Israel Aerospace Industries

The quantum computer laboratory at the Hebrew University. Photograph of the Aerospace Industry

Blue-white superconductor quantum computing

A quantum computer developed in superconductor technology was launched in Israel as part of a groundbreaking project in collaboration with the Aerospace Industry, the Hebrew University and the Innovation Authority. The project places Israel at the forefront of the world in the field of quantum computing
The late Capt. Denis Krokhmalov-Wexler. From the private archive

Students at the Technion will design the NOVA-SAT satellite in memory of the late Capt. Denis Krokhmalov-Wexler in collaboration with the TAA

The late Krukhamlov-Wexler, was supposed to start his studies this year at the Faculty of Aeronautics and Space Engineering and who was killed in battle in the Gaza Strip
The Israeli commercial satellite TECSAR1 that was launched in 2018 and uses radar technology. Photo: Israel Aerospace Industries

The DS-SAR satellite that IAI produced for Singapore has been successfully launched

The satellite began its mission in space and transmitted first data to the ground station. The DS-SAR radar observation satellite will be used for government and commercial purposes; by the Singapore government and a private company
Launch of the Ofek 13 satellite. Spokesperson and Public Relations Division at the Ministry of Defense

The Ofek 13 military observation satellite is launched

The launch was tonight from the Palmachim air force base. 'Ofek 13' is a radar-based observation satellite and it will be able to provide photographs in any weather day and night * According to the original launch plan, the satellite entered
The Heron 1 UAV. Photo by the Aerospace Industry

The Heron 1 UAV of the TAA received approval from the European Civil Aviation Authority for flights in Greek airspace

The drone flights are carried out in the European civil airspace, under civil flight procedures without any military involvement and control
Hovik Aglarian, the chief electronics engineer of the Asher Space Research Institute, with the new receiver. Photo: Sharon Tzur, Technion Spokesperson

The Technion and the Israel Defense Forces have developed satellite technology for rescue, rescue and signal detection missions

As part of the cooperation, a mission receiver and a satellite computer were developed for the Adelis-Samson project. In this project, three nanosatellites will be launched that will be transported in space in an autonomous manned flight
Quantum computing. Illustration: shutterstock

The Association for the Development of Quantum Technologies was established

The Genesis crash site was photographed by the LRO spacecraft on April 22, 11 days after the landing attempt. Photo: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University

NASA photographed the crash site of the Genesis spacecraft

The control room of the Aerospace Industry during the landing event of the Bereshit spacecraft, which ended up crashing on the moon, 11/4/19. Photo: SpaceIL and the Aerospace Industry.

Documenting the six critical minutes of the Genesis spacecraft

The control panel screen of the Genesis spaceship. PR photo

Update - main engine stopped working, probably a crash landing

The far side of the moon, from an altitude of 550 km. The far side of the moon - Credit for Genesis photo courtesy of SpaceIL and Israel Aerospace Industries.

At the beginning the spaceship descended and approached the moon

Yoav Landsman, deputy director of the Genesis spacecraft mission. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

"We have reached a parking orbit around the moon"

First selfie of the Israeli spacecraft in Genesis, 5/3/2019, in which the board with the Israeli flag and the inscription "Am Yisrael Chai" is clearly visible. Photo: SPACEIL and the aerospace industry

The Genesis spacecraft sent a selfie from orbit

From the right: CEO of the SpaceIL association Ido Antabi, donor Sylvan Adams, main donor to the Maurice Kahan spacecraft, and VP of the aerospace industry Inbal Kreis next to the SpaceIL association's Israeli spacecraft to the moon. Photography: Eliran Avital

Canadian billionaire Sylvain Adams donated $5m to SpaceIL 

From right to left: Ofer Doron, director of a space plant at the Aerospace Industry, Dr. Ido Antavi, CEO of the SpaceIL association, Maurice Kahn, businessman and president of the SpaceIL association, Yossi Weiss, CEO of the Aerospace Industry, and Itzik Ben Israel. Photo Eliran Avital

The Israeli spacecraft to the moon will land on February 13, 2019

Ron Shaffer, CEO of the Aerospace Industry. PR photo

New CEO for the aviation industry - Nimrod Shafer

Director General of the Ministry of Science Peretz Wezan (left) presents to Minister of Science Ofir Akunis the conclusions of the committee established following the explosion of Amos 6 on December 18, 2016. Right: Director General of the Israel Space Agency Avi Blasberger. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

Israeli investment in the field of civil space is the lowest in the world

The launch of the Ofek 11 satellite from Palmahim base, September 13.9.2016, XNUMX. Photo: Director Mafat - Ministry of Defense

The Ofek 11 satellite is back in action and has sent the first images