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NASA postpones the Artemis 2 and 3 missions by a year to 2025 and 2026 respectively. The reason: repeated failures. One of them occurred this week - the fuel leak from the lunar lander intended for Peregrine
Apparently the thrust of the first stage was not strong enough and the spacecraft was not able to separate from it. This is still an unmanned test flight and it seems that now the manned tests will move away * This is the fourth prototype to crash on launch
This is according to an analysis by PITCHBOOK. According to the analysts, before flying humans into space, advanced uses of satellites should be exhausted and the problem of space debris should be addressed, but the budget for this may be reached thanks to these gimmicks.
After SpaceX overtakes Boeing, NASA and Boeing continue preparations for the second, as-yet-unmanned flight of Starliner to prove that the system can safely carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station
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