Naama Geva-Zatorski

The cover photo on the issue: Cell Host & Microbe This is how the bacteriophages (in purple) affect the function of the bacteria by reversing the DNA - a reversal that changes their effect on the immune system. This effect is demonstrated by changing the color of the bacteria from yellow to green. Illustration credit: Tomm Blum

Gut bacteria are able to change their 'software' in response to inflammation, which may affect the immune system

The intestine is a very dynamic organ that is constantly changing structurally, mechanically and chemically, and the intestinal bacteria are required to cope with this dynamism. One of the qualities that may help them in this is plasticity - the ability
sleeping baby Illustration:

Are you a riser or a night animal?

In both cases, it may be related to your gut bacteria. This is according to a joint study by scientists at the University of Haifa and the Technion, who also present hope for change for people who suffer from their sleeping pattern
Dr. Naama Geva-Zatorski

Award for the most active lecturers for Israel on US campuses

bacteroides fragilis the friendly bacteria. From a study led by Dr. Naama Geva-Zatorski, Harvard University.

Bacteroides fragilis the friendly bacterium

"Burning Waves Under TLC Skies". Dr. Haim Weisman, Weizman Institute

The beauty of science

Dr. Naama Geva-Zatorski

The good bacteria in the body can be the basis for new medicine