
Agricultural pest control. Illustration:

Innovative Israeli development for breaking down toxic pesticides: environmentally friendly and safe to use

Researchers from Tel Aviv University, Migal Research Institute and Tel Hai College have developed a biochemical process that combines enzymes and natural bacteria to break down the toxic pesticide paraoxon into harmless substances.
Fires on the border between Israel and Lebanon. Illustration:

The war on the hive: how do the fires affect the bee population in Israel?

Following the severe fires in the north, the beehives were also damaged - what might be the cost of the damage and is there anything that can be done to restore them?
Bees return to the nest after collecting nectar in the spring. Illustration:

Small but important: this is how Israel protects the bees

We depend on them, and not just for the honey. International Bee Day is a great opportunity to make some buzz for bees, one of the most important animals on the planet
Although pesticides are an important link in the modern food supply chain, in light of the dangers these substances bring with them, it is necessary to monitor their doses in our food. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A little more than you asked for on the plate

The State Comptroller's report indicates: the scope of the use of pesticides, which are designed to overcome the problem of pests, is increasing significantly - and harming the health of Israeli consumers. So what do we do? Learn to spray differently
The webbing of the clustered citrus bar is unique. Photo: Olaf Leillinger, CC BY-SA 2.5

Spiders for tomatoes

A field of organic strawberries and kohlrabi and a sign in the German language "organic farming". Photo: shutterstock

Is organic farming really better for health and the environment than conventional farming?

artificial intelligence. Illustration: shutterstock

Environmental intelligence - how can artificial intelligence technology be used to preserve nature?

The aphid Myzus persicae. Harms crops of potatoes and peaches. Photo: Scott Bauer

Harmful but less

When the scientists inserted a magnetic surface into a solution of right and left chiral molecules (in red and blue), crystals of the molecules formed with opposite magnetic poles. Prof. Ron Naaman's lab, Weizmann Institute

one way crystal

orange tree The essential oil in orange peels is very suitable for eliminating mosquito larvae. Photography: Ronnie Macdonald.

Oranges against mosquitoes

The pecan orchard of Kibbutz Tsara, with cover crops. Reduction in spraying of about 99 percent. Photo: Gil Eshel.

The surprising way to reduce pesticides

The exposure to the dangerous substances occurs not only through eating and drinking food products that contain them, but also through the respiratory system and external contact. Photo:

Children's meal with pesticides

In the field of organic crops and the pesticides allowed for their use, there is much that is hidden over the visible. Photo: Alexandra Guerson, Flickr.

Calculated risk on the plate

Rachel Carson on a 1981 US stamp. Photo: Solodov Alexey /

Thanks to Rachel Carson, the green movement arose

A UH-1D helicopter sprays a defoliant containing the poison Agent Orange on farmland at the mouth of the Mekong during the Vietnam War. From Wikipedia

The book "The Silent Spring" is 50 years old

An oil can be extracted from the tobacco leaves that looks promising as a natural insect repellent. Photo: iStock

Tobacco and nicotine as pesticides

Australian green tree frog. Litoria caerulea from Wikipedia

Sex change by herbicide

The tiger mosquito = Asian tiger = Aedes albopictus

Mosquitoes and birds versus sprays

fruit fly. Photo: Roi Caspi, Hebrew University

An environmentally friendly pest control method

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A modern method for detecting dangerous substances

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A new method for identifying pesticide residues