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The proof of the Cancer Nebula "supernova" was discovered at the South Pole

The Cancer Nebula is a remnant of an explosion from 900 years ago

It probably happened about 700 years ago: a star exploded and the evidence of this exciting event was only recently discovered in the icy expanses of the South Pole continent, Antarctica. "This is the lost 'super-nova'" - researchers defined the discovery. They were assisted by the X-ray system of the German-American satellite "Rosette" which located at the pole the remains of a supernova - which occurred 640 light years away from us.

According to the research team, the explosion of the star lit up our sky at the beginning of the 14th century and hence, this is the most eventful supernova (at the time of its occurrence) of our time. Unlike other supernovae, which were recorded by the astronomers, the scientists who reported the historical event, did not find any description of it in the scriptures.

20 years ago, in tests carried out on ice blocks in the South Pole, four concentrations of nitrates were discovered. Their origin was unclear. Their examination showed that the date of its formation corresponded to the dates of supernovas that occurred in 1572, 1181 and 1604, all of which were recorded. Now the scientists say that the fourth concentration of nitrates is evidence of another explosion - which was detected by the "Rosat" satellite.

The depth at which the storage is found in the ice has been dated to approximately 1320 - very close to the date established in the observations made by "Rozat". The law parallels these findings and says that they depend on each other. The evidence found in the Antarctic ice points to what astronomers call a "type 2 supernova:" the destruction of a massive star, which was probably 15 times heavier than our Sun.

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