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On eugenics and genetics - how genetic engineering will change the vision of the superior race

I recently finished reading an interesting book called "Factory for Geniuses", by David Plotz. This is a true story that follows the history that led to the creation of a sperm bank of Nobel Prize winners, and more than 200 children born from sperm donations from the bank

Measuring the width of the nose in Nazi Germany
Measuring the width of the nose in Nazi Germany

I recently finished reading an interesting book called "Factory for Geniuses", by David Plotz. The book deals with the sperm bank whose donors included Nobel Prize winners, talented athletes, brilliant scientists, etc. This is a true story that follows the history that led to the creation of this unique sperm bank, and more than 200 children born from sperm donations from the bank.

The person behind the idea of ​​the sperm bank was the millionaire Robert Graham. Graham was a cluster man with controversial opinions. Among other things, he wrote a book at the time called "The future of man". Below is a quote about this book:

"The book dealt with "pseudo-anthropology and evolutionary biology, and it's all polemical. Graham wrote: “Act now or humanity will perish! The main message in "The Future of Man" was that the society of abundance destroyed humanity, as it reversed the course of the evolution process. Ignoring that humans are healthier, wealthier, and living longer than ever before, Graham stated that humanity reached its peak 15 years ago, in the merry Cro-Magnon days. These "tormented gods," as Graham admiringly called the Cro-Magnon people, were brilliant and powerful because of the cruelty of nature. Only the best of them survived and got to pass on their magnificent genes. But then another tragedy occurred - civilization! The agricultural revolution softened humans and allowed weak individuals to reproduce. Graham claimed that fifty to ninety percent of our intelligence is inherited, and since this is so, the more inferior people multiplied, the more stupid humanity became. Natural selection has died out." (quoted from "School of Geniuses" by David Plotz, p. 35)

The development of eugenics

Ideas of race theory have accompanied humanity since its earliest days and there is evidence of racial discrimination from thousands of years ago. For example, the Spartans used to throw deformed babies off a cliff and encouraged the culture of the bravest and strongest warriors. A modern version of Torah that tested similar ideas was eugenics. Eugenics (a theory whose name means "good from birth" in Greek) grew in English-American philosophy from the end of the 19th century to the 39s. It is a rather frightening combination of Darwinism and racial paranoia, the origins of which can be found in a philosopher named Thomas Malthus who lived in the eighteenth century. But it was precisely Darwin's cousin - Francis Galton, who gave a handful of these ideas their names and developed a new doctrine, which, as mentioned, is eugenics. "Why are so many poor people criminals, imbeciles, drunkards, epileptics and obtuse? Why are the poor so lax? Why are the poor so... poor? Because they are weak by nature... the infection is in their blood." (from "School of Geniuses" by David Plotz, p. XNUMX).

Upper-middle-class white Americans first warmly embraced eugenics. At the end of the 80s, about twenty thousand students attended eugenics classes every year, and the idea continued to develop. They aimed to encourage childbirth among successful, smart and "superior" people, and at the same time began to "flirt" with ideas aimed at reducing the amount of "inferior" genes in America. As a result, laws were enacted whose purpose was to stop the flow of immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, among other things through psychotechnical tests that failed about 1907% of the test takers. In 60,000, Indiana passed a law allowing forced sterilization of the mentally retarded, and by the XNUMXs most US states had passed such a law. The result was that approximately XNUMX people were forcibly sterilized until this practice died out in the sixties.

The Nazi regime in Germany took the idea several gruesome steps further. In just three years, approximately 225,000 people were displaced in Germany, and after World War II began, the method became "mercy killing." If the economic recession in the USA of the XNUMXs led to doubting eugenics (after all, why should the sons of the rich, who brought economic ruin on the country with their own hands, still be considered superior?), then Hitler and Nazism (almost) finally buried this attitude among the general public and proved where such ideas may arrive.

From eugenics to genetic engineering

The book "Factory for geniuses" continues and reviews the development and collapse of the sperm bank of the geniuses, and throughout the book it is hard for me not to think about the revolution that will bring eugenics back into our lives from the back door and from an unexpected direction. I am of course talking about genetic engineering and I invite you to take a look In an article and a presentation I wrote on this topic.

If I summarize the main points, then humanity is facing a particularly significant breakthrough - we are about to take evolution into our own hands, and begin the massive, rapid and intense development of a unique superior race. Prof. Lee Silver in his book "Recreating Eden" claims that within a few hundred years the members of the superior race will no longer be able to reproduce with "normal" humans, because the genetic differences between the races will be too great. Since those "genetically improved" will, at least in the first stage, be from among the middle-upper class in the Western world, and from among the very upper class in the third world, humanity is about to experience a split that has not been seen since the Neanderthal man became extinct about 35,000 years ago. (The Neanderthals were a slightly different race of humans that developed at the same time as the modern human race to which we all belong. Genetic tests revealed that the genetic differences between the races were so different that the two species could not breed with each other.) So the idea of ​​eugenics not only did not pass from the world, but is about to come back to us from the back door and from a completely unexpected place. Human history teaches us that there is a high probability that the development of a superior genetic race will lead to tensions and perhaps even real wars between the races.

(This article is taken from Amnon Carmel's blog which deals with futurism, technology, science and more)

29 תגובות

  1. Social workers, psychologists, conventional and non-conventional consultants, screening and placement people, personnel, and all those in the fields where there is a danger that evil eugenic teachings have seeped into their worldview - check your daily conduct, because the professions you have chosen - are prone to disaster.
    Try to refine your worldview through more humanistic teachings, such as those of Viktor Frankl for example..

  2. ...and therefore the Israeli mental health team of all kinds, who guard the health of our souls with such devoted loyalty, in the clinics, in the hospitals, in the screening and placement centers, in the welfare offices, should check themselves with seven eyes, if there is no spillover of satanic teachings into their worldview, and this is because they chose In a profession so prone to disasters.
    There are humanistic methods, such as Viktor Frankl's, that you might want to train, in order to refine your world view that tends to be overly compulsive

  3. All these ideas stem from the psychiatric concept that there is no soul and that we are all animals.
    This is where the ideas come from that genius is something genetic.
    Society today is a reflection of what these ideas lead to.

  4. Itai:
    You are confusing genetic waste with conceptual waste.
    Terrorism, evil and destruction are not the result of the genes but of brainwashing by religions and other vain beliefs.

  5. Eugenics is a blessed thing
    There is too much genetic waste in the world,
    that initiates terrorism, evil, and destruction, with the help of technology invented by enlightened man.

  6. Israel has also been trying for a hundred years to create a "new man": young, healthy and fresh...

  7. Einstein:
    According to you, there is nothing wrong with being in the dustbin of history next to Hitler, because he too was actually a result of the opportunities he faced and, according to you, was essentially no different from you.

  8. Not proven. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dark communist.
    He may find himself in the dustbin of history alongside Stalin and his ilk.

    In short, don't just make up scientific facts off your sleeve

  9. It has already been scientifically proven that there is no difference between the successful people and the backward people except for the opportunities they had. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dark racist.
    He may find himself in the dustbin of history alongside Hitler and his ilk.

  10. to the point
    Biology is more durable than electronics. The chance that there will be a certain environment where electronics is better than biology is smaller than the opposite chance. Why do you think otherwise?

  11. Since when does the strong survive??????

    The fit survives!!
    survival of the fittest
    survival of the fist

  12. "The strong survive": not true, everyone dies.

    Apparently there are those who have not yet realized that in the future life will be based on electronics and not biology.

  13. In my opinion, the possibility of genetic modification in the future so that a certain human-like group will breed only among itself will be possible.
    As we have lost control over the production of nuclear weapons in various countries.
    From this it follows that many closed groups can arise.
    Whether these groups will be superior to other groups, in my opinion, this will be their private opinion only.
    The example of the "superior" race is the Nazi regime led by Hitler
    which is designed to eliminate anyone who does not meet the requirements of the race.
    As a result, the Nazi regime eliminated the "Slavs", an "inferior" race according to the Nazis.
    And the Jews are also an "inferior" race according to the Nazis who founded the State of Israel.

    In my opinion, a modern country should not allow problematic groups to immigrate to its territory
    For example, ethnic groups that infiltrated European countries and did not adapt to the heritage of those countries
    Therefore they are a ticking time bomb
    On the other hand, all modern countries must show compassion to the weak and support him throughout his life within the state.
    And in conclusion, anyone who supports eugenics is stupid and evil because he who does selection between humans
    also capable of murder (see an example from the Nazi regime)

  14. Hugin and Monin -

    The conference was very successful. My father and my uncle gave lectures and despite the differences of opinion, the lectures were well received by the audience.

    This is of course an excellent place to thank my father and uncle again for their willingness to lecture and for their participation.

    The details and photographs will be published in the coming days on the association's website and later on the association's website.

    The censored information will remain censored for the time being. What can be said, that David Ronan's lecture dealt with silicon blocks discovered in Israel... this is life 🙂

    Hanan Sabat

  15. Nature always wins and everything that has evolved genetically has already been proven to be "correct".
    Therefore, any intervention may be harmful, in the long or near term... not that I do not recommend trying, on the contrary we will only learn from it, but it is clear what the result will be - the genetic mechanism is already designed to improve over time -> when there are 6 billion people in the world, the process is greatly accelerated and changes we have seen In 5000 years, we will see in 100 or 200. You don't need genetic engineering for that.

    An application of genetic engineering is better for a certain individual, but it can compete with the nature of the species.

  16. So wait, what's the problem, this is simply a personal example of evolution, the strong survive, man simply took it one step further and took the reins of the carriage
    I personally don't see anything wrong with it
    We all want offspring that are better than us and this is simply from "force to action"
    Who knows where it will go

  17. For those who have not read the book and think that the idea of ​​a new breed of humans who cannot reproduce with humans of the "old" breed is far-fetched, I suggest they read the book anyway.

    The idea presented by Silver was based on the idea that future genetic changes will be carried out using artificial chromosomes, and as a result, improved individuals will not be able to produce offspring with natural individuals, just because of the limitation of incompatibility in the number of chromosomes.
    In nature you can find many examples of similar animals that cannot produce offspring, an "easy" case is the mule that does not have an even number of chromosomes because of its parents.
    (A horse has 62 chromosomes, a donkey 64 and a mule 63.)

  18. All of his face, and without yet reading those who respond to this, says: that only a "Messianic" being of the race of Ben Yishai, the bearer
    The name "David Plutz" or something more or less close to it, can write a book, such...

    It is also possible that there will be "voters" in the world, who have a primal gay-superplanet desire... to perpetuate
    "Race-seed".. in this way, and destroy the foundation of the infrastructure, which was fed by DNA (DNA) advance...
    I wish them a successful journey, and may they blow to all the spirits >>>>>> in the language of my father, his memory is blessed,
    Let them go "kibini-mat".. and I will add, from my proverb... the sea will collect them too.. and by its nature will take care of their current... to the abysses
    Rabbah, to the worlds of womanhood and oblivion.
    The historians, among us - hysterical (womb).. historical and long.. will also record this in the book
    The books of the exploits of humanity, which has already crossed the limits of its mind..and forgot where the whale urinates from.

    And on a more compassionate note, he says, that all that sees and is found in all types of population strata, is present
    Every day, just as there are "poverty-affected" today, all over the world we see the products of "plenty-affected".
    And there is no man or woman today, boy or girl, who does not see the past and the past... everything is open... mmmmm.

  19. Genetic engineering will only prove that all those with medium-high egos are just as mentally retarded as the drug addicts at the intersections of Israel.

  20. From reading the article and without having read the book, I will comment that the assertion of the author of the book that the selection of a superior race will lead to the creation of a new human species (which does not create fertile offspring with the normal human) - within a few hundred years seems clearly far-fetched.
    It should also be noted that genius, like many traits, but genius in particular, is the result of a combination of many genes and therefore you can see many cases of geniuses being sons of ordinary people and vice versa. The reason for this is the raffle of chromosomes that is carried out in every maturation division of an egg or sperm cell, which means that a combination of genes that exists in the parent, does not necessarily appear in its offspring, due to the fact that the genes are scattered on different chromosomes.

  21. In the above case, I find it appropriate to mention some "embarrassing" but historical facts:

    1. Herzl's partner, Max Nordau and Dr. Arthur Ruffin supported eugenic activity in the public.

    2. In the XNUMXs in Israel (Palestine), Dr. Yosef Meir was one of the pioneers of eugenics. Among his recommendations, preventing women with disabilities from giving birth to children and castration of the mentally ill. Dr. Meir was very active on this issue and his disagreements with Ben-Gurion are known.

    3. In 1931, "Counseling Stations" were opened in Beit Strauss in Tel Aviv, where doctors would return who were supposed to "give advice" to pregnant women to abort, in case that woman did not conform to "the government's taste".

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