
backpackers Investing in local communities. Illustration:

to travel for nature

How did your trip help the environment you were in? Get to know restorative tourism, which is not only harmless - but also helps nature and local communities during the trip. Food for thought for sand trips
Different species of foraminifera. Illustration:

The marine microorganisms that indicate climate change

What makes foraminifera species sensitive to heat?
Traffic jam in Tel Aviv, February 2022. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

Feel Tel Aviv from below

Researchers examined what happens under the city's asphalt non-stop - and what seismic tremors cause cars, pedestrians and cyclists
Photography: shutterstock

Brakes 2.0 - what are the differences between the old and autonomous braking systems

The thought of a braking system arose simultaneously with the thought of a vehicle, and to this day it is one of the most influential and critical factors in vehicle design. But what is the technological path of braking systems? Here is some history
Today, public transportation in Israel is not adapted to the needs of users. Illustration: pixabay.

The smart bus is on its way to you

New roads that allow wireless charging eliminate the need for charging stations. But is the technology economically viable? Illustration: Courtesy of Oren Ezer, ElectRoad.

Israel is testing wireless charging of electric vehicles

Transportation networks of vehicles equipped with sensors and smart nodes will change from end to end the way we move in the city. Illustration: Jaguar MENA / Flickr.

How driverless cars will change life in the city

A velocipede type bicycle, manufactured in 1868. Source: Wikimedia.

The bicycle celebrates 200 years of pedaling

Will autonomous cars coexist with human-driven cars at the same time? Image: pixabay.

Will autonomous cars coexist with human-driven cars at the same time?

Tesla Model 3 vehicles. Source: Steve Jurvetson.

The future of electric vehicles - and the meaning for all of us

Illustration: NVIDIA Corporation.

Automatic, not autonomous

Illustration: NVIDIA Corporation.

The computer also needs to pass a test

Ofer Sinai, co-founder of HopOn. Photo: Anthony Upton

Elite - you paid

Source: Dietmar Rabich, Wikimedia.

On parking search, diffusion, and the circulatory system

Long live the robot taxi

XNUMXD rendering of the boat: Pierrick Contin / Energy Observer

Sail against the current

It is not yet clear whether recycling of lithium-ion batteries on a large scale will be economical. Photo: Kārlis Dambrāns, Flickr

Why do we need electric bikes around?

Driving the future. Photo: Brook Ward, Flickr

I am not the driver

Automatic car park in Walsemburg, Germany. Photo: DooMMeeR, Wikipedia

Robot or bus?

Modern transportation brings with it progress, but also a faster spread of epidemics. Photo: Judhi Prasetyo, Flickr

The train of surprises

A system for stopping runaway vehicles. From a video of the Israel Police

The end of chases for runaway vehicles

A robot car inspired by the bee. Photo: Nissan company

Accident prevention inspired by the flight of the bee

Busoya - a bus powered by biodiesel produced from soy

Understanding the combustion mechanism of biofuel

Old generation tram in Bucharest

Our bus is big and green

Traffic Jam. From Wikipedia

Ethanol fuel emits more ozone than regular fuel

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

To block the traffic with the first intention

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Energy in motion

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Hybrid caution is approaching

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Innovation: hybrid technology in the yacht industry

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A Technion student built a motorcycle that does not fall

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

General Motors will double production of energy-saving small engines

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

In 2020 we will drive smart, connected and hybrid cars