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The corona vaccine is effective and safe

A week ago a study was published in Nature in which the researchers described how they closely followed the evolution of the virus in the body of a cancer patient whose immune system was destroyed and discovered mutations that are also able to deal with a large number of antibodies produced against the virus
The discussion, in my opinion, is puzzling. Isn't it enough that the vaccine prevents the vast majority of those who receive it from getting a serious illness? But since the question comes up so often, it's worth addressing
Prof. Aryeh Tsavan, the president of the university, told Dr. Zaks in their conversation: "Through this degree, we wish to express the deep appreciation we have for each and every member of the dedicated and impressive team you lead, for your life-saving work, a work that brought deep hope to all the inhabitants of the world and a deep and special pride To all the citizens of Israel, who rightfully see you as one of our own"
The question that repeats many times comes from pregnant women who want to know if they should take the covid-19 vaccine. I do not intend to provide recommendations in this record, among other things because every pregnant woman is a special case in herself. I will try to provide all the scientific knowledge we have today, in the hope that it will help women make a more informed decision
This is what the company announced today after laboratory studies that included serum samples of vaccinators * Moderna will make changes to the vaccine so that it will also protect those infected with the new variants
In recent days there has been a big uproar regarding the Helsinki Committee, what it determined or did not determine, and what it means for the vaccine. So let's break down the issue, to understand what the Ministry of Health really did wrong, and what this means for Pfizer, the vaccine and the Helsinki Committee. Dr.Roey Tsezana makes order
Dr. Borla will receive the title for his extraordinary achievement in leading the development of the innovative vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the corona epidemic. The vaccine that helps in recovering from the corona crisis is expected to be a model for the development of a wide variety of mRNA-based treatments
And while experts can't always provide the uncompromising certainty people crave, friendly, accessible scientific communication can help educate conspiracy theorists and satisfy the human desire for knowledge and understanding.
The emergence of a new version of the corona virus has sparked renewed interest in a part of the virus known as the spike protein. A virology expert explains what the spike protein is and what the effect of changes in it is on vaccines
Moderna reported on Friday the receipt of FDA approval for the company's COVID-19 vaccine in the US, which will also be followed by approval for the vaccine in Israel as happened with Pfizer's vaccine last week
The mRNA vaccine has no effect on the genetic code, it does not contain biological substances, does not cause sterilization, every technology was once new, and the corners that were rounded for the acceleration of the vaccine were not in the medical field but in the bureaucracy * Dr.Roey Tsezana answers these and other concerns that arise Opponents of vaccines have gained traction with the public
Prof. Aharon Chachanover lectured on the burning issue, mainly he warns about the danger of resistance to vaccines (video)
On Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine for emergency use in people 16 and older. It is now expected that the Ministry of Health will approve the vaccine for emergency use in Israel as well
American and German researchers came up with an original idea for the development of a vaccine for the corona virus - introducing the "spikes" protein of the corona virus into a weakened measles virus and making the vaccine a double * In the meantime, it has been successfully tested on mice and rats
Moderna announces the analysis of preliminary efficacy findings in the results of the phase 3 trial of its COVE vaccine for the treatment of COVID-19 as well as the submission of the trial findings for emergency approval by the FDA
An attempt to explain the obvious. Ehud Amir goes over the conspiracy theories created around the corona epidemic and explains why they are unfounded
Researchers from Tel Aviv University, led by Prof. Dan Parr, succeeded in eliminating cancerous tumors from the inside using messenger RNA (mRNA), which is used to develop vaccines for corona, and instead of corona proteins, they expressed crisper proteins that interrupted the tumor
A first interim analysis of the experiment's findings included 95 participants who were infected with Corona, 90 of whom are from the control group * All five who got sick despite the vaccine were asymptomatic or in a mild condition * Israel is among the first in line when the vaccine is approved
A new study conducted at the Safed Academic College reveals that the more children are vaccinated in the general population in a certain country, then the death rates among those infected with the corona in that country are lower
This follows an interim analysis of a clinical trial that is in progress, in which it was found that out of 94 confirmed corona cases among the experimenters, only nine received the vaccine and the rest are from the control group that received a placebo
This is according to a joint study by Tel Aviv University and Hasharon Hospital (Rabin Medical Center). The researchers estimate that in the case of repeated exposure to Corona, those who recover from the disease may be protected from a second illness - but it is possible that they may still carry the virus and infect others
This is a vaccine based on Jensen's Ebola vaccine. "Four vaccines in clinical trials is an unprecedented achievement by the scientific community made possible by decades of advances in vaccine technology and a coordinated strategic approach between government, industry and academia," said NIAID Director Anthony Fauci.
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