Dying in their lives, murdering in their deaths

לטרור המתאבדים של הפלשתינאים וארגון אל-קאעדה אפשר למצוא מקבילות באיסלאם המודרני, למשל "ילדי המפתחות" האיראנים שנשלחו להתפוצץ בשדות המוקשים העיראקיים, אבל לא באיסלאם המוקדם. בעולם הלא-מוסלמי ידועים שני מקרים של הפעלת מתאבדים במלחמה או בטרור: טייסי הקמיקז

Amnon Barzilai

Illustration: Liron Bar Akiva

שבועת האברקים: "בחצות מתגנב האברק (מעין שודד דרכים בעל
עקרונות ממסורת האיסלאם בקווקז, א"ב) למסגד ונשבע. 'אני נשבע
In the name of the holy place where I am now and which I respect, to be
From today onwards assigned. I want to shed human blood and spare no one.
I will chase people. I swear to rob them of everything they hold dear,
for their conscience and honor. I will stab a baby with a dagger on his mother's chest, I will turn you on
The last mystery of the beggar, and wherever there was joy until now, I will bring
trouble and worry. If I do not follow this oath, whether love or mercy will fail
My heart, God willing, and I will never see my father's grave again, God willing
And the water will no longer quench my thirst and the food will never satisfy you
hungry May my corpse be thrown on the side of the road and a dirty dog ​​will do
עליה את צרכיו". (מתוך הספר "אהבתם של עלי ונינו", שהתפרסם
For the first time in 1937, written by Korban Said, a Jewish writer
from Azerbaijan who converted to Islam).

Orientalist and historian Prof. Emmanuel Sivan from the Hebrew University
In recent years, he has been summoned to Jerusalem for consultations with political figures
To consider measures against the Palestinian suicide bombers. From time to time it comes up in discussions
These are the question whether the news about the burial of suicides wrapped in pigskin
It thwarted, according to their perception, their plans to ascend as martyrs to heaven and motherhood
It will deter potential suicides.

"זו שטות גמורה", השיב על כך סיוון. לדבריו, ממשלת אנגליה
tried such an exercise during the Mahdi rebellion in Sudan against British rule in the years
The 70's of the 19th century was when the phenomenon of suicides began for the first time
Muslims. There it worked, but it was tied to beliefs and fears that were not
still exist today. In fact, in the Muslim rebellion that broke out in Malaya (today
Malaysia) in the 50s against the British, the phenomenon of suicides returned.
The English tried the pigskin patent again. It didn't work there.
The suicides continued.

Also in the war between Iraq and Iran, in the 80s, suicide bombers were used.
The Ayatollahs' rule recruited children for the Revolutionary Guards and sent them to the fields
Mines planted by the Iraqis, to dismantle them. chains were tied to their necks,
on which hung a key to the gates of heaven. Thousands of children were killed on the way
אכזרית זו. הם נקראו "ילדי המפתחות". "זו היתה תופעה המונית של
שטיפת מוח, קמיקזה לעניים", אומר סיוון, "אבל היה לה אפקט
מרשים. עובדה שמעשה ההקרבה הזה הפחיד את העיראקים". גם בשנות
In the 90s in Algeria, the phenomenon of the martyr developed. She grew up on background
The attempt to stop the Islamic movement from coming to power. in war
That one, which lasted about nine years, killed about 100 thousand people.

There are, obviously, other examples of using suicide bombers by me
Muslims in recent decades. The most famous of them is a chain
The suicide attacks carried out by the al-Qaeda organization led by Osama bin Laden
in the United States on September 11, 2001

exploded on board

There are two notable cases where suicide bombers were used in combat or
In terrorism that is not within an Islamic religious framework. The better known case is that of
The kamikaze of the end of World War II: Japanese pilots in flight
Suicides hit their planes full of explosives with warships
American women and exploded on board. About 2,000 kamikaze sorties were carried out,
which caused the destruction of about 35 ships.
Head of the Department of East Asian Studies at Tel Aviv University, Prof. Yaakov
Raz says that the use of the kamikaze was an act of desperation. The Japanese activated
This weapon when they actually lost control of the Pacific Ocean and the defeat
It was only a matter of time. According to him, the kamikaze are a modern phenomenon.
פירוש המושג: "רוח אלוהים" – שמן של רוחות הטייפון שהרסו את
ציי מונגוליה, שניסתה לפלוש ליפאן במאה ה-.13 רז אומר כי "לא
It is clear if there is a direct relationship between the samurai, a phenomenon that ended in the 19th century
and the kamikaze. The kamikaze took place at a time when madness reigned in Japan
absolute. But there was no religious aspect to this phenomenon. It was brainwashing

In any case, by chance or not, the kamikaze phenomenon took place in the company
היפאנית, שידעה את תופעת ה"הראקירי" – התאבדות על ידי ביתוק
הבטן (הרה: "בטן" ביפאנית). התאבדות מסוג זה היתה אופיינית
for the samurai and intended to end life in a dignified manner, following an omission
Great or their shame was responsible for the samurai.

Another notable use of suicide bombers was made in the context of the rebels' struggle
Tamils ​​against the central government in Sri Lanka. in the last 15 years
This struggle includes terrorist attacks and suicide attacks directed against senior officials
in power This is a struggle with religious, national and linguistic aspects.
The Tamils, who are Hindu like the vast majority in neighboring India, constitute
a minority in Sri Lanka; The majority of the country's population are Sinhalese, my husband
Buddhist faith. The Tamils ​​did not hesitate in the framework of their struggle even to be harmed
for the purposes of the Indian government, which supports the Sinhalese regime. She was a suicide
A Tamil woman who blew herself up in 1991 and killed the Prime Minister of India, Rajiv

That's why the monument named after Dov Groner, for example, has the words of a founder engraved on it
האצ"ל, דוד רזיאל: "ההולכים למות מקימים אותך מולדת". האומנם
It is possible to find some common denominator between the martyrs and members of other religions,
who showed a willingness or even a desire to sacrifice their lives for different goals?

פרופ' סיוון סבור שאכן קיים מכנה משותף: "אלה כמעט בכל המקרים
אנשים שהם מעין 'מתים מהלכים'". את האבחנה הזאת טבע סיוון ברוח
The perception of psychologists in Algeria, who diagnosed terrorist perpetrators
המתאבדים בארצם כ"מתים על תנאי".

"הם חיים בייאוש ופועלים מתוך ייאוש קיומי", ממשיך סיוון, "דב
Gruner was a classic type of walking dead. For him the world of civilization
Was not exist. He was a holocaust survivor and received life expectancy. Gruner
השתייך לקבוצה של אנשי לח"י ואצ"ל שהבריטים עמדו להוציאם להורג
(most of them were not executed in the end), and who at the moment of truth refused
ask for pardon Were they depressed people? No. But a group
Most of them, like Gruner, were young people who had just been saved from the Holocaust
And they had life to spare. They came with a strong desire for revenge. But together with
That is, they felt as if they were living by chance. Hence, their willingness to risk the
Their lives for a cause that was perceived by them as noble was extremely high.

"ככלל מדובר באנשים, שגם אם אינם אובדניים באופן אישי, הם
filled with a sense of doom. In the vast majority of cases it can be seen that
These are persecuted people, from the margins. They live on borrowed time, at a discount
that their lives will be short anyway. Therefore, they are willing to take risks and even
suicidal decisions. This principle applies, of course, to the right ones
להקריב את חייהם בכל הדתות ובכל התקופות בלי יוצאים מן הכלל".

Lord of the Martyrs

What did the Prophet Muhammad say about martyrs being Muslims today
Young people, who commit suicide while murdering innocent women, children and men?
Would he be shocked to the depths of his soul and order the killing to stop immediately or,
Like the contemporary Muslim spiritual leadership, he would have encouraged the continuation
The bloodbath?

Researchers specializing in ancient cultures and religions will look for historical precedent
to the murders of the suicide bombers who leave the territories of the Palestinian Authority. they are not
מצאו שום דבר דומה באיסלאם המוקדם. "אינני מוצא בהיסטוריה של
האיסלאם תקדים למעשים הללו", אומר פרופ' איתן קולברג מהחוג
לשפה וספרות ערבית באוניברסיטה העברית, "עם זאת אני נרתע מלנחש
What the Prophet Muhammad would say. It is impossible to rule out the possibility that he would approve
Acts of cruelty. The Muslims committed acts of cruelty against the Jews. they slaughtered
With the permission of the Prophet Muhammad, all the members of the Jewish tribe of Qurayzah in the city of Medina
In the Arabian Peninsula in 627, Muhammad justified the act and claimed that all my sons
The tribe made an alliance with the Prophet's enemies. Therefore the whole tribe must. However, it is clear
שיש הבדל בין האירוע הזה לבין המעשים שאנו עדים להם כיום".

Prof. Kohlberg is considered one of the world's leading orientalists in the study of the phenomenon
הקדוש המעונה בדת המוסלמית. הוא כתב את הערך "שאהיד" במהדורה
The new and updated Encyclopedia of Islam.

In the years 625-623 AD, Muhammad was revealed. It happened during a battle
Uhud in the Arabian Peninsula. The souls of the warriors killed in this battle rose
Heaven, so says one of the traditions, and they discovered what pleasures were in store for them.
They wanted to tell the warriors on earth about this so that they would not fear the battle.
In another tradition it is said that 72 virgins will be waiting for the martyr in heaven. so
For the first time, Muslims became aware of the phenomenon of martyrdom: martyrdom.

בקוראן מופיעה המלה "שאהיד" (ברבים "שוהדאא") במשמעות של "עד".
שם נכתב (קוראן, ,3 אל עמראן, 140): "…כדי שהאל יידע מי הם
המאמינים וייקח מביניכם שוהדאא" – קרי, את מי שמתו מות קדושים.
קולברג, במאמרו "מות קדושים והקרבה עצמית באיסלאם הקלאסי",
מציין כי מלומדים מוסלמים גרסו שהמלה "שאהיד" מסמלת את העובדה
that God and his angels are witnesses that that person deserves a place in heaven or,
In another interpretation, God would testify that his intentions were good and pure.

אדון השאהידים ("סיד אל-שוהדאא") הוא חמזה, דודו של הנביא
Muhammad. According to one tradition, Hamza was killed on the battlefield. Muhammad is easy to leave
the body of his uncle in the field, without bringing it for burial, thereby ensuring that on the day of judgment
He will be brought back to life from the bellies of the birds and beasts of prey. eventually avoided
Doing so so as not to hurt the feelings of Hamza's relatives
And also because he feared that such an action would serve as a precedent.

תופעת השאהיד קשורה למלחמת הקודש ("ג'יהאד"), שמתייחסת לסדר
the world as seen by the Muslim religion. Islam, already in its beginnings,
חילק את העולם לשניים: "דאר אל איסלאם", שכולל את כל המאמינים
המוסלמים ו"דאר אל חרב", שאר בני האדם על פני האדמה – שאותם יש
destroy. Over time, a change in attitude occurred. The Muslims understood that if they killed
For all the infidels in the world there will be no one to pay them a skull tax
("ג'יזיה"). אז אימצו את הגישה שלפיה אלה מבין הכופרים שייכנעו
They can continue to practice their religion and pay taxes.

"הציווי הפוליטי הוא להרחיב את עולם האיסלאם על חשבון העולם
האחר", אומר המזרחן פרופ' נחמיה לב ציון מהאוניברסיטה העברית
בירושלים, "זהו תפקיד הג'יהאד. זה מצב פרמננטי. כל עוד קיים
The commandment of 'Dar al Harb', to go to Jihad is a commandment. It is imposed on
The community, although it is not a personal duty like prayer or fasting. In order to
To encourage going to jihad, the believers need to be given a reward, a reward, and for that purpose it exists
The concept of the martyr. Whoever goes to Jihad and falls in a hole will be considered a martyr, will be converted
to the saint The one who fought in the campaign is called 'Shaheed al-Markah'. He will be buried on
His uniform and treatment will be different. Usually a body should be washed before
the burial But Shahid, in fact his fall is pure and ascends directly to the garden
עדן". חכמי ההלכה נסמכים כאן על דברים שאמר מוחמד בקרב אוחוד:
"אל תרחצו את השאהידים, שכן ביום תחיית המתים כל פצע שלהם ידיף
ניחוח של מושק".

The Prophet Muhammad named three types of martyrs: the first is the warrior
the one who goes into battle neither to kill nor to be killed; The other goes into battle
with the aim of killing the enemy without himself being killed, and the third seeks to kill
in the enemy and be killed. Everyone will get their reward, but the greatest reward will be
מנת חלקו של מרטיר מהסוג השלישי. התנהגות זו נקראת "טלב
אל-שהאדה" (בקשת מות קדושים). ביום הדין הוא יופיע כשחרבו
The pull is placed on him, he will be treated with more respect than the prophets
And he will dwell wherever he wants in heaven.

Conquering religion

The phenomenon of willingness to self-sacrifice in religious contexts exists in three ways
The monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The question is which one
The type of death the believer chooses is largely derived from one's position in the world
One of these religions in the years of its formation and development. During the heyday of
In the Roman Empire, Judaism and Christianity were synonymous religions. in contrast,
Islam was born in the 7th century AD, after the division in the Roman Empire,
In a time of global political vacuum, which allowed him to gain power and influence
relatively fast.

"הנוצרים הראשונים היו פאסיוויים. הם קיבלו באהבה את המוות. הם
הגישו את הלחי השנייה", אומר ד"ר אביעד קליינברג מהחוג
for general history at Tel Aviv University. Kleinberg, who specializes in Genesis
הנצרות, טוען כי "אין עדויות על נוצרים נרדפים שמנסים להגן על
themselves. From the time of Nero Caesar in the first century AD to the fourth century
AD they are led like sheep to the slaughter. The principle that guided them was that there was authority
which is beyond human authority, and for which it is worth dying. if you are running
בשמה של הסמכות הזאת, אתה נמצא מעבר לטוב ולרע". מודל המוות
The first Christians had Jesus. He is the sheep led to the pilgrim, who died
Atones for all iniquities.

אולם בהדרגה עברה הנצרות מפציפיזם לתפישה "שמשונית" של "תמות
נפשי עם פלישתים", אומר קליינברג. המהפך בתפישה, שלפיה אנשים
that those who die in war are saints, developed during the Crusades since the
.11"עם זאת, אין בנצרות תופעה של התאבדות. הצלבן שנלחם יוצא
Maybe for suicide missions, but there is no sanctification of suicides. Christianity is repulsive
תופעה זו. המתאבד, לפי תפישתה, אינו מרוויח כלום".

Judaism condemns suicide, but it also raises a series of practices for a miracle
suicide. Some of them were considered miraculous acts or were interpreted as sanctification of God
and were a cornerstone in the historical myth. Among the most prominent were the death of Samson
and the suicide of King Saul after the defeat in the campaign against the Philistines in Gilboa.
אך המונחים "שמד" ו"קידוש השם" נטבעו בעקבות הגזירות בתקופת
Greek and Roman rule. In the book of Maccabi XNUMX it is told about the death of Hannah and her seven sons.
Rabbi Akiva was among the temples of Hashem following the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135
AD He was executed because he insisted on reading the Shema.

But the most prominent suicide incident of all, although not the only one of its kind, was
The mass suicide in Masada in 73, three years after the destruction of a house
Crimson. There were also mass suicides in Yodafat and Gamla. about a thousand years
Later, in the 11th century
A similar event took place in the Rhine Valley in Germany. during the first crusade
The Christians placed before the Jewish communities in Magnatza and Vermiza the
הברירה: טבילה או מוות (גזירות תתנ"ו). היהודים בחרו למות על
the sanctification of Hashem. Hundreds of Jews killed their children and wives and then
התאבדו. ד"ר ישראל יובל מהחוג להיסטוריה של עם ישראל
At the Hebrew University he studied the effects this had on public opinion
the christian It turns out that the mass suicide was among the factors that shaped the
הדימוי של היהודים כבעלי תכונות רצחניות. "אבל היהודים שהתאבדו
לא הרגו אחרים", אומר יובל, "הם אמרו: לא שווה לנו לחיות בעולם
in which we cannot fulfill our faith. They preferred the spiritual existence
על פני הקיום הפיסי".

Compared to the defensive context in which Christianity operated at the beginning and Judaism, in 200
In the first years of its existence, Islam was a conquering and victorious religion. Already in the century
On the 9th the Muslims reached the peak of their power and prosperity. Indeed, all the promises of Gan
Eden that appears in the Koran and traditions are from the first hundred years of
Islam. They are designed to develop a fighting culture. Beginning in the 11th century
Islam for protection. At this point, another phenomenon, that of martyrs, was increasing
who gave their lives in internal Islamic struggles (such as the wars between
Shiites to Sunnis).

The virtues of martyrdom compared to the sanctity of life, says Prof. Kohlberg,
have been discussed by Islamic jurists in a clear connection to the discussion of Jihad.
One of the questions that preoccupied them was: Is it permissible for a single warrior to attack a force
big of the enemy? One of the founders of the Hanafi school, Muhammad bin al-Hasan
Al-Shibani, who lived in the second half of the 8th century AD, said: To Adam
A single person is allowed to attack even a thousand enemy men if there is a reasonable chance that he will be left
alive or he will hit the enemy before he is killed. If there is a significant fear that he will be killed
Without him harming the enemy, because then his action is obscene, since he exposes himself
to death without any expected profit for the Muslims.

The knowledge website was until the end of 2002 part of the IOL portal from the Haaretz group

It is likely, then, that the martyrs of today would have received a permit immediately
The Hanafi school, on one condition - that they direct their actions against fighters
ולא כנגד אזרחים. כפעולה "נגד האויב", הם בהחלט עומדים
In the criteria set by Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shibani.

To what extent, if at all, is the phenomenon of suicide terrorism, which Israel experiences, related
In the flesh today, to the texts that appear in the historical sources of Islam?
פרופ' קולברג אומר כי "יש כאן אמנם המשכיות, אבל הסיטואציה
different than in the Middle Ages. There are things here that were not there before. There was none
Once upon a time a state like the Jewish state, which is perceived as a state of infidels,
was established within an area considered waqf belonging to Islam. The development in thinking
The Palestinian movement in this direction began to take shape already in 1967, but it caught on
acceleration in recent years. The radical Palestinian movements rely
כיום על טקסטים מימי הביניים בבואן להסביר את תופעת השאהידים".

במאמרו כותב קולברג כי "ישנם כיום אנשי הלכה מוסלמים, שקובעים
It is clear that if there were modern explosives in the days of the Prophet Muhammad, there would be
המוסלמים עושים בהם אותו שימוש בדיוק כמו הלוחמים השאהידים היום".


  1. Judaism does not exalt suicides, nor does it justify them in any case.
    The cases given as an example in the article indicate ignorance.
    שאול המלך זכה לגינוי בכתובים על מעשיהו, וכן שמשון, שניהם זכו לגינוי כפול- הן על ההתאבדות והן על המעשה שעשו שהביא אותם "לפינה" הזו, שהם הרגישו שהם צריכים לבצע א. האקט הזה.
    On her part she was certainly condemned, as well as what happened in the Crusades in Vermeiza.
    According to Judaism, indeed, one will kill and not pass away, among other things it is said about conversion, but this is a voluntary conversion.
    The forced baptism of a Jew to Christianity against his will is not included in the commandment.
    The Jew should remain in his Judaism - and even if they kill him for it - but not take his own life.

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