Hossam Hayek

In the diagram: the array of micro-needles is attached to the body, reading and measuring the health parameters from the extracellular fluid below the surface of the skin. The measurement results are sent immediately to the smartphone of the patient and the doctor using cloud and IoT technologies. Pictured: the smart micro-needles are attached to the skin; The microneedle array in the stretch mode

A flexible platform of smart micro-needles for fast, continuous and painless disease diagnosis

The system developed by the Technion researchers is based on smart micro-needles, which are fixed inside a sticker (plaster) that adheres to the skin. The system continuously monitors the patient's medical condition and sends the data to him and his doctor
Prof. Hosem Haik. Photo: Technion spokespeople

Surgery without sutures or biological glue

Technion researchers have developed a smart plaster that closes the surgical incision by itself and also accelerates and monitors the healing process
Tuberculosis monitoring using a sticker that sticks to the skin and measures the volatile particles emitted from it. Credit: Technion barges

The nanotechnological artificial nose of Prof. Hussam Haik is applied in a patch for diagnosing tuberculosis

"The technology we developed is based on monitoring volatile particles emitted from the human body," explains Prof. Hussam Haik. "Nowadays it is clear to us that such particles indicate different physiological states, and the question is which particles to focus on

A tattoo that is also a sensor

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Hossam Hayek's electronic nose

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The big future of small things