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Opinion/ a smiling look at a possible separation from the moon

In all the books and also on the Internet, the fact appears that our dear neighbor, the one and only moon, attached to our world by the gravitational cables, is about to leave us!

In all the books and also on the Internet, the fact appears that our dear neighbor, the one and only moon, attached to our world by the gravitational cables, is about to leave us!
This cosmological production, regarding which there was never a debate regarding the centrality of the earth. Galileo, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler and also the well-remembered Giordano Bruno who climbed the stake, and also the one who burned it, the Holy Christian Church, all agreed that the earth was in the center, and the moon revolved around it. And even in the days when all the others left the centrality of the earth in favor of the sun, he faithfully continued to revolve around us.

But in the last few years, the news is spreading, that our dear neighbor, the one about whom poems have been written, whose heartwarming light in long nights contributed to the development of love, and with it, the glorious evolution of man, lo, lo, is moving away from us and in the course of billions of years will leave us forever, perhaps even for the better Ort Belt, Kuiper, if not above that!

In these difficult moments, I, your faithful servant, consider myself a cosmological duty, to check with my well-known and unconventional methods, the correctness of this terrible fact, and maybe, just maybe, smash it!

But I ask in advance, you as a house of praise to be to me, and even if I err and God forbid, lay the blame for the tremendous anguish of all of us and the tremendous responsibility of the conclusions of my article.

How big is the problem?

Well, as we all know, the measurements are very accurate. A mirror was placed on top of the moon during one of the Apollo flights, and a laser beam is sent to it from time to time from here to there, checking the exact distance of our good neighbor. The result is 3.8 cm per year.
Let it not diminish in your eyes. These "measly" 3.8 cm will easily turn into hundreds of thousands of km in a few billion years!

Seemingly, a lost battle, the result is accurate and there is nothing to be done. We are destined in the last days of our sun to have a small, pale moon, if any.

Why is he walking away?

The existing explanation for the problem places the bulk of the blame for moving away on Earth. The movement of the continents, the tides that the moon exerts on the earth all slow down the rotation of the earth and therefore, in order to maintain the rotational momentum of the system, the moon moves away, just like a spinning dancer whose spread of her hands causes her to slow down the speed of her rotation.

It goes without saying that your faithful servant does not accept this explanation as the main explanation for the moving away of the moon.

Alternative options for explanation.

A. expansion of the universe

It was decided by whoever decided at the time that the propagation of the Hubble is only in very large bodies, such as distances between galaxies. The first thing we will decide on will be that Hubble's spread will be done throughout interstellar space even at distances of a moon to its planet. And if someone dares to ask for proof, he will be told simply: - fact, look at the distance of the moon from the earth!.

We will check what this distance for a year should be. The calculation is really simple!

Assuming that the Hubble constant is 65 km per second and there are 31.56 million seconds in a year, then the spread of Hubble per Mega Persec is about 2.05 billion km per year.

Let's check what the size of mega-presque is:-
Since a mega is a million, and a peach is 3.2616 light years, and a light year is 63,240 astronomical units and since each astronomical unit is 149,600,000 km,
So the size of a Mega Persec in km is:- 30.86 billion, billion, km.

Hence if we divide the size of the expansion (the first result) by the distance (the second result) we will get that the linear expansion of the universe is done at a rate of 0.0664 billionths per year, which means about the distance of the moon from the earth (about 380,000 km) about 2.5 cm per year.

We are left to explain another distance of about thirteen mm.

B. Testing the "ruler" with which we measure, i.e. the speed of light.

It is clear to me that at this point, anyone who accepts my mournful expansion will also want to leave the remaining "snippet" of expansion for the purpose of justifying his previous paradigm regarding the expansion of the moon, such as those sailors who insisted on leaving the sails on the first steamships. But I will try to be more radical, and as the saying goes: "When we lose, we lose"!

It is known that the speed of light is 299,800 km per second. Is it a fixed size? Not much in words, but refer the readers to the article I wrote:- The speed of light in the universe is expanding. The conclusion was that the speed of light decreases by one cm per second per year. Now if we measure with the help of this "ruler" the distance to the moon, it will mislead us by one cm for every 299,800 km, for every year that passes!
And in measuring the distance to the moon, there will be an error of about 1.3 cm per year.

Therefore, if my hypothesis is correct, the measuring devices will indeed show a distance that increases by 3.8 cm, but our moon is "only" moving away by 2.5 cm per year, which is a "natural" distance of physical bodies in our universe as a result of the expansion of Hubble.


May your hearts not be relieved for such a tiny change that I made with great effort. And don't underestimate the sad explanation I gave for the moon moving away. I admit that now you are worried about the accelerated expansion of the universe that will increase the escape velocity of the moon in the future, but the consolation is that the entire solar system is expanding and our moon will never reach the Oort and Kuiper belts, which are receding in the same ratio.

The moon is a point close to us, apart from its "natural" mournful receding.

True, we are talking about two problematic rules here,

A. The spread of grief over short distances.
B. The change in the speed of light relative to time.

These two rules are probably not acceptable to most readers, but I hope all naysayers will forgive me for the good intention of using them.

And don't forget that if I was right, I saved more than a cm from the distance, at least for the coming period!

One response

  1. Yehuda, don't you accept the first hypothesis as some kind of factor that does something to the interaction between the moon and the earth and don't you, according to what I see, (but I haven't read it yet, but I intend to read it) use it regarding earthquakes. My question is if you have a hypothesis what This makes the Earth-Moon system entropically how it manifests itself and there is a loss of energy.
    I haven't read all your articles yet, maybe you refer to it in one of the articles.

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