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Bats, urban heat islands, Tel Aviv University, zoology, geography, interdisciplinary research, biologically assisted sampling, smart cities, the Internet of Things, air pollution,
Two surprising discoveries: contrary to the popular hypothesis, bats do suffer from hearing loss with age, but they apparently have surprising mechanisms that help them slow down the rate of hearing loss
New research done in bats reveals far-reaching dynamic capabilities of neural networks
Researchers found for the first time that bats navigate during the day using a combination of excellent vision and locating the echoes in their environment
Many species of moths, which are the favorite prey of many bats, have developed all kinds of tricks to avoid being eaten. Some of them developed a sense of hearing at the appropriate frequencies and others, lacking the ability to hear, developed acoustic instead of visual camouflage solutions
Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that adopted fruit bat pups behave like the adoptive mother
If bats can hear and detect obstacles, why do they still sometimes crash into walls?
The bat that traveled 200 km in seven hours and broke the world record for long-distance flight
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