Madob fans will not celebrate tomorrow. A matter of mathematics
"Mathematics is not democracy," said Emanuel Lotem, editor of the science series
The fiction published by Zamora Bitan and the chairman of the Israeli Science Fiction Association
and fantasy. "If everyone is wrong and one is right, he is still right, and they are
are wrong And that's exactly what the fans of the Medv now feel in the face of celebrations
The end of the millennium, which actually ends in just a year."
The counting of Christians began in the year AD: the Romans, who started the census
The years, they did not use the number zero. "0 is not a serial number," he explains
Lotem "When soldiers are on duty, the first one doesn't shout; he shouts." 0 Aleph
The first began, therefore, on January XNUMX, year XNUMX AD. The second thousand
It began a thousand years later, on January 1001, XNUMX, the third millennium
It will begin on January 2001, XNUMX. "It is not for nothing that the famous book of Arthur C
Clark: 2001 A Space Odyssey. The atmosphere of the end of the millennium and the beginning of the new millennium
This name has been used well," says Vared Tuchterman, who stands behind it
"Fantasy Project - "2000 uploading all the old issues of the magazine
Internet. "The celebrations this weekend actually mark the replacement
prefix," adds Tuchterman. "Also at the end of the last century they celebrated twice -
Once with changing the prefix and once with changing the century."
The big celebrations of science fiction fans in Israel will take place this week
The last of the year 2000 with the real exchange of the thousand. in the center of the celebrations
There will be an international conference of science fiction enthusiasts, organized by the association
Israeli for science fiction and fantasy. The conference, which will be called ""Armageddon-con
(In the name of the war of Gog and Magog which, according to some prophets of wrath, should begin
in our region at the end of the millennium), will last seven days, and will host science writers
World famous fiction writers - Larry Niven, Joanne Wing, Paul McAuley
and Ian Watson. On the last day, the conference participants will be driven to Tel Megiddo
(Armageddon, Belaz), the site where the war of Gog and Magog is supposed to begin, and there,
Towards midnight, the countdown will take place. "Then we will see if all my prophets were right
the rage," says Lotham. "Then we shall have no more cares; if not,
We will return home". Conference website:
{Appeared in Haaretz newspaper, 30/12/1999{
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