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Biomed Israel Week 2011: A delegation from Italy will take part in an Italian-Israeli conference on life sciences that will deal with innovation in cancer research and treatment

The delegation from Italy will include, among others, Prof. Claudio Bordinion, CEO of Molmed, Dr. Lorenzo Tallarigo, CEO of Genextra, Dr. Alessandro Nosada, CEO of the Swiss Sigma-TAU Research company and more

Prof. Claudio Bordinion, CEO of Molmed
Prof. Claudio Bordinion, CEO of Molmed

The Italian Embassy in Israel and the Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry will take part in ILSI-Biomed 2011 week, which will be held in Tel Aviv between May 23-25 ​​and will hold an Israeli-Italian medical conference with the participation of a delegation of senior doctors, researchers and company managers in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals from Italy. The medical conference is held in collaboration with the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer and will include lectures, presentations about the latest innovations in the field of oncology as well as business meetings between the Italian and Israeli companies involved in the field.


The delegation from Italy will include, among others, Prof. Claudio Bordinion, CEO of Molmed, Dr. Lorenzo Talarigo, CEO of Genextra, Dr. Alessandro Nosada, CEO of the Swiss Sigma-TAU Research company, Prof. George U Farmiani, Director of the Melanoma Unit at the San Rafael Medical Center, Prof. Alessandro Tastori, from the European Cancer Institute, Dr. Enrico Proietti, from the Italian National Institute of Health, Prof. Andrea Biondi, Director of the School of Pediatrics at the Bioce University in Milan and others.

The conference is open to the general public (subject to prior registration) and is intended for doctors and researchers in the field of cancer, as well as companies in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals that are in various stages of research and development.
Ambassador Luigi Matteiolo, Italian Ambassador to Israel, will honor the opening ceremony of the conference with his presence, alongside Prof. Shlomo Noi, R&D Vice President of the Sheba Medical Center, and Roni Benatoff, President of the Israel Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

To register and for more information, please contactIsrael-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The "ILSI-Biomed Israel 2011" week will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year, during which it became an international conference in which the biggest (and hottest) names in the world from the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices take part every year. The organizers of the event, the Israeli Life Sciences Association - ILSI - and the "Kens" company, estimate that among the thousands of expected participants - CEOs and executives of biopharma and medical device companies, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs, shapers of public opinion in the field, managers of venture capital funds and private investors - There will also be over 1,000 guests from abroad.

The "ILSI - Biomed Israel 2011" week will be held between May 23 and 25 at the David Intercontinental and Dan Panorama hotels in Tel Aviv.

the event site

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