Comprehensive coverage

Dimensional gates and time travel

Chapter from "Parallel Worlds" - a journey to creation, to the higher dimensions and to the future of the universe by Michio Kaku, Keter Publishing

The cover of the book Parallel Worlds by Michao Kiko
The cover of the book Parallel Worlds by Michao Kiko

Inside every collapsing black hole may lie the seeds of a new expanding universe.
-Sir Martin Rees

Black holes can be a window to other times. The hypothesis is that if we dive into a black hole we will return and go to another part of the universe and to another period in time... black holes can be entrances to wonderland. But are there cheerleaders or white rabbits?
- Carl Sagan

General relativity is like a Trojan horse. On the surface, this is a great theory. With a few simple assumptions one can state the general properties of the cosmos, including the bending of starlight and the Big Bang itself, all of which have been measured with incredible precision. Even inflation can be included provided that an arbitrary parameter called the cosmological constant is introduced into the theory. These solutions provide us with the most convincing theory about the birth and death of the universe.

But inside the horse lurks demons and goblins of every kind and species, inclusive Black holes, white holes, wormholes, and even time machines, which contradict common sense. These anomalies were considered so strange that even Einstein himself thought they would never be found in nature. For years he fought hard against these strange solutions. Today we know that these anomalies cannot be dismissed casually. They are an integral part of General Relativity. Furthermore, perhaps, in many days, they will save intelligent beings who will face the great stagnation.

The possibility of parallel universes and gateways connecting them seems to be the strangest of all these anomalies. If we remember Shakespeare's metaphor that the whole world is a stage, then general relativity allows for the possibility of hidden doors. But these secret doors, instead of leading to the basement, lead to parallel stages similar to the original stage. Imagine the stage of life consisting of multi-story stages, one on top of the other. On each stage, the actors recite their roles and move in the thought that their stage is the only stage, without realizing that there may be alternative realities. But if one day they happen to pass through a back door, they will be thrown into a whole new stage on which there are new laws, new regulations and a new script.

And if countless universes can exist, is there a possibility of life in universes governed by different physical laws? This is the question Isaac Asimov poses in his classic science fiction story The Gods Themselves, in which he creates a parallel universe with a different nuclear power than our own. The abolition of the usual laws of physics and their replacement with new laws raises new and fascinating possibilities.

The story begins in the year 2070, when a scientist named Frederick Hallam discovers that ordinary tungsten-186 undergoes a strange transformation into a mysterious plutonium-186, which has too many protons and will therefore be unstable. Hallam concludes that this strange plutonium-186 comes from a parallel location where the nuclear force is much stronger, so it overcomes the repulsion of the protons. Because this strange plutonium-186 emits large amounts of energy in the form of electrons, it can be harnessed to produce fantastic amounts of energy. thus enabling the construction of Allam's celebrated electron pump, which solves the Earth's energy crisis, and makes Allam a rich man. But this energy has a price. If enough foreign plutonium-186 enters our universe, the nuclear force as a whole will be strengthened. This means that the fusion process will release more energy, and the sun will heat up at an accelerated rate and finally explode, destroying the entire solar system!

Meanwhile, aliens in the parallel universe have other plans. Their universe is dying. The nuclear force in their universe is very strong, meaning the stars there are consuming hydrogen at a tremendous rate and will soon die. They built the system by which they launch into our universe worthless plutonium-186 in exchange for valuable tungsten-186 which allows them to produce the positron pump, which saves their dying world. They understand that the intensity of the nuclear force in our universe will increase and cause our stars to explode, but they don't care.

It seems that the earth is racing towards disaster. Humans have become addicted to the free energy of the Allam, and refuse to believe that the sun will explode soon. Another scientist invents a clever solution to this problem. He successfully perfects a powerful particle accelerator to create a hole in space that connects our universe with many other universes. After searching among them, he finally finds a parallel universe that is completely empty except for a "cosmic egg" that contains unlimited amounts of energy, but its nuclear power is weak.

By extracting energy from this cosmic egg, it creates a new energy pump and at the same time weakens the nuclear force in our universe, thereby preventing the explosion of the sun. But this too has a price: the nuclear power of this new parallel universe will increase, causing it to explode. But he claims that this explosion will only cause the cosmic egg to "hatch," and create a new big bang. He realizes that he is actually serving as the birth of a new expanding universe.

Asimov's science fiction story is one of the few that involved the laws of nuclear physics to weave a plot of greed, intrigue and redemption. Asimov was right in assuming that changing the strength of the forces in our universe would have disastrous results, and that if the strength of the nuclear force increased, the stars in our universe would heat up, brighten and finally explode. Thus the inevitable question arises: are parallel universes compatible with the laws of physics? And if so, what would it take to enter a parallel universe?

To understand these questions, we must first understand the nature of wormholes, of negative energy and of course the nature of these mysterious bodies, called black holes.

Black holes

Micho Kaku
Micho Kaku

In 1783 the British astronomer John Mitchell was the first to ask what would happen if a star grew so large that light itself could not escape it. He knew that every body has an "escape velocity" - this is the minimum velocity that must be imparted to the body in order for it to escape from a star and never return. (The escape velocity from Earth, for example, is 40,000 kilometers per hour.)

Mitchell wondered what would happen if a star became so heavy that its escape velocity equaled the speed of light. Its gravity will be so great that nothing can escape it, not even light itself, and anyway the body will appear black to the outside world. In a certain sense, it would not be possible to find such a body in space, because it would be invisible.

The question of Mitchell's "black stars" was forgotten for one hundred and fifty years. But the matter came up again in 1916, when Karl Schwarzschild, a German physicist who served in the German army on the Russian front, found an exact solution of Einstein's equations for a massive star. Even today the Schwarzschild solution is considered the simplest and most elegant solution to Einstein's equations. Einstein was amazed to hear that Schwarzschild had found a solution to his complex tensor equations while under shell fire. And no less amazed by the special features of the Schwarzschild solution.

The Schwarzschild solution, from a distance, could represent the gravity of an ordinary star, and Einstein was quick to use the solution to calculate the gravity around the Sun and test his previous calculations that included approximations. For that he was grateful to Schwarzschild all his life. But Schwarzschild's second paper showed that around a very massive star was an imaginary "enchanted ball" with strange properties. This "magic bullet" was the point of no return. Anyone who passes through the "enchanted ball" will immediately be sucked by gravity into the star, and will not be seen again. Not even light could escape if it fell into this sphere. Schwarzschild did not realize that he had rediscovered Mitchell's black star, through Einstein's equations.

He then calculated the radius of this enchanted sphere (called the Schwarzschild radius). For a body the size of our Sun, the diameter of the enchanted ball was about 3 kilometers. (Earth's Schwarzschild radius was about a centimeter.) This means that if the Sun could be compressed to 3 kilometers, it would become a dark star and swallow any body that passed this point of no return.

From the experimental point of view, the existence of the enchanted sphere did not cause problems because it was impossible to compress the sun to three kilometers. No mechanism for creating such a fantastic star was known. But theoretically it was a disaster. Einstein's theory of general relativity did produce some promising results, such as the bending of starlight around the sun, but the theory became meaningless as soon as you approached the enchanted sphere itself, where gravity became infinite.

Then a Dutch physicist, Johannes Droste, came along and showed that the solution was even crazier. He showed that according to the theory of relativity, light rays passing around the body will be severely bent. At a distance one and a half times greater than the Schwarzschild radius, light rays will actually circle in circles around the star. Drosta showed that the time distortions discovered by general relativity around these massive stars were much worse than those discovered by special relativity. He showed that a distant observer observing a spaceship approaching the "enchanted ball" would determine that time in the spaceship slows down to a complete stop. From this observer's point of view, the spacecraft seems to "freeze in time" at the moment of its impact with the black hole. Since time itself stops at this point, some physicists thought that such a strange body could not exist in nature. The situation became even more interesting when the mathematician Hermann Weyl showed that when you explore the world inside the enchanted sphere, you get the impression that there is another universe on the other side.

All this was so fantastic that even Einstein did not believe it. In 1922, at a conference in Paris, the mathematician Jacques Edmar asked Einstein what would happen if this "singularity" were real, that is, if gravity became infinite at the Schwarzschild radius. Einstein replied, "It would be a real disaster for the theory; And it will be very difficult to predict in advance what will happen physically, because the formula will no longer fit." Einstein would later call this the "Adamer disaster." At the same time, he thought that all this controversy surrounding dark stars was only speculation. First, no one has ever seen such a strange body, and perhaps there are no such bodies at all; That is, they are immaterial. Furthermore, whoever falls into such a body will crash to death. And because no one will be able to pass through the enchanted ball (because time will stop), no one will be able to enter this parallel universe.

44 תגובות

  1. It seems a little strange to me to have the debate about what some call God. Show me one believer who will agree (before the debate begins) on what is considered a valid argument, and who will agree to stop believing if no valid arguments are given to him. Then I will argue with him (perhaps because I don't believe that his consent will be valid...).

  2. Agree 100%, I just decided to go with the guy and not insist on something that doesn't have a clear definition. Today the division into continents is only cultural and not geographical, after all if we were to follow this idea Greenland and the Canadian islands west of it should be a continent.

  3. It is not even true that there are 7 continents in the world!
    There are seven names of continents but in fact Europe, Asia and Africa are one continent!
    South America plus North America is one more continent.
    Together with Australia and Antarctica you reach four continents.
    In general - there is no actual definition of the size of an island that deserves to be called a "continent" and of course if you want you can reach (with suitable definitions) almost any number you want between zero and a thousand

  4. The clergy spread the "science" of the Bible as if it were special. Remind you of the Mayan tribe which was thousands of times more advanced (/smarter if you will) than all your rabbis?

    Today a religious guy told me that the Rambam claimed that there are 7 continents in the world (which is true). I immediately went to the library with him and what did I find out? That the Rambam claimed that between these continents there is heaven (!).

    It just shows how well the "religious filter" works on those young guys who are ready to grasp anything to see a certain (wrong) quote as proof of the Bible.

  5. Have you heard of Rambam or Professor Leibovitz?
    Great scientists who believed in God, and they are only the first and most prominent examples I thought of

  6. After a wide but superficial scan of your very likable site, I allow myself to scatter some advice with a cheeky soul.

    1) Put a filter in talkbacks, as soon as you recognize the word God, block the response and put the IP and COOKIE in the blocked list
    2) As soon as you recognize the word God, block the response
    3) If the madmen succeed in penetrating, prepare a TEMPLATE response in advance that says -> God does not exist, for those interested in more information, please contact the website - truth or freedom and all... or websites that provide mental help
    4) It is also possible to make it worse and add in the add response screen, CHECKBOX There is no attempt to convert religion or missionary activity in this response.
    In addition: to write a warning that the mere addition of the response also includes disbelief in God, it will alienate them for a long time while their rabbis grapple with the halachic question of how far it is possible to lie and cheat in order to sell their product. (In general, there is already confirmation of this in a letter from Eliyahu)

    It's simply horrible what these neurotic OCD mental patients are doing on the site, please keep the discussion scientific and rational.

  7. Good luck Michael. I hope that the Habat will not drop many in their net. Although I must comment that this website is not their main activity, but a street activity. They hand out candles for women to sit with and offer men to put on tefillin. They are very nice, and many of them are converts themselves who know the The secular head. Of course, at the time of repentance, they do not mention the biblical cosmology (you probably know what I mean) and do not exactly adhere to the interpretation of "Sun in Gibeon Dom". In pleasant ways they lure the secular (especially young people) into the warm embrace and bear hug of religion.

  8. light:
    I agree with most of your words and I still think it is right to fight the phenomenon.
    This is important because the site is also visited by people who have not yet managed to form an opinion and because the education system does not train the youth in rational thinking.
    As soon as you only hear the claims of the rabbis, someone may fall off the fence precisely on their side, and then bringing him back to the realms of logic will be much more difficult.

    I would add something more regarding the "package deal" that you described in which believers combine moral "moral" commandments with immoral "moral" commandments due to the fear of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
    This may have been appropriate for a time when there were no rule of law states with judicial and enforcement systems such as those that exist today.
    At that time - in the absence of an effective police force - a divine figure who could not escape her judgment was needed to deter people from committing crimes.
    The situation today is much simpler and today the benefit of believing in the "god of intimidation" is much lower than the harm of believing in the false god of "truth".

  9. Michael, how can we not get tired of answering all these religious claims? You may not be able to convince them and they will not be able to convince you. And yet you take your time to refute all their claims. Are you afraid that the rest of the site's readers will believe these claims? Will a random secular reader who reads the claims, for example of one who believes, agree with him and repent?
    The system of repentance in Israel, if I understand correctly and indeed you are going against it in your efforts, which really impress me (because it seems that no matter what the topic of the news is, some religious person will claim that it proves there is a God - whether it is biology, physics, chemistry, etc. and you tomorrow holding after them and answering them), does not operate on the level you operate on. Of course your arguments are more logical. Of course you were right, in the logical sense.

    Believers don't care. They don't want to be "proved" with logic. Belief in religion is motivated by its morals and values, even if it pretends to make false claims about the nature of the world. Someone who believes, for example, in "Honor your father and your mother so that your days on earth will be long", takes the rabbit from migration in the same package. It is difficult for them, from a logical point of view, to claim "honor your father and your mother yes, but a hare that chews the cud no". As soon as you deny God, you (apparently, according to them, not in my opinion), also deny everything that is really precious in their eyes in religion, because if all-knowing and all-powerful are involved in this, how are they superior to other people's morals? The claim (wrong, in my opinion) is that if you do not attribute "divinity" to some moral ideal, it is no stronger than a moral ideal raised by, for example, the anti-Semites. To cling to religion is to cling to the highest tree there is - God is omniscient and omnipotent. Can you imagine someone easily giving up, based on correspondence on a web page, the moral advantage (in his eyes) he has over others?

    Put yourself in Deti's shoes. You have a moral principle, let's go back to the example of honoring parents. You want society to obey your principle, but for one reason or another there are people who challenge it. They are not comfortable respecting their parents, for example. They claim that your morality is not absolute, and that their morality, according to which everyone does what he pleases, is equal to his arguments. Why would you give up your heaviest cannon - "God said"? For logic?

    People don't see the harm in believing in God. But they see with their own eyes the damage of not observing certain mitzvahs. And if their choice is to say "I take the package with the mitzvot, even though Michael from the Internet planted doubts in my heart about its correctness", or to say "I disbelieve in everything, they proved to me with signs and examples of logic that there is no God and therefore the morality of the Nazis is equal in value to my morality", they would prefer, Even subconsciously, the first option.

    I don't think there are only moral commandments in the Bible. I know there is a commandment to kill Amalekites and so on. I also believe that if this commandment were relevant today, and had moral consequences today, there would be many more people repeating the question than those you were able to convince with the help of logic. If the Jewish religion commanded people to sacrifice their sons (not a commandment for Abraham, but for the people themselves, just as they are commanded to put on tefillin, and even a halachic ruling would not change that), there would be far fewer believers.

    Sorry for the pessimism, and I agree with your claims, I just think logically it won't work.

  10. One who believes:
    You yourself admit that this is not a perfect revival.
    In my opinion, this is not an insult at all.
    In any case - the Torah's claim that the hare is alive is a mistake.
    I don't understand why you write that because it is not a perfect ruminant it does not spread a horse.
    This causality is not factually correct and the Torah does not need it either.
    By the way - do you know that according to chapter XNUMX of Genesis the Euphrates and Tigris and two other rivers have a common source?
    Do you know that this claim is just another "God" error?

  11. Regarding the rabbit, I was indeed wrong, I looked for a quote about it in the Bible and did not find it, and in a second search (on the Internet) I did find it, and here is the response to it: The rabbit excretes two types of feces. One is digested and the other is not digested enough. It does not excrete the other outside its body, but eats it straight up again from the anus, for further digestion. This is a fact, every serious researcher mentions this fact. What do we care if the bowel movement comes from a special stomach through the esophagus, or it absorbs it externally, but the digestion process is the same process. Since it is not a perfect bowel movement, therefore It does not spread horseshoes, so it was forbidden to eat it.
    Regarding the prophets and scriptures, I look at them as history books with a distinct religious point of view, but they do not come from the mouth of God.

  12. Your response to me (and I notice to others as well) is dismissive
    In your approach you feel the need to add your opinion about others:
    "Your words are meaningless"..."nonsense"...etc...
    Nevertheless, I responded to you because you partially agreed with me but in the part you did not understand - I had to explain again and give examples so that you understand!
    There is the will of humans and there is the will of nature.
    Sometimes, even the death of thousands of people can be "good" for nature.

    Obviously, it would be better if we were not Jews, not Arabs, not anti-Semitic, not religious, and not scientists.
    We are all just citizens of the Milky Way and each accepts the opinions of the other

    Each of us still has a lot to learn about tolerance and acceptance.

  13. Dawn:
    Your current words have already received an answer in my previous response to your words.

  14. One who believes - Judaism never called for Jihad, but it certainly tried to destroy entire nations. For example: Amalek protested... King Saul was asked to kill women and children...

  15. Michael: My words are not without dawn, but are the dawn!
    I present opinions as those who look down on humans and history, I do not try to say what is good for one or the other and I do not try to separate humans from the rest of creation.
    A tsunami that wipes out thousands of people is not good for a person but can be good for the planet, for example..
    Chaos leads to new insights, a fire allows the field to grow again...
    Needless to say, not only Jews perished in the Holocaust, but millions of people of every religion and color.
    Maybe it's good for people to know what a narrow opinion can lead to...fundamentalism...elitism...
    The Holocaust serves as a warning light to this day and life will never be able to return to the period before it.

  16. Darling, I was so annoyed by your response (or your lack of response) that after I was already getting ready for bed I couldn't rest and had to go back and turn on the computer lest any of the readers take your words seriously.
    Let's start with the lies and falsehood that you accuse me of "it is true what you say that you do not understand part of the Torah and mitzvot,"
    Please show me where I stated my lack of understanding of the Torah and mitzvot, where is the connection between the mitzvot and Kepler's laws?
    "But a commandment such as honoring a father and whether or not you steal, you shall not murder, is this commandment not acceptable to you..."
    Really do me a favor, are these commandments acceptable to all believers? Do they fulfill the mitzvah one by one?
    You blame Bloksh (reply 24) but try to sell the readers of science Loksh yourself.
    And here comes the matter of doing what you believe in and not going round and round until someone above you solves the moral problem for you. Life really is simpler when you don't have to make decisions.

    And of course like many others before you, when you are presented with difficult questions you dodge with stories.
    I invite you to start with easy questions and slowly progress (so maybe something will come out of this whole discussion), did Kepler find his laws in the Ten Commandments? (hint - no)
    From here you are invited to continue looking for answers in other places and not only in stories, and I will quote: "These are things that did not exist in the time of the Gemara or in the time of Moses, and will be renewed in the last time," at least you recognize the fact that there are things that change with time and with human knowledge...

  17. Delicious Blones! It's true what you say that you don't understand some of the Torah and mitzvot, but you should know that there are many religious people who like you don't understand everything. Tell me, for example, there is a mitzvot of a red cow and some other mitzvot, such as sending the nest, which even the most religious person does not understand and does not know what the point of a mitzvot is This is a law that God gave, but a commandment such as honoring a father and whether or not you steal you shall not kill, is this commandment not acceptable to you, and what you gave me on the keyboard that is allowed on Shabbat is specifically written that it is for the army and security forces, or a lift on Shabbat, these are things that did not exist at the time of the Gemara or In the time of Moses, and we will be renewed in the last time, that is why there are institutes with qualified rabbis who are knowledgeable in Halacha and try to give answers to what happens to us today. Therefore, these things are permitted and there is no hypocrisy in this, the fact that a home computer is prohibited on Shabbat and there is no such possibility. Perhaps in the future things will change if the computer operates in such a way that it does not spoil Shabbat.
    Have a good and peaceful night

  18. Kadori - you know the difference between us, I really asked myself these questions.
    And not only did I ask, but I also looked for answers. For some of them I found an answer and for some I came to the conclusion that my knowledge is not enough to understand the answers.
    Did my lack of understanding make me believe it was impossible? (After all, Kepler did not find his laws among the Ten Commandments.) That there must be something that directs?
    How is such order (or disorder) possible if there is nothing behind it?
    Do you think I "prefer" to live in ignorance?

    What is the connection, what is the connection... What is the connection between what you believe in and what you do?
    What is the connection between faith and the complicated and illogical system of mitzvot that is practiced among believers?
    Indeed a difficult question, I will have to think about it, maybe some of the philosophers have already examined this topic...

    And another question for thought, if there is a host why wouldn't it be the flying spaghetti monster
    "Long live the noodles", what's the difference?

    And by the way, I'd rather have a few more zeros before the one in the bank account, what a shame life isn't that simple 🙂

  19. square ball:
    Of course God drives the stars.
    This idea of ​​the force of gravity that gives us such a good possibility to predict the events is much less plausible than the idea that God drives them in circles and at the same time makes sure that the apples fall in a way that corresponds to that force of gravity and that the rays of light will bend accordingly.
    In general - the very fact that your typing turns into words and not just gibberish is proof that the Creator of the world speaks through your fingers.
    The question arises, of course, why it is that those words that are not gibberish are nevertheless nonsense.

  20. Blonz from 19 Blonz without keys doesn't work, that's why you're probably making them for us, I didn't ask what Azrieli is made of, or what the universe is made of, that's what he really knew from what science has learned in recent years, the big question is how everything is arranged. In excellent order.

    The order that is here, and the creation is not wonder, there is an order to every planet and the sun, ask yourself why the sun doesn't make trips and just make a flight in different directions as you want or one day it won't shine or the moon and the other stars will make a trip? The arrangement here is that the moon finishes its coffee every 29 days and a little, and the sun every 28 years that the year will be 28 years that the sun reaches the place where it was at the beginning of its creation. This is solid evidence that there is a landlord here. There is order to everything and there is a creator who oversees them, you don't see him, again it is really difficult, but it is clearer and better to believe that there is a landlord. And all the stories from the keyboards and the Shabbat elevator, it's true, there really are many who don't trust God, but what is the difference between that and faith, that there is a master of the house for all creation.

  21. Ok, is it just me or are there trolls here? (I will not mention names, not even "fictitious")
    If those who answered in such an empty way really mean it and are not trolls trying to drag us into pointless arguments (no offense to Shahar), then the situation in our country is worse than I thought. Maybe it comforts them to believe that God also invented the Internet 🙂

  22. Dawn:
    Your words are meaningless.
    You say good and bad is a relative thing and I agree with you on that but as a human being I want the good to be relative to the human beings.
    Nothing good can grow from killing tens of millions of people (of which six million are Jews).
    You point to the establishment of the state as one of the best results and it's really a joke.
    It's like saying it's good to have a fever because that's how finding the cure for fever became possible.
    The State of Israel is indeed a cure for anti-Semitism, but wouldn't it be better without anti-Semitism?
    This brings me to the loneliness of a fake.
    Judaism did survive but the Jews almost all died (and not just died - they died because of it).
    I have already explained here more than once the matter of memes that preserve themselves, but beyond the fact that there is no need to repeat things that have already been explained many times, in the current case it seems to me that they will fall on deaf ears anyway.
    And for the square ball - I have nothing but to say what I have already said even in the current discussion.
    Even the fact that I don't currently have a headache does not prove that there is no God - so what? Does this mean there is a God? Can such an argument make the hare to chew the cud and the pie to be trilled?

  23. Until the Messiah is revealed, history will repeat itself all the time
    The people of Israel have always been persecuted and we Jews are the smallest number in the world that no one was able to destroy us, after great empires fell
    Blessed is the believer.

    If God does not exist and everything is casual, it is not possible that the most ordinary thing, which is the seasons, will not be confused with each other day after day.
    The heavens tell glory to God and his handiwork declares the heavens

  24. You made me laugh, you are wrong about everything except one thing - God is not the problem
    People who believe in something blindly and force the belief on other people are the problem. Enough with the hypocrisy
    I ask how such a keyboard is,7340,L-3632159,00.html
    does not contradict your beliefs, let's not talk about the Shabbat elevator...
    If my child asks me how Azrieli was created, I will explain to him about concrete and designs
    If he asks me how the universe was created I will explain to him about Einstein and equations and models
    So do me a favor...

  25. To all those who contradict G-d from creation, their problem is not G-d's, in 30 years all those who will ask their father how Azrieli was established, and how the Ayalon road, the railroads were established, we will tell them that it was created by a super explosion, which was in the central area and since then everything has shrunk, and Azrieli was created And everything that is being built in Israel now, is it possible?
    The fact that you do not see God with your eyes does not mean that he is not found.

  26. Good and bad are relative concepts. The duality of our brain - trying to decide between emotion and logic.

    I am not claiming that it is good to murder people, but out of the global chaos that arose after World War II - a lot of "good" happened to culture, to growth, to science..

    The Holocaust was also the trigger that pushed the Jews of the world to gather and establish a Jewish state.
    ...what is good for God in the long term may not be good for some people in the short term, after all, how will you know what is good if there is no evil in the world? How would you rate the land if there was no sea?

  27. One who believes:
    What exactly do you believe?
    Do you not believe that the Torah is God's words? This is the Jewish faith. If you believe in another religion tell me what it is and I will deal with it.
    In the Torah it is written that the rabbit rummages.
    The instructions for building the Temple are quoted in the Bible from the mouth of God.
    God may have only tested Abraham but Abraham - in his past God's test - failed the moral test. He sent his wife and son to die in the desert and was ready to kill his other son as well. It seems to me that this is the kind of test that even Hamas does not give to those who join them. By the way - the madwoman from Beit Shemesh was also tested in the same test and passed it with great success.
    No one said that God was supposed to prevent the Holocaust. They only said that he is good and to me it is impossible to be good if you allow the murder of babies who have done nothing wrong. I know that those whose minds (and morals within) have been washed by blind faith cannot understand even such a basic thing.

  28. Gil, you mix a lot of scientific facts with nonsense, and what comes out is nonsense 🙂
    If you try to explain to yourself what you wrote in your last two posts I'm sure you'll understand what I'm talking about

  29. The universe we see is quite false and misleading
    He is a universe of three dimensions
    A universe where time matches our universe
    more or less in the same time ratio.
    when the fourth dimension is missing

  30. As for black holes, it's really not certain that light can't escape from it.
    another option :
    Time there passes much slower, really slower
    So only if you were in the same dimension of time
    In which it is said inside another black hole
    Only then could it be seen shining with a tremendous light

    The dark (missing) matter in the universe is time
    Time does not match in the universe
    Therefore it seems as if the galaxies in the universe are less bright than they should be
    Time beats at a slower pace compared to our time
    Therefore, the incoming light is paler or completely devoid of light.

  31. First of all I want to respond to Michael R. : God did not say that the rabbit does not raise rum, nor did he give instructions for building the Temple, and whoever said that he should intervene and save you from the Holocaust, after all, he said that during assimilation the Jews would suffer, and in any case I do not think that it is justified to interfere in anything, after all God gave us the freedom of choice. the difference between man and beast) and look for it would have been taken away from us if he had intervened and it should also be noted that Abraham was only tested in connection with his measurements towards God.
    Toad, stop spreading your egg slime everywhere, because Judaism does not encourage crusades, jihad, wars of all kinds, etc. What's more, your disbelief in God does not make you a superior person than one who believes. By the way, Judaism has never come out against science or the acquisition of knowledge and has never claimed that the world is flat or square.
    What's more, in science sometimes questions arise that put a big question mark on many things we believed in until now and always regurgitate old claims when new ones replace them.
    In conclusion, I can give you a solution to any question you may have regarding the Jewish religion.

  32. Gil, there is no place on such a serious site for your missionary work.
    You are welcome to pray in another place, preferably one hour earlier.
    Your flight (not a choice as you said) to the personal divine automatically devalues ​​you as a thinking person. Don't get involved in discussions that involve thought, when the impression that comes out of you is that you are unable to think and conclude that your faith is in a lie built by people like you and me to gain money, influence and status and brought with it Hamas, wars in the name of religion and damage to human knowledge Cross, Jihad, various wars throughout history, the Middle Ages, etc.). All in all, a successful meme that fuels itself, nothing more. Opium for the masses, and for free.

    The book sounds interesting, by the way, and is well written.

  33. Gil Dotan:
    The phrase "choose to believe" includes, for me, an internal contradiction.
    To believe a certain claim is to attribute a very high probability to it.
    Probability is a quantity that people infer based on examining the data.
    If the data shows that the claim cannot be true - there is, in my opinion, no possibility of believing it.
    This is the situation with God who is so wise that he does not know that the rabbit he created does not raise rumen nor does he know that the instructions he gave for the construction of the copper sea in the temple cannot be implemented because pi is different from three.
    This is also the situation with God who is so good that he made the Holocaust possible.
    This is the situation with God who is so moral that he commanded Abraham our father to slaughter his only remaining son after telling him to send his wife and other son to dry in the desert.

  34. I asked "why did you decide that someone or something created the universe" was referring to your decision that the universe was created.
    In other words, what demon told you that the universe was created at all that you put it in as a self-evident fact?

  35. First of all, I don't use "Gil" 🙂 These are Gil Dotan.
    Secondly, I believe in God, but out of choice because of the difficulty.
    The choice does not clog the mind, it eases some of life's problems.
    God is found it helps... nothing more, everything else is ours and our responsibility.
    Mainly the how phase. which is the field of science.

    And N. You can't say on the one hand there is no reason there are no worries and on the other hand not ask what caused the explosion.
    Who or what are the only options as far as I remember. These are if there is something else that is not included in who or what.

    Good morning 🙂 Shabbat Shalom.

  36. Maybe God just farted
    And then our big bang was created and billions of other explosions like ours
    Let's say it was six days ago in his time zone which goes much slower

    What does an ant see on its last day?
    A giant asteroid crashes

  37. A question for Gil, why did you decide that someone or something created the universe (the big bang..).

  38. Gil: "In the meantime, choosing to repent to God solves a lot in life."
    Indeed, choosing to answer God clogs the mind. No mind no problems.

  39. age:
    Why refute?
    To know what is true and what is not true!
    But even if someone thinks that this knowledge is not important - he no longer has a choice because the existence of God has already been disproved.
    It has been refuted, as we know, in many ways, with the creation story being just one of them and the use of the term "non-linear" invented by mathematicians and which none of the drafters of the Bible thought to use only demonstrates how desperate the believers are in their attempt to justify their faith.

  40. But why refute?…

    The physical world fits perfectly with the story of creation...

    Simply in a story like Black Guys the element of time is not linear.

    I hope we will know when he created what or who created the big bang.

    In the meantime, choosing to repent to God solves a lot in life.

  41. age:
    You are invited to continue to believe in the God of gaps - the one who always has to narrow down his areas of activity to those we do not know.
    But if you want to believe in the same God who wrote the Torah and whose deeds are described in the Bible, that is another story because the existence of this God is very easy to disprove.

  42. If we take the fact that there is no end
    So anything is possible
    And everything you think or imagine already exists
    Which means that even God can exist

    As long as we have not narrowed down and limited for example: space, time, universes, laws
    It means that everything can exist
    And as there are no limits to imagination, there are no limits to reality.

    Admittedly, there is the simple physics for your people
    where there are limitations and restrictions that reduce the freedom of activity
    and create a fake reality of less than 5%

    When the real physics confused one big

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