Jupiter moons

The members of the space mission from the Weizmann Institute of Science (right to left): Dr. Eli Galanti, Prof. Yohai Caspi and Maria Smirnova

By 2031 you will reach justice: Israeli technology on the way to deep space

A blue-and-white device that was created especially for an experiment by Weizmann Institute of Science scientists was launched to the planet Jupiter, as part of an international research mission of the European Space Agency
The launch of the JUICE spacecraft from the Coro Space Center in French Guiana. Screenshot from the European Space Agency and Ariane Space TV

The JUICE spacecraft was launched to the moons of Jupiter

The launch at Coro in French Guiana was postponed from yesterday due to weather conditions * The spacecraft is carrying ten instruments, some of which are also made in Israel * Will arrive in the Zedek system in July 2031
Amalthea as photographed by one of the Voyager 1 spacecraft in 1979. Source: NASA/Calvin J. Hamilton.

On Amalthea, a month of Jupiter

Global map of Ganymede. Photo: US Geological Survey (USGS) and Johns Hopkins University

Ganymede on the map

The image shows one of Jupiter's new moons, S/2011 J2. This object is pale and has insufficient visual information, but it was discovered using the Magellan Optical Telescope on September 27, 2011. The moons motion can be seen during the 40 minutes between the two exposures while the stars and galaxies Unpleasant background. Jupiter is about half a degree from the bottom of the picture. Photo: Scott Shepherd

Two new moons for Jupiter

The moon is an island

Io-moon of Jupiter, summary of findings - part XNUMX

The moon is an island

Io-moon of Jupiter, summary of findings - part I

The moon Europa in natural colors

Jupiter's Moon Europa: Summary of Findings


Ganymede - Jupiter's moon - summary of findings

Callisto. Photo: NASA

Callisto-Moon of Jupiter

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Scientists: The 17th moon around Jupiter has been discovered