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The climate crisis

Destruction of the beaches and serious damage to the marine environment in Eilat. The residents cried out, the authorities ignored
In about a month, the UN's international climate conference will open in Sharm el-Sheikh, where world leaders will gather to try and fight the climate crisis. What is expected to be there? What opportunities does it hold? And what will Israel bring to it?
The researchers from the Technion and the Weizmann Institute developed a smart map showing the potential climatic benefits of planting trees in different sites
New findings reveal that heat stress affects the bodies of those of us who work mostly outdoors, and may also impair work efficiency. In the coming years, given the climate crisis, the phenomenon is only expected to get worse. Will the heat in the future force us to work harder?
In light of the continuing rise in temperatures in Europe, "climate shelters" have been set up throughout the city of Barcelona, ​​where residents can find refuge from the increasingly hot summer. Should Israel also prepare for the establishment of such shelters?
The center led by the meteorological service will make it possible to predict in detail the effect of global warming on our region
The State of Nature Report 2022, Volume Trends and Threats, presents a snapshot of key factors and processes that affect the state of nature in Israel as a result of human activity. The Fabric is the national program for assessing the state of nature of the Steinhardt Museum of Nature, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, KKL-Junk. and RTG
The UN Satellite Center will use Nvidia's accelerated computing technologies that will improve the ability to analyze satellite images and allow better prediction of events such as floods, inundations and fires. The ability to analyze such events in near real time will enable a rapid response to communities on the ground, building resilience against climate events and developing a long-term sustainable policy
In a new and particularly comprehensive British study, it was found that the spring blossoms in the country arrive a month earlier on average compared to the situation in the past
Researchers have found changes in the body structure of birds, which are probably due to adaptation to global warming
Grapes, wheat and corn: according to a new study, popular agricultural crops in the Mediterranean countries will need more irrigation in the near future - and this when the water sources in the region are only dwindling. How are Israeli farmers preparing for this? And why, despite what appears on our water bill, does water have no price?
The combination of climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution and the accumulation of garbage in the environment are issues that need to be addressed together according to the United Nations
A British philosopher believes that we must change economic thinking from the short to the long term, but avoid using the same technological utopias that brought us the climate crisis
"Wherever there are trees, fires are likely to occur," says Prof. Leah Wittenberg from the University of Haifa, the Israeli representative on the UN team of experts that compiled the report * Even the arctic regions are no longer immune
In recent years, the ski resorts in the United States have felt the effects of the climate crisis directly - less snow and fewer days of skiing in the season. Ironically, the snow cannons they operate to make artificial snow on the slopes are used in the hot seasons to fight forest fires that multiply due to extreme weather conditions
A new study found that a significant decrease was observed in the amount of one of the phytoplankton species in the Gulf of Eilat "You can look at this as the 'canary in the coal mine', signaling that the impact of global climate change is already evident"
Climate crisis experts estimate: global warming will lead to an increase in violent crime rates in the world
The Inside Climate News website reports that two environmental activist groups have filed a complaint with the UN Human Rights Council, saying member states are supporting unsustainable population growth that is dangerously warming the planet.
A new study reveals that the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases will lead to the intensification of extreme storms, along with a decrease of about 25 percent in the amount of rainfall. The gloomy forecast, but the researchers believe: "The control is still in our hands"
A researcher went through the archives of the major oil companies and the oil institute and discovered amazing documents that revealed exactly what the oil companies knew. The predictions turned out to be accurate. They even predicted phenomena such as the flooding of countries and climate change
In an email she sent to her circulation, she writes that until now the government has neglected the treatment of the climate crisis, but now that a global understanding of the severity and urgency is emerging, Israel must also act
The convention was held in the hope that it is still possible to stop global warming at the limit of 1.5 degrees above what it was before the industrial revolution, out of recognition by many of the participants of the urgency of the need for immediate action, with the emphasis being on the need for immediate change. As already recognized by the participants of the conference in Paris in 2015
The report shows that the State of Israel is not prepared for the climate crisis and there has not yet been a change of perception in Israeli policy on the issue. 84% of the public bodies have no plan at all to deal with the climate crisis. Israel is one of the few countries in the world that still does not operate on the basis of a budgeted and approved national preparedness plan
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