Israel in space

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Dr. Shamrit Meman was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Remote Sensing Committee at the International Federation for Astronautics

Dr. Meman, director of the Remote Sensing and Planetary Imaging Laboratory at Ben-Gurion University, is strengthening Israel's position in space exploration with a prestigious international position and a pioneering project to manage emergency situations using artificial intelligence.
From the right Uri Oron Dror Gloverman Hila Hadad Hamelnik and the founding partners of the Einat Berkowitz Foundation Yaron Sagi Lior Herman and Udi Danhirsh TYPE5. Photo: Nir Shmol

The Israeli space economy has something to aspire to when the global space economy currently generates about D450 billion

Lior Harman - co-founder of TYPE5 VC Space Tech Group: the space market in Israel generates tens of millions of dollars - a relatively small figure compared to the inherent potential in this field and certainly compared to other countries
The members of the space mission from the Weizmann Institute of Science (right to left): Dr. Eli Galanti, Prof. Yohai Caspi and Maria Smirnova

By 2031 you will reach justice: Israeli technology on the way to deep space

A blue-and-white device that was created especially for an experiment by Weizmann Institute of Science scientists was launched to the planet Jupiter, as part of an international research mission of the European Space Agency
The launch of the JUICE spacecraft from the Coro Space Center in French Guiana. Screenshot from the European Space Agency and Ariane Space TV

The JUICE spacecraft was launched to the moons of Jupiter

The launch at Coro in French Guiana was postponed from yesterday due to weather conditions * The spacecraft is carrying ten instruments, some of which are also made in Israel * Will arrive in the Zedek system in July 2031
An EEG experiment that will examine Eitan Stiva's brain. Photo: company

Sky Task Experiments Part 2: Studies in the Brain

Review of scientific experiments and technological demonstrations that will be carried out by Eitan Stiva in the sky mission. Out of 31 missions approved. Second review in the series
Eitan Stiva prepares for his flight to the International Space Station at the SpaceX facilities. Photography: Uri Borg.

Space mission experiments part 1: conducting remote tests and the effect of staying in space on the immune system

Review of scientific experiments and technological demonstrations that will be carried out by Eitan Stiva in the sky mission. Out of 31 missions approved. First review in the series
The late Avi Har Eben visits the training of the astronauts Ilan Ramon and Yitzhak Mayo (Yavd for a long life) who was for a certain period the Israeli backup astronaut. Photo: Israel Space Agency at the Ministry of Science.

Avi Har Evan, one of the top executives of the space industry and CEO of the Space Agency for about a decade died of his wounds

Har Evan was seriously injured during the fire at the Effendi Hotel in Old Acre, on the night of the riots in the cities involved during Operation Guard of the Walls, May 11, 2021, and since then he has been sedated and ventilated in a serious condition at the Rambam Hospital
Helios' vision for the future of humanity: a base on the moon, with a local oxygen reservoir. PR photo, Helios

An Israeli company will pave the way for human settlement on the moon and Mars

An Israeli company intends to extract oxygen from the soil of the moon - and fuel SpaceX to Mars. The Helios solution, supported by the Israeli Space Agency, may reduce the cost of launches and enable a long human presence
The protective suit radiates "Astro-Rad", developed by the Israeli company StemRad. Source: Stamrad.

NASA will launch a radiation protection suit developed in Israel into space

PR photo.

An Israeli startup develops communication nanosatellites

The "Ramonauts" simulate a mission to Mars at Mitzpe Ramon. Photo: Mincha Nofa.

First Mars simulation in Israel - the first round has ended successfully

Simulation of the habitat structure. PR photo.

The first simulation in Israel of a mission to Mars has begun

Archive photo from the launch of Ofek 9 in 2010. Photo: Spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense and Aviation Industry

Prof. Cascade and the breakthrough in the Israeli space program

Recent visualization of the first Israeli spacecraft courtesy of spaceil.

The first Israeli lunar spacecraft project is in danger of closing

The Cygnus payload spacecraft that carried the laboratory to the International Space Station (Photo: NASA).

An Israeli space laboratory has arrived at the International Space Station

Falcon 9 launcher on the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center. Source: SpaceX.

SpaceX will launch the two future communication space satellites

Prof. Ben Israel. Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Science.

Professor Ben Israel's tenure as chairman of the Israel Space Agency was extended

Israeli space week. Source: Ministry of Science website.

"So far you can touch": Israel Space Week events

The Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on December 19, 2012 carrying the 34th crew members to the International Space Station. Photo: NASA/Carla Ciopi.

Israeli astronaut: Not in this decade

Astronaut Sunita Williams runs an Israeli experiment on the International Space Station. Photo by NASA

Learning in the sky - Israeli student experiments arrived at the space station