is intended for the general public, does not include formulas, is interspersed with cartoons and humorous gossip, but it also has simple explanations of the field concept and quantum field theory. Falk's book does not include such explanations.

In his speech about the particle accelerators, the author writes: "Perhaps one is asked to assume that in order to discover these tiny particles, tiny devices were also required - but the opposite is true" (149). But why is it asked to assume that there is a direct relationship between the size of the observation device and the size of the observed object? Is an electron microscope with which you can observe smaller molecules than a normal optical microscope with which you observe dust grains or bacteria? The smaller the object, the more complex and sophisticated technology is required to detect it. Therefore, what the author says "may be asked to assume" is completely unfounded.

The author jumps to the "standard model" that is currently at the forefront of particle physics, when he skips the previous step that led to this model. This phase was developed by Mary Gal-Man and Yuval Na'eman and is called the "Eight Way", after the two eighths of the particles - the thugs and the mezons - that starred in it. Some have compared the way of eight to Mendeleev's periodic table which could be used to predict the existence of new chemical elements. And indeed the greatest achievement of this theory was predicting the existence of the omega minus particle with great accuracy. But the most important thing is that this theory led to quarks - the elementary particles that are the basis of today's standard model.

The author draws a parallel between fermions, which are particles of matter, and bosons, which are the particles that "mediate" between the fermions and carry the forces between them, and heads of state and ambassadors who pass messages between them (151). This acceptance is not accurate. The status of heads of state is much higher than that of ambassadors, while the bosons do not merely convey messages but determine the nature of the forces between the Fermions.

The question arises: why "despite its revolutionary nature, quantum theory never ignited the public imagination the way relativity did in those first decades of the 20th century"? (156). One of the reasons the author gives for this is that relativity is the work of a single thinker while quantum theory is the work of many thinkers over many years. He adds and says that this theory is "even further from the human experience" - more than the theory of relativity. These things can be interpreted as follows. Quantum physics is far from the human experience because it involves experiments that create physical conditions that are far from those that prevail in the natural environment in which the human race evolved. In these experiments, the physicists measure, for example, sub-microscopic distances or invest very high energies. The human race developed in an environment where such extreme conditions do not prevail and therefore did not develop the ability to adapt to these environmental conditions. Science is the tool with which man expands his ability to orientate himself in extreme conditions, far from the "human experience". Therefore, only scientists who belong to the scientific collective and use the conceptual tools developed by it can navigate the world picture of quantum physics. This is a possible interpretation according to the author that quantum physics is incomprehensible to the "intelligent hobbyist" and a scientist engaged in this field becomes "an even more wonderful figure, but also distinguished from the rest of humans as if he belonged to a different species". However, this wonderful figure is not the lone scientist but the scientist as part of a community. Indeed, according to the evolutionary picture of science, science can be seen as a new breed, or species, that developed at the cultural level out of the human race.

The author ends the chapter on quantum physics with a feeling of "qualified success" and disappointment that we have not yet arrived at a unified theory that simply explains everything. However, there is no place for this disappointment if we adopt the evolutionary view that science progresses by way of improvisation and tossing and not by planning in advance. Then the idea of ​​the unified theory also drops from the chapter. Indeed, "the standard model is too baroque, too Byzantine, to be a comprehensive and satisfactory picture", as the former director of the most famous research center in particle physics (156) says. Now we are in the "Baroque-Byzantine" period and maybe in the future a more compact picture will develop. According to such a view we will never arrive at a final theory that will explain everything, just as there will never be a "final" species that is highly adaptive. The human race can also continue to develop at the technological-scientific level.

String theory is the closest to the idea of ​​the unified theory, but there are still no experimental tests to confirm it. Here comes the author and blurts out some trite, unfocused and imprecise statements concerning the philosophy of science. He claims that "theories that contradict the results of the experiments eventually find their way to the dustbin of history". However, this is an inaccurate claim. Sometimes the theory contradicts some experimental findings and the scientists continue to hold to it. Sometimes the theory is temporarily abandoned and then comes back in a big way. The concept of refutation is not sharp and a theory can always be maintained if some auxiliary assumptions are changed. Here the author cites a quote from the philosopher of science Bas Van Prasen who claims that scientific theories "are born into a life of fierce competition, into a predatory and cruel jungle" - and only those that match the results of experiments survive (182). This is a nutshell expression of the evolutionary concept of science. The author therefore tells the story of science in a broader context when he incorporates in his review a glimpse of the philosophy of science. This glimpse goes a little beyond the framework of journalistic gossip.

When a theory seems elegant or mathematically beautiful, sometimes people continue to hold on to it even when it is apparently disproven or encounters difficulties. And the author is right in his claim that mathematical beauty cannot be accurately characterized and that the standard for beauty is not always shared by all scientists. The author gives examples of scientists who talked about the beauty of their equations. He quotes, for example, Dirac who claims that "it is more important that the equations have beauty than that they correspond to the results of experiments" (183). And it is true that Dirac believed in his equation because of the mathematical beauty he found in it even though it predicted the existence of a particle that was not found. It was only a few years later that this particle was discovered. That is, mathematical beauty can be used as a measure of truth or proximity to truth. Similarly, when the author comes to string theory, he quotes the words of a physicist who deals with this theory that it is "the most beautiful and consistent structure we have". And now it remains to wait and see if her predictions will really be as successful as the Dirac equation predictions were. And the author concludes: "It cannot be denied that theories endowed with beauty have a proven history of more impressive performances than 'ugly' theories..." (184). If we ask the broader question why mathematics is so suitable for describing nature, the answer can be found in the evolutionary theory which claims that the human cognitive mechanism is the product of natural selection and is therefore suitable for its natural environment. Mathematics is a product of this mechanism and is therefore suitable for describing nature. The standard model has been very successful in experiments, but the theory is not considered particularly beautiful because it has many free parameters. It is therefore to be expected that it will be replaced by a more elegant and economical theory, for example string theory. But the latter is still too speculative.

When the author discusses the concept of beauty, he cites the words of the philosopher James McAllister who "puts forward the hypothesis that unconsciously, our perception of aesthetic beauty is dictated by the success of a certain theory in the field: if we came to know that its predictions about nature are correct, eventually it will be perceived in our consciousness as a beauty ” (189). However, according to this, the standard model can be considered good because it is successful "in the field". And basically, any theory can be adapted to experience through ad hoc changes. In that case, will it always be considered kippa? The beauty of a theory lies in its simplicity and other non-objective factors. For example, in adapting it to an accepted worldview. Success "in the field" cannot be considered a measure of beauty. The opposite is true: if the theory fits the facts nicely, then it will be considered successful.

In the last chapter, the author returns to dealing with topics from the field of philosophy of science. He discusses the issue of realism. and listed nine different approaches to the subject. And adds to that the names of nine physicists and philosophers who have a position in relation to realism (204). Stephen Hawking, for example, expresses an instrumentalist or anti-realist position - accepted by many physicists. The author refers to the extreme anti-realist view - "social constructivism" - as "the strangest breed" of anti-realism. According to this view, "we do not discover quarks and quasars but invent them" (205). The social constructivists "believe that science is nothing more than a series of beliefs arising from the cultures of the scientists who weave them". The author agrees that scientists are indeed influenced by their cultural environment, but this does not mean that their discoveries are social products and nothing else. And he adds a quote from the philosopher James Robert Brown: "The personal view affects the direction of the research, but not the facts themselves." But what does "the facts themselves" mean? Are these facts without a hint of cultural influence? It has been a long time since most philosophers of science think that "the facts themselves" are objective. They are influenced by the "culture of science", that is, by the scientific worldview that prevails at a given moment.

Finally, the author moves on to discuss the question of the limits of human reason. He quotes the physicist and author John Barrow as saying that "it is certainly conceivable that the universe does not run on tracks that correspond to human intuition, ... the universe may be ... chaotic and completely irrational in general, but it is possible that here and there there are enclaves of rationality..." (217 ). However, this question has the following answer: after the big bang, the symmetry in the universe was maximal. After that the universe gradually cooled and the symmetry was broken and today we are in the conditions in which evolution took place and is taking place. Our cognitive mechanism is the product of evolution and therefore it must be assumed that it is suitable for orientation in the evolutionary environment because the unsuitable mutations do not survive. Therefore, contrary to Barrow's words, the universe indeed "runs on tracks that correspond to human intuition". Therefore "we may finally conclude that the scientific activity is related to the requirements of our neurobiological system". And as the author points out, this opinion is in line with Immanuel Kant's words that "our intellect imposes structures on the raw data that we absorb through our senses". And this neurobiological system is the basis of our cognitive mechanism.

The author writes: "Our biological structure may limit our ability to understand. We are equipped, after all, with finite brains that weigh about three-quarters of a kilogram, and which have evolved to help us survive in the African savannah and have hardly changed during the last 100,000 years" (223). However, the author does not take into account the collaborative nature of science, which relies on the activity of many thousands of interconnected minds. That is, the collective scientific mind is immeasurably superior in its cognitive ability over the mind of the individual scientist. Most of the physicists the author talked to believe that we are not approaching the limits of human understanding. They certainly do not mean the understanding of a single scientist.

The last chapter of the book discusses the question of how we will know whether we have arrived at the final theory, if indeed there is one. To this end, quotes from some of the greatest philosophers of science and physicists in the 20th century are given. For Popper there is no final theory and progress is a way of solving problems that leads to the appearance of new deeper and more general problems. Einstein expresses a similar opinion, but the author ignores that his ambition to reach the uniform field theory contradicts this opinion, since this theory is supposed to be the final theory. He adds and says about the final theory that "it is quite possible that to formulate such a theory it will take another genius on the level of Newton..." The question arises why he does not also mention Einstein? Newton united terrestrial and celestial mechanics, while Einstein aspired to find a final theory that would unite gravitation with the electromagnetic field, after the emergence and confirmation of general relativity. There is no reason to prefer one over the other.

In conclusion, this book mainly brings the story of natural philosophers and scientists from ancient times to the present day and deals less with the content of their ideas.

The article was first published in the Spring 2007 issue of Catharsis journal: Journal of criticism in the humanities and social sciences. This journal is published by Carmel Publishing. The priests: Yohanan Glocker, Alon Harel, Doron Mendels, Yehuda Friedlander.

The article was published in the spring of 2007

34 תגובות

  1. Hugin:
    I already said in another discussion that I don't intend to devote effort to solving puzzles of this type.
    I prefer to try to solve puzzles that nature has created because you cannot ask it to clarify its words.

  2. I agree with Michael.

    And regarding Michael's response, I already read it when he wrote it almost 3 months ago, and since then beauty cannot be a criterion for a theory.
    Although what should be a criterion is whether the theory is general or too specific. That is, a good theory is a theory that generalizes its laws to as many objects as possible (like Newton's mechanics for example) and assumes as few axioms as possible.

  3. Without robbing the honor of every physicist, theoretician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist and more, throughout history the study of the sciences, then and now.
    I would still like to challenge, and like an old rooster: to call the hen and ask all the chicks to return all the "stolen" eggs to the original basket.
    For this purpose I must ask for a moment, if only for one second, to shed as many prejudices, which sit on the majority,
    Both the well-versed in the sciences, the enthusiasts, and other curious intellectuals "peep" all kinds of things, and said:
    A. I went over this article today, like the move on magic cables...well...that's for a start...
    B. String theory is actually.. the world of harmonic connections, and disharmonic.. apparently.. connections
    Intervals change and change alternately, according to a multi-circumferential cipher - holographic-geometric-spectacular in its beauty, in its multi-layered logic and in its calculations, which are aided by the old astronomical research and additional to its discoveries, including calculations, hypothetical, new to the mornings.
    All the theories and teachings, which are summarized in this article, (which I wouldn't say is particularly short)... are found
    At the core, or the heart, or the mother of all sciences is:::astrology::::::::::: the logic of affinity
    Among all the "grams" and "factors"
    If someone says,, what nonsense, you are now announcing... I will be forced to ask "Is your mother a prostitute?"
    It's a shame that wisdom so clever and peripheral has fallen from its lofty crown, due to a devious and shameful use, until
    Relegating it to shame, as such, to prior knowledge.. as its assignment, and as a result, to ignorance, even among the educated
    And as far as I'm concerned, everything is now open to a substantial discussion on the matter.
    I must mention again, and by and large: this is not about fortune-telling and low interpretation! But about wisdom and logic!!!!!
    String theory?????Theory of relativity????Quantum theory??????Who gave birth to science??

  4. Yes, for coolness, read response 4, where Michael was the closest to himself, the sublime.
    And if he made me achieve??
    Anyone who touches the essence, even momentarily of sublimity in his way, and does not forget that moment...blessed.
    It seems to me that you are in the right direction, on your own path.

  5. I must once again thank Manev, who, following his suggestion in the article about the glass material, led me
    for an article about the book in question.
    And Michael, your God is indeed "in pure science", apparently any other bias diverts you
    Your absolute truth, to places where you are not there.. and this is not slander.. I haven't met in a long time in response
    As sublime as you have shown in your view here.
    And I have to go back to the books..
    Well, maybe from time to time I'll take a look here..on the site, we'll see.
    Shabbat Shalom.

  6. The alien hybrid
    I have to tell you that I'm terribly excited
    My life's dream is to write for an extrovert
    I would be very happy if you appeared on the nearest TV station with or without Roy
    We will see and hear your mouth (if you have a mouth) producing words of wisdom.
    We would also love to see some technological tricks that are out of this world.
    Even if you look delicious I promise you we won't eat you during the show
    If it turns out that you are an extraterrestrial after all, you will become a Superstar
    And the world of humans will change beyond recognition.

  7. hybrid:
    You keep rambling.
    You don't understand our human psychology but you think you can ramble on about it all you want.
    Tell me - is your DNA like ours? Do you have DNA at all?
    It's easy to check so let's see if you dare to put things to the test.
    I contradicted all the things you wrote that deserved to be contradicted.
    Not every fabricated film can be refuted.
    In any case - you have a way to convince but since you lie you don't dare to use it.

  8. Michael, go back to compulsory kindergarten, I think you missed a lesson or two there.
    You suffer from a bruised ego and use inferior insult techniques.
    To this day you have not been able to refute any proof I have provided other than dismissing it with disdain.
    You are stuck in a movie that you have a puzzle that only God alone can solve
    By the way, there are semantic problems in your wording.

    What's beautiful is that most of the aliens living on Earth today look like humans..
    Or...humans look like us!

    In any case, you and your friends will want to carry out their experiment instead of opening up to a new culture, so I have no motivation to meet with you again.

  9. hybrid:
    It was in the native language so you didn't understand.
    You should go back to your planet and bring an updated version of the dictionary.
    By the way, you claim to be from another planet and try to convince us that there are aliens.
    It was supposed to be very easy - ask Maroi to organize a conference where you will introduce yourself and show us that you are not human. What do you think?
    The fact that you show that your intelligence is less than human intelligence is still not convincing. There are also stupid people. You must provide something more tangible.

  10. To all viewers:
    You got the essence of physical life in a short lesson.
    Individual details that are not aware of being a whole.

    They mediate on the same thing without seeing that the big picture allows both sides to exist.

  11. To Michael

    Mouth, resh, shin, tambourine, and finally Yod. Look what a beautiful combination. Hundreds of millions of years of evolution made me reach this wonderful combination:

    I retired

    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  12. Yehuda:
    Only you don't understand me.
    Show me one place where I talked about the superiority of beauty (in general - superiority over what? Strange claim).
    I did not claim such a thing and I even showed you an example where I rejected a beautiful theory because it did not match the findings while you continue to champion it because of its beauty.

  13. To Michael
    After all the time claiming the superiority of beauty and even justifying it in hundreds of millions of years of evolution, you decide that beauty doesn't matter?
    So either I don't understand you or you don't understand yourself or both

    So have a nice and pleasant good evening, but I'm retiring

    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  14. Yehuda:
    You attribute things to me that I did not say.
    For me - the experimental test is always the determining factor and beauty, as I said, is not enough.
    I talked about the reason for the success of beautiful theories and the definition and origins of that "beauty"
    I repeat - it is not beauty that will determine whether a theory is correct, but that does not mean that beauty is not important.
    There are actually two sides here: the objective reality versus the person.
    What is important for the theory to reflect reality is that it stands the experimental test. What is important in terms of a person's ability to absorb and understand the theory and also to be able to apply it is that same "beauty".
    Because the theories are intended for human beings, they have the same importance and utility as the claim "the consecutive number of an even number is an odd number" is superior to the infinite collection of claims starting with "the consecutive number of 0 is odd", "the consecutive number of 2 is odd" even", "the consecutive number of 4 is odd" and continues ad infinitum, despite the equivalence of this collection to the original claim.

  15. To Michael

    I read your two subsequent comments very carefully.
    It's interesting how it happens that we both start from a mutual agreement (at least in my opinion) regarding data and conclusions, but in the end, reach different - opposite - final conclusions.
    I think the key sentence, in my opinion, is your words about pushing gravity and your conclusion "beauty is not enough".
    It's just like my words about the beautiful things that the church offered us about a divine obligation for perfect circles in the movement of the planets., or to differentiate a thousand differences from my mother's words about the need to choose beautiful cows and vegetables in the market.
    So we both agree that beauty is not enough. But what should be the conclusion from this?
    Your claim, as far as I understand it, all correct theories must be beautiful, but, beauty is not enough.
    I asserted a connection between beauty and the correctness of a strictly mikary theory, therefore even ugly theories can be correct.
    Of course I am happy if we have accepted that the theory we believe in is beautiful. Evolution made sure that we see beautiful things as things that are right for us, but not all things that are right for us are beautiful. Evolution did not care about certain things such as the quantum theories or the big bang, therefore the beauty conclusions about them are meaningless. Our agreement or disagreement with pushing gravity did not add to our ability to cope and survive in evolution, so the beauty of this theory is not important.

    He just added that I still believe in Pushing Gravity, at least in part, not because it is a beautiful theory, and despite disturbing difficulties in some of its explanations that have already been discussed.

    I will add and read your responses again, and try to check more closely what the point was that caused us both to reach different conclusions, even though at the beginning of the road, at least apparently, there is an agreement between us about evolution, beauty, divinity and correctness.

    All the best Michael
    And it's fun to delve deeper with your in-depth responses.
    In appreciation
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  16. By the way, Yehuda:
    I believe that one of the best ways to understand things is through introspection.
    If it is difficult for you to accept my argument about the uniformity of our perception of the beauty of a scientific theory - think about the theory of Pushing Gravity.
    Consider how much energy you would be willing to spend trying to convince people of its correctness and try to think why.
    The reason, in my opinion, is simple: it is a beautiful theory - by all accounts. In me too, she evoked the same excitement of discovery when I encountered her for the first time and it is not for nothing that she gains followers from time to time throughout history.
    The reason she is rejected - in the end - is that beauty is not enough. Precisely the qualities that give it its beauty and give it its ability to predict ultimately fail it when it predicts phenomena that do not exist in reality, but this does not change the fact that it is beautiful - and it is beautiful because it has the qualities I described: simplicity, symmetry and generality.

    Note that it took me a lot of courage to write this comment because I did not intend (and still do not intend) to turn the discussion into a discussion about Pushing Gravity.

  17. Yehuda:
    As someone who doesn't agree with me, you probably won't be surprised that I don't agree with you at all.
    First of all let's be clear:
    All traits common to the human race are the result of evolution.
    Another fact - believe me - verified (also the article in Galileo on which I responded points to it) is that there is great unanimity regarding the beauty of theories and it has nothing to do with "divinity". Never (but never!) has the beauty of a scientific theory been defined according to its "divinity" (especially since there is a fundamental contradiction between scientificity and divinity and every scientific question has only one "divine" answer and that is "because this is how God created the world" and I am sure that there is not even one person who sees beauty in this kind of explanation).
    Now: because the sense of beauty that we feel in front of a scientific theory arises - as I mentioned, and as was mentioned in many articles that did not try to present my theory at all - from qualities such as symmetry, simplicity and generality (in addition to standing up to the experiment that is the necessity of science) and this shared feeling (and it will not help you to try to mock 11 dimensions - I assure you that there are very beautiful theories in 11 dimensions or even in infinite dimensions and all that is needed to see the beauty is to understand the theory) for all human beings or at least for most of them, the origin of this feeling must be sought in evolution.
    Our brain is not the ganglion of a worm and yet there is a developmental continuum between us and it. Your statement about the sense of beauty could apply to any subject and would be equally wrong.
    No one claimed that the worm felt the beauty like you do, but worms also recognize patterns and learn, and it probably won't surprise you that the simpler the pattern, the better they learn.
    Between the worm and us there were many stages of development and in all of them there was an advantage to those who knew how to recognize patterns in a better way.
    One of the characteristics of good pattern recognition is the recognition of general patterns, i.e. those that do not require an ad hoc explanation for each case but instead identify a pattern that is common to many situations.
    So you can really see an ability and a tendency to recognize more and more general patterns as you climb the evolutionary ladder.
    What is that "tendency"? It is actually a preference that develops in the animal or a feeling of pleasant excitement caused to it when it recognizes a good pattern (otherwise - since most animals do not plan for the long term - what could motivate them to even try to recognize patterns? Here too pleasure plays a role just as it does Eating or having sex - after all, no animal has sex in order to have children - he has them because it gives him pleasure. The same goes for every act he does because, as mentioned, he does not plan).
    The same story holds for symmetry and simplicity.
    If you want to reject this theory I really don't care but I suggest you think about the question and offer an alternative. Without an alternative you have no chance of convincing me.

  18. We'll try, but I'm afraid I'm about to embark on a tiring journey into the unknown.

    Your claim, Michael, is that evolution has made the explanations and theories that suit us seem beautiful to us.
    Quote - "Isn't it natural that evolution has "tweaked" us to prefer explanations that, on the one hand, correspond to the known facts and, on the other hand, are easy to remember and calculate their consequences? The sense of beauty we feel in front of the theory suspiciously corresponds to the degree of its instrumentality". End quote.

    But immediately you realize that the question will arise-
    "How could evolution have affected our preferences in the field of science that has existed for such a short time." End quote.
    And you answer:
    "That our preferences in science are derived from a cognitive ability that preceded human consciousness by hundreds of millions of years - the ability to recognize patterns." End quote.
    I, in my many sins, am unable to agree to that.
    You want to say that the thought pattern that arose in us hundreds of millions of years ago, when we were water worms near the hot and smoky chimneys in the depths of the ancient oceans, influenced our decision about the instrumental nature of... for example, the Big Bang, or even, about the beauty we see in the number of dimensions inherent in the strings of string theory ?????????
    Listen Michael, if all my respect is for you, you will be surprised, but I have great respect for you, I think that's why you are wrong, and wrong in a big way!!!!!!!!!!

    A scientific concept of beauty has, in my opinion, had two dark periods in history.
    The first, that of the Middle Ages, in which all beauty was divine, and the instrumentalism of the sounds of divine astronomy were reflected in circles upon circles and divine epics, and whoever claimed otherwise was condemned to fire (see Inquisition entry - Giordano Bruno)
    The explanations must be beautiful, meaning, divine, I'm sure Michael, that you don't agree with that.
    The second dark period is... today, when a number of researchers in science are trying to overcome their inability to decide between different theories with the help of the concept of "beauty".
    This is going to be cosmological principle B, and as you know I don't like the first either.

    Finally, I want you to understand where the point of disagreement between us is, according to the following story from my childhood.
    My mother, blessed be her memory, sent me to the market one day to buy vegetables, and I, who do not understand anything about the nature of vegetables, asked her - how will I know if the vegetables are good? And she answered with a smile - "Buy the ones that look beautiful in your eyes"!!!
    So I completely agree with you that in my eyes, the banana tree of my mother, you and I, are really on the same page. Evolution shaped us to make the right decision!

    But that's it!
    I am sure that my mother, may peace be upon her, would have also opposed the existence of a concept of beauty in eleven metrical dimensions, or in the formulas of general relativity.

    All the best.
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  19. To Michael

    You don't see, maybe the other commenters do.

    Good night
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  20. By the way - dealing with the evolutionary origin of the sense of beauty is dealing with science.

  21. Yehuda:
    You wrote that you do not agree with my response regarding beauty, but I did not find a single thing in your response that contradicts it.

  22. to Michael and others
    Regarding the beauty, you wrote a beautiful response, only I think it is incorrect.
    It's true that we can see countless beautiful solutions to problems, and it's even true that evolution taught us to love the things that are useful to us, and made them beautiful in our eyes, but I'm afraid that evolution doesn't exactly care if there was a big bang or not, and if it exploded with the beauty of an explosion. But what?, unfortunately my beauty explanations were actually taken by factors that you and I don't exactly sympathize with and told you my wonderful creation stories and those who didn't exactly agree with their wonderful stories, burned him in the beauty of bonfires. Herein lies the great danger that the development of science will go in irrelevant directions of divine beauty and justice.
    Some good people were burned just because they dared to say that the planets do not move in perfect beautiful circles but in ugly ellipses.
    Friend, let's leave beauty to literature and we'll deal with science.
    Good evening and merry Christmas

    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  23. It is not clear to me why the author of the article separates the enlightenment phase from the mathematical analysis process.
    Mathematical thinking is not a systematic and uninspired thinking that operates according to formulas. Enlightenment is an integral part of it.
    In fact, without enlightenment, mathematics would not exist.
    In this view of mathematics, I also see no need to dismiss the author's description of science as a combination of experiment and mathematical analysis.

    Regarding the beauty of scientific theories, I find it appropriate to quote here a response that I sent to the Galileo newspaper following an article on the subject:
    Should we be surprised by the aesthetics of science?

    In issue 72, Gideon Engler's article about two periods of beauty in science appears.
    The article describes in detail and examines the development of the approach to science over the years and focuses on the attitude of the scientists and philosophers to the aesthetics of scientific theories.
    The connection between the acceptance of a scientific theory and its aesthetics has often been discussed in other settings as well, and some have even expressed surprise that a text that succeeds in its role of describing nature objectively (the scientific theory) also meets the criteria of aesthetics, which is usually associated with a subjective set of considerations.

    This wonderment reminds me of the feeling of "enlightenment" I had as a child when I noticed that all the actions that nature requires man to perform in order to survive are "miraculously" actions that give him pleasure. It seemed to me then like a kind of gift we received that almost indicates the existence of a loving God. Unfortunately (or happily) it took me a very short time to sober up and realize that this phenomenon is actually required by evolution (an animal that does not enjoy performing the actions essential to its survival simply will not perform them and therefore will not survive) and does not require divine intervention.

    The situation here is similar.
    Note the description of the components of that wonderful aesthetic: symmetry, simplicity, unification.
    These are exactly the features that allow a short and catchy text to describe a wide variety of phenomena.
    Should we be surprised that we feel a sense of beauty and transcendence when we discover these qualities in theory? Isn't it natural that evolution has "tweaked" us to prefer explanations that, on the one hand, correspond to the known facts and, on the other hand, are easy to remember and calculate their consequences? The sense of beauty we feel in front of the theory suspiciously corresponds to the degree of its instrumentality (and I think even those who do not advocate instrumentalism will admit that the instrumental standard is ultimately the only standard available to us even if we are looking for an explanation that is real and not just useful).
    Surely among the readers there will be those who wonder how evolution could have affected our preferences in the field of science that has existed for such a short time. After all, even human consciousness did not appear on earth until recently. My answer to this question is that our preferences in science are derived from a cognitive ability that preceded human consciousness by hundreds of millions of years - the ability to recognize patterns. One or another level of this ability exists in all animals with a nervous system (and forms the basis for studies on the learning and memory capacity of these animals). The formulation of scientific theories is nothing more than the generalization of this ability and bringing it into the conscious and public domain.
    Anyone who has experienced the discovery or sudden understanding of a scientific theory or even the solution of a mathematical or scientific puzzle must have experienced the excitement these experiences evoke. Excitement and emotions are usually attributed to deep layers of the brain - ones that existed long before the existence of consciousness. This experience, therefore, reinforces the feeling that the source of our scientific preferences lies in the natural selection of animals that benefit from pattern recognition and therefore gain a higher survival rate.

    Another subject that the article deals with is the subject of the final or unified theory.
    I have already written on this website why I think the very existence of this kind of theory is in contradiction to Godel's incompleteness theorem. I also wrote that it became clear to me that I am not the only one who holds this opinion and I am proud to share it with, for example, Hawking.
    However, I think that the pursuit of it merges with the useful (and never-ending) pursuit of more and more inclusive theories - a pursuit that I don't think anyone disputes the usefulness of.

  24. I read with great pleasure Aaron Kantorovich's article "The Universe in a Nutshell" about Dan Falk's book "The Universe on a T-Shirt - The Search for "The Final Theory", and there is no doubt that such a book must be in the possession of every science lover.
    A few comments about the article and the book
    The serendipity mentioned in the article is described as "cheap" and in my humble opinion it is better "Shaoliot" (King Saul who went looking for Athens and found a kingdom) as successfully defined by the late Prof. Yuval Na'eman.
    I do not agree that the definition of serendipity as "the ability to discover a solution to one problem while you were looking for a solution to another problem or when you were generally busy with something else" is correct. I just don't think there is any fitness here, Saul didn't have any fitness to try to get a monarchy.
    Einstein's definition, "as the last of the eccentricities". ""Museum exhibit", "an old man with outdated ideas", is completely unacceptable to me, and the fact that people do not accept the sentence "God does not gamble with dice" perhaps actually shows his greatness in his criticism of quantum theory.
    I don't think there is any room for individualistic scientists. And only cooperation will lead to innovation. On the contrary. Innovation will only appear in the mind of the bold individualist.
    And as for quantum theory, people don't like it because of its great strangeness and not because it was developed in a collaborative way. It is difficult, for example, to accept the statement that the purpose of the experiment determines its outcome.
    I accept the author's doubts about the final theory, but I agree that the development of scientific theories is evolutionary.
    Regarding the beauty of theories and formulas, as a proof of their correctness, I think it is, to put it mildly, "nonsense", the ugly ones also have a right to exist.
    According to the author of the article, Aharon Kantorovich:
    "The beauty of a theory lies in its simplicity and other non-objective factors. For example, in adapting it to an accepted worldview. Success "in the field" cannot be considered a measure of beauty. The opposite is true: if the theory fits the facts nicely, then it will be considered successful."
    In the last chapter we discuss many topics, but the author's quote caught my attention: "Our biological structure may limit our ability to understand". End quote.
    Somewhere there is the need to know the nothingness of man. The attempt of the author of the article to talk about collaboration as a possibility for a pool of brains is not the solution that can bring innovation and I still think that an individualist scientist with scientific daring and fearlessness is the source of innovation and not any "cooperative or brain pool"
    And again the article is very interesting. Must read the book.
    Happy holiday
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  25. I don't want to be snooty or petty, but still, this is a scientific site and things need to be put on their accuracy and correctness. The author of the article writes "string theory in particle physics that deals with eleven-dimensional strings". The strings have only one dimension and space is multidimensional. It is true that the strings may twist in additional dimensions, or even close like a ring or a closed coil and not only in the unfolded dimensions but also in curled ones.
    In all the description of Einstein and his lack of connection to quantum theory, it is worth noting that Planck and Einstein are actually the forefathers of quantum theory.
    And finally, quoted from the book "We are equipped... with finite minds that weigh about three-quarters of a kilogram". The true fact is that the weight of the human brain is something like a pound and a half.

  26. A year before the discovery of X-rays, a conference of physicists was held in Switzerland
    in which it is claimed that everything is known and there is nothing to discover; In my opinion, the wisdom
    It is to posit a theory - but not to claim that it is absolute and it is not
    to seek the absolute; Einstein succeeded in this - and maybe
    The new theorists in physics are looking for a theory
    May their name be perpetuated - and the universe mocks them because they were looking for you
    "The Golden Fleece" and not the following fact.

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