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General Relativity

This is according to the Dark Energy Survey Partnership, of which University College London is a founding member, hosts the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and includes more than 400 scientists from 25 institutions in 7 countries
While Einstein's theory of relativity shows the relationship between time and speed. Theoretical ideas such as wormholes offer possible methods, but practical challenges and paradoxes, such as the "grandfather paradox", complicate the feasibility of time travel in practice
A groundbreaking new map of dark matter has been created using data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), in an international collaboration of astronomers and physicists. The map shows the distribution of dark matter in the southern sky region, and is the most accurate and detailed map of its kind ever created
Physicist Hikida from the University of Tokyo and his colleagues developed the dual model for Einstein's theory of gravity in three-dimensional de Sitter space. This is a significant step towards a model that will faithfully describe nature, i.e. the physics of quantum gravity under an expanding universe with a positive cosmological constant.
Prof. Yaholum explained why the rotation speed of the matter in the galaxies does not decrease as you move away from the center of the galaxy starting from the outskirts, but remains the same or even increases * It is estimated that dark matter is involved in the process. According to Prof. Yahlom and his colleagues, these phenomena can be explained according to a theory known as the theory of delay - the amount of time it takes for the effect of an event in the center of the galaxy to spread to its edges.
The galaxy cluster has so much mass that it acts as a gravitational lens, causing light from more distant galaxies to bend around it. These distortions may appear in many different forms, such as long lines or arcs.
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