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The black gold: back in the time of the Pharaoh dynasty

Long before the invention of the combustion engine, the ancient Egyptians traded everywhere to get tar for their mummies.

Amit Oren

A fake mummy? This:

According to new research, the Middle East's successful oil business has ancient and unexpected roots. Long before the invention of the combustion engine, the ancient Egyptians traded everywhere to get tar for their mummies.
Oceanographer Mahlon Kennicutt II from Texas A&M University analyzed the unique chemical fingerprint from tar samples found on several Egyptian mummies. He reports in Geoarchaeology magazine that the sticky lumps came from sources hundreds of miles away from where they were found, including the Gulf of Suez and the Dead Sea. These distant sources show that the ancient Egyptians bartered for tar with traders who frequently visited trade routes that are still used today.
The tar was used as a kind of glue to fasten mummies against the bases. Remains of an ancient Egyptian glass factory suggest that crude oil was used as fuel. Fascinatingly, the word mummy also comes from Tar; The Arabic word mumaya indicates a component of tar called asphalt, or bitumen.
For the full information on the Discovery website
History connoisseur - ancient times

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