Voyager 2

This artist's impression shows NASA's Voyager spacecraft against a field of stars in the darkness of space. The two Voyager spacecraft are moving farther and farther from Earth on their journey into interstellar space, eventually orbiting the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Credit : NASA/JPL-Caltech

Voyager 2 has lost contact with Earth. Only one radio dish in the world can help her "call home"

A human error in the commands sent to her caused her antenna to tilt at an angle of two degrees from the Earth. The radio antenna engineers of the deep space network in Australia will try to contact her
This infrared imaging from the Web's near infrared wavelength camera (NIRCam) combines data from two 1.4 and 3.0 micron filters, shown here in blue and orange, respectively. The planet shows a blue tint in the image obtained with a representative color. Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, J. DePasquale (STScI)

The Webb Space Telescope photographed in detail 11 of the rings surrounding Uranus-Uron

The Webb Space Telescope photographed in detail 11 of the rings surrounding Uranus-Uron
Neptune in a Voyager 2 photograph in 1989. In the photo you can see the huge storm the big dark spot in the center, and below it a smaller storm is given the nickname "dark spot 2". Source: NASA/JPL.

Neptune-Rahab - findings from recent years

The blurry photo of Despina. Source: NASA.

On Despina, a moon of Neptune

Image of the moon Triton as processed from Voyager 2 photographs

Triton-Moon of Neptune Summary of findings

Callisto. Photo: NASA

Callisto-Moon of Jupiter

Noah's dove

The orbit of the Voyager 2 spacecraft. The interstellar cloud location is marked with yellow lines. Illustration: American Museum of Natural History

What holds the interstellar cloud in place? The mystery is solved