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Israel Makov, former CEO of Teva and Ruthie Alon from the Pitango Fund will voluntarily serve as co-chairs of the steering committee for Biomed Week

Among the first decisions made by the two: on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, they will give a central stage to the 70 most advanced and promising Israeli start-up companies

Israel from Cuba
Israel from Cuba
Israel Makov, former president and CEO of Teva, and the pioneer of the biotech industry in Israel, and currently the chairman of Givan Imaging from the IDB group, and Ruthie Alon, a partner in the Pitango venture capital fund and chairman of the Israel Life Sciences Association, Volunteer to be co-chairs of the steering committee for the week at Yomed Israel, the annual international event, which will be held at the end of May 2008 in Tel Aviv.

Among the first decisions made by the two: on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, they will give a central stage to the 70 most advanced and promising Israeli start-up companies.

"Our goal is to enrich the knowledge about what is required from a start-up company in order to succeed in the global industry," says Ruthi Alon, and Israel Makov concludes: "I believe that the new technologies and the interaction between the presenting companies and the thousands of visitors - company CEOs and investors from venture capital funds and Angel to the sea - will create additional leverage for the local industry."

One response

  1. 4 months ago there was an interview for a job at the Teva company at the employment office in Jerusalem. And from 07/2011 until the writing of these lines, Teva representatives did not even bother about it and did not inform the people who were not accepted at all. Shame and insolence that there is no contact phone number...even if a person does not Hired for one reason or another, you can at least inform and not treat people as if they were Teva products on the shelf.
    Teva, in its repulsive attitude, behaves like a criminal organization where only the financial interest is important and not a human relationship.

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