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Space malfunctions

Entavi, currently head of the systems engineering program at Afka College, Entavi emphasizes the importance of systemic planning in complex projects. He also told about the meeting that made Berashit the prototype of the moon landings in NASA's tenders
NASA postpones the Artemis 2 and 3 missions by a year to 2025 and 2026 respectively. The reason: repeated failures. One of them occurred this week - the fuel leak from the lunar lander intended for Peregrine
NASA is working to solve a problem with the Hubble Space Telescope's computer. The computer stopped working on Sunday, June 13, shortly after 16:00 p.m. (23:00 p.m. Israel time). This is already the second malfunction of the aging telescope this year
SN8, a prototype of a spacecraft that is supposed to transport humans to Mars, took off and even circled in the air but did not succeed in the landing phase apparently due to low fuel pressure in the central tank, which caused it to reach the ground at too high a speed. The experiments will continue with the next spacecraft
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