Comprehensive coverage

Genesis was empty - how was our universe created? - The fifth and last part

Last episode in the series, and this time about multiple universes

Three dimensional glasses
"During the month of March 2014, we received the first experimental confirmation that the universe underwent an accelerated expansion a fraction of a second after the Big Bang and further confirmation of Einstein's theory of general relativity. This is how we expand our understanding of reality and take another step closer to a theory of everything and to a complete understanding of our universe and how it was created. Welcome to the fifth and final part of a brief history of the universe! In this series we will review both the insights we have been able to reach to date in the field of cosmology


In this case we see a light wave (electromagnetic wave) moving to the right. As it moves to the right it can oscillate up and down like the red wave, but it can also oscillate in other polarities. It can, for example, oscillate in and out of the computer monitor or in diagonal directions (like the faded red waves in the picture). In the middle of the picture there is a square with black lines that looks like a shutter. It is a polarizer that only lets the vertically polarized red wave through. All other polarizations are absorbed by the polarizer and fail to pass through. Gravitational waves also make different polarizations and their effect on the cosmic background radiation can be measured, but these polarizations are very small. Calculations show that the inflation process should make gravitational waves in many polarizations and because of the inflationary expansion of space these polarizations grow and intensify. These polarized waves were supposed to pass and change the direction of motion of the cosmic background radiation that was just created in the direction of these polarizations. Today when we measure this cosmic radiation we should see these polarization directions. Thus, if indeed the space-time underwent a process of inflation, we should find the echoes that this process left in the cosmic background radiation. But even if we find polarizations in the cosmic background radiation, how do we know that these polarizations were created precisely by the inflation process and not by other processes? It turns out that one of the polarizations that gravitational waves are supposed to do due to the inflation process is unique. This polarization is called B-MODE and we know when it can be obtained in gravitational waves. Because the inflation process increases and increases spatial phenomena, we expect that the polarizations that occurred during inflation, and in particular this polarization, will be relatively large in the cosmic background radiation. larger than other B-MODE polarizations that can appear in the cosmic background radiation due to other phenomena. The team of researchers went down to Antarctica, a place where the humidity is very low and the polarizations of the cosmic background radiation can be measured with great accuracy, and indeed they were able to find B-mode polarization in the radiation at the expected intensities and expected sizes that should be created as a result of gravity waves created from an inflationary expansion phase. This is how the researchers were able to confirm both the existence of gravitational waves and that our space-time underwent a process of inflationary expansion. In addition, from the relationships between the different polarizations and between the B-mode polarization that the researchers found in the cosmic background radiation, they can estimate the energy of the gravitational waves that shook and polarized the radiation during inflation. According to this energy it is actually possible to know in what period after the big bang was the inflationary phase. The expectations were that the inflation phase took place around the time when the strong nuclear force separated from the unified force, and indeed, as in the early expectations, the energy that the researchers received corresponds to the high energies and temperatures that existed during this separation period. This is how the cosmic background radiation provides us with another confirmation for the big bang theory and the inflationary universe, this time with the help of the polarizations it has carried with it since it started.

In this image (courtesy of NASA) you can see in the upper image and in the lower image in the upper part how the polarization (direction) of the cosmic background radiation is measured using appropriate polarizers. We test all types of polarization that the radiation has.
In this image (courtesy of NASA) you can see in the upper image and in the lower image in the upper part how the polarization (direction) of the cosmic background radiation is measured using appropriate polarizers. We test all types of polarization that radiation has.

[Cosmic Background Radiation Polarization]


In the yellow circle you see a normal form of polarization (E-mode) and in the blue circle you see the form of polarization and the size of the polarization that must have created only gravitational waves during inflation. You can see the same special polarization in the background radiation in the top image as well. The black lines mark the direction and polarization of the radiation. Once the team measured this polarization shape they were able to confirm both the gravitational waves and the inflation phase. In the bottom picture you see a drawing starting on the left side where the big bang happened and immediately after it the inflation (the yellow part). After the end of inflation the universe expands much more slowly (the black part) until the present day. Today we measure the cosmic background radiation that came out when the universe was 380,000 years old and pass it through polarizers to measure the polarization of the radiation (the blue part). Image: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
In the yellow circle you see a normal form of polarization (E-mode) and in the blue circle you see the form of polarization and the size of the polarization that must have created only gravitational waves during inflation. You can see the same special polarization in the background radiation in the top image as well. The black lines mark the direction and polarization of the radiation. Once the team measured this polarization shape they were able to confirm both the gravitational waves and the inflation phase. In the bottom picture you see a drawing starting on the left side where the big bang happened and immediately after it the inflation (the yellow part). After the end of inflation the universe expands much more slowly (the black part) until the present day. Today we measure the cosmic background radiation that came out when the universe was 380,000 years old and pass it through polarizers to measure the polarization of the radiation (the blue part). Image: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Are there parallel universes?
An inflationary universe also gives an interesting possibility about the existence of additional universes. Space expanded at a speed much higher than the speed of light, so it is possible that bubbles of matter were formed so far from each other that there is no chance of any connection between them. Such a connection can move at a maximum speed of the speed of light and because the distances between these material bubbles are so large, no material will be able to pass between one material bubble and no connection will be formed between them. Since there is no connection between these bubbles of matter, each of them can be seen as a universe in itself that runs parallel to the other universes within a multiverse that began at the time of the big bang and many universes grew out of it thanks to the period of inflation. All these universes have the same laws of physics and they were all created at the same time 13.8 billion years ago, but each one of them operates and develops independently of the other universes. The inflationary universe model gives a more realistic possibility that we live in a universe that is only one of a multi-universe structure, but even without it there are hints that there are parallel universes to our universe. For example, it is very possible that our big bang is not the only bang at all! Unlike the balloon model, observations indicate that the entire universe is flat and infinite. We can only see stars whose light has reached us in telescopes. In order for a certain star to be visible it has to be in the range in which the light it emitted will have enough time since the formation of the universe to reach us. This is the visible universe. It is very possible that there are stars further away beyond the visible universe whose light simply did not have time since the formation of the universe to reach us. As far as we are concerned, until enough time has passed for their light to reach us, these stars are not yet in our visible universe and do not affect us. The entire universe is probably infinite, but our visible universe is only 138,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 km (138 billion trillion km) in size. When we say that the universe started from one point, the point of the big bang, we mean our visible universe. It would be more accurate to say that at the time of the big bang all points in the entire universe (not only in the visible universe) had an infinite angi density. In other words, if the whole universe is infinite, at the moment of creation of our visible universe, other universes with other big bang points from our big bang point were created at the same time. All of these compensations occurred at the same time immediately after the space-time of the entire universe was created, but at different points along this infinite space. You can think of it this way, the visible universe that we are able to measure started with our big bang, but is the visible universe all there is? As we said, it is likely that beyond the universe that we are able to measure there is more matter and the light that came out of this matter has not yet had time from the formation of space until today to reach us. For us this matter does not exist in our universe and did not start at the point of our big bang. It probably started from another big bang point, immediately after the formation of space time 13.8 billion years ago. So there are probably infinitely many parallel universes. Each such universe is another visible universe corresponding to matter in a certain area from the infinite space. As long as there is no connection between these different visible universes, each of them is closed within itself. Because time passes and because our visible universe is expanding, new stars are slowly being added to our visible universe. Thus, nearby visible universes can unite into one large visible universe. Are we the only universe? Are there other universes? Were there other big bangs at the same time as our bang? There are hints of this, but we still don't know if these ideas are true.

suds. Illustration: shutterstock
suds. Illustration: shutterstock


The soap foam in the picture could represent the universe we may be living in. The infinite space-time of the universe was created at the time of the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago (the entire soap bubble). At that time, each point was a singular point of infinite energy density. After the Big Bang, many "visible universes" developed and spread similar to our visible universe (the various bubbles in the picture). Our visible universe is just one of these bubbles throughout the infinite space-time of the entire universe. There is no connection between these different visible universes, but if time each "visible universe" bubble continues to spread in space-time and thus a connection is formed between different visible universes that are close and they unite into a larger bubble of a large unified visible universe (soap bubbles that connect to a larger bubble). An inflationary phase of the visible universe can produce additional visible universes from it (similar to a soap bubble that grew so fast that it split into several smaller bubbles).

We embarked on a fascinating journey to understand the universe and ourselves. An exciting journey of discovery that gives us the opportunity to touch the sublime and infinite for a moment and thus feel part of the tremendous power of nature. This journey can fill us with meaning, humility and appreciation for the sublime that is around us and that we, the small human beings, are able to reveal and understand little by little. This journey out of the cave is not over yet and it holds many more surprises and discoveries. Are we the only universe? What is dark energy? How was the big bang created? How was the symmetry broken to create all the forces and particles? Many more questions remain unanswered and await our next theory that will solve them and connect more pieces to the puzzle that will reveal the mysteries of our reality. But we have already revealed large parts of the picture of the universe and it is possible to summarize how our visible universe was formed in a quite precise and beautiful way -

In the beginning there was nothing. was empty
A ripple of energy appeared from the void,
The Big Bang - the creation of space-time
The universe began to expand (and there is no meaning in the question of where)!
The symmetry is broken, the union is cracked
The force of gravity from the unified force is discharged
Then came the turn of the powerful nuclear force
The universe began to expand like crazy
until we calm down
The universe has become really big
The electromagnetic force is separate from the weak nuclear force
The particles were formed and gained mass quickly
A hot ancient soup was getting colder
The particles to atoms began to connect
The background radiation was on its way
The atoms connected to each other without problems
Stars were created out of deviations
The stars formed structures and galaxies
Dark energy meanwhile accumulated
And the expansion of the universe increased again

A short poem on the history of the universe

Image courtesy of NASA and faithfully translated by the Davidson Institute

On April 2, 2014, I was invited to the program "Night birds fly far" on IDF airwaves and I broadcast together with Shira Z. Carmel a program about the new discoveries, the big bang, creation, religion and secular spirituality. here Link to listen and download (press "to download" with the right mouse button and select "save"), and another link to listen, Part a' וPart II' of the program.
This coming June, Nir Lahav plans to give lectures on this topic as part of the series I give at cinemateks across the country, the science and reality research series (in the month of April, the lecture will be at the end of Holocaust Day on the topic: Is man's nature evil from his youth?) Please follow the blog posts free and happy.


More of the topic in Hayadan:


20 תגובות

  1. Yair
    To be precise, note that the human is a species, the elephant is a family, the snake is a series (subseries) and the fish is not so it is a bit difficult to compare. It is a difficult problem to say how long a certain species has existed. What is possible is to say when a certain species separates from the species closest to it. So it could be that if you choose a certain species of snake, then it separated very recently from the nearest species.

  2. Eran,
    Every evolutionary move is unique. The elephant and the snake and the fish also preceded man, each with a unique evolutionary path, and just as we are not asked why man did not develop a snout even though he pushes his nose everywhere, and why he did not develop a tongue in the style of the chameleon even though he licks as much as he can, there is no point in asking why the crocodile did not develop intelligence , it is enough for him that he has lived successfully for tens of millions of years, and in fact, this success is the answer to the lack of development of his mind.

  3. Brainy
    There are basically two definitions for language. One is mathematical and it defines a language as a collection of words above the alphabet. The second definition adds grammar. As far as I know, only humans have grammar. Even those apes who supposedly spoke in sign language, like Koko, only said words, without any grammar.

  4. Eran
    Maybe in Alice in Wonderland, they need to go through a very long evolutionary path, but then they were no longer alligators.
    And animals do talk, the fact that you don't understand them is something else.

    It seems that it is you who lives in a world of his own, where strange creatures direct things from above.

  5. Honorable Mr. Bar Mokh, if the world was built by alligators, cars were driven by alligators and tools were built by alligators, I would eat it. What's more, it's hard for me to explain that I saw animals talking and it was erased in time reversals. 

  6. Eran
    What evolutionary advantage did a crocodile with a brain have, what would it do filling holes in its teeth, a brain for a crocodile is a disadvantage, because it comes at the expense of other resources.

  7. Eran
    Shmulik is basically right. He is also right about the asteroid that hit Yucatan and killed most of the dinosaurs.

    The story is more complex than that. The following is my opinion, and you can disagree on it 🙂 …
    The difference between humans and other species is one - language. Until we developed language, we were nothing more than monkeys. Language allowed us to pass knowledge from generation to generation. Language needs a special brain structure, which developed in humans for various reasons (for example - eating cooked meat). But - language is not enough. You also need hands with fine motor skills to develop sophisticated tools and to develop writing. Think for a moment about the aborigines in Australia - they do not have a written language, so all knowledge is passed on through stories, there is a limit to how much knowledge can be transmitted in this way.

    Let's look at it from Darwin's side. Crocodiles are very successful, wonderfully adapted to their environment. They undergo a very slow evolution - and as Shmulik said - they are smaller today than they used to be. I guess there isn't much competition between them, and what most influences who breeds is much more luck than anything else. Most crocodiles are eaten when they are small, and those that remain are a matter of statistics, and not a matter of adaptation to the environment. If the environment changes - one can certainly expect what appears to be an evolutionary development.

    Hope I helped a little…

  8. Human intelligence is quite limited. And I have already demonstrated this several times on this site by our inability to quantitatively represent a million people in one place, especially the size of the Earth and everything in the "near" environment of our space.
    It is difficult for us as humans to grasp the concept of empty because there is always something in our mind, an obvious reason.
    On the other hand, everything that was in the beginning or not is still a theory and there is no solid proof except observations and assumptions and educated calculations.

    The same logic, by the way, applies to your question, Eran.
    It's likely that at one point or another there were smarter lizards and other evolutionary trees that just got cut off. Why ? who knows .
    Maybe intelligence never helped lizards because of their body structure like it helps us with the complex ability of speech, standing on two feet, and fingers.
    There were also probably other different trees in the human race that we will probably never discover that were simply cut down - we will not find out because once our number was so low that it was enough that there were only a hundred individuals from one tree that were cut down and we have no way of knowing where it happened and at what depth it is in the ground today.
    It turns out that humans are the most "successful" form of life that has come out of nature's "experiments" so far. It could also be a matter of pure blind luck, but I think not.

  9. Honorable Mr. Eran, I was honored that you explained to me a little the relationship of souls to parallel universes, in short they separate the different ruling species into different parallel universes so that there is no friction, and secondly, I am sorry if my testimony hurts someone because they are not aware that they are not alone or with souls that are routing, Sorry if I offended, really

  10. Eran,
    First let's say I'm no expert but,
    Ask yourself, why did they have to change? What exactly threatens them? No other super-predator evolved to threaten them, so they had no significant selection pressures to change. Chutsamza, I think they did change. For example, I think they have shrunk in size.
    As mentioned, maybe the experts here will have more accurate answers, but I must comment that your wish suggests that the human race is the glory of the evolutionary creation, but this is absolutely not true. There are a lot more bacteria than us and they will probably survive what we do to God and if an asteroid hadn't collided sixty-five million years ago, we probably wouldn't be corresponding now so it's all coincidental (miracles, don't start with determinism now, ok?).

  11. I have a question regarding evolution if anyone knows, how is it that the crocodiles who say they are a remnant of the dinosaur era did not develop insight like us if they preceded us and were even dominant?
    It just doesn't make sense to me.
    Thank you very much for everyone who answers me

  12. The dark energy can be replaced by a pressure difference between the space and time of our universe, and the space and time that is beyond the universe.
    And the dark matter can be replaced by the escape of space and time through the black holes in the center of the galaxies.
    Galaxies maintain their integrity despite their lack of mass, due to the constant escape of space and time through the black hole at the center of the galaxy.

  13. I didn't understand how there were other great compensators that created the parallel universes, and how do we know about it? After all, it can be assumed that the matter has moved so far that it is considered a different universe, but it came from the same bang, and contains the same time space, and the same energy material structures, right?
    Are there possible other universes according to this theory, where the symmetry was broken in a different way than in our universe? Where matter crystallized in a different way than in this universe?
    In all this theory, I saw no reference to the fact that our universe is made of 3-dimensional space and time, at what stage of the universe were the dimensions created and how?

  14. The problem that Eddy and in Maalim is a semantic one. We do not have adequate words in everyday language to describe these new terms. When you say void, you usually mean the interstellar void, which is not so empty, or the void of a vacuum that still contains the dimensions. But the void before the big bang is not the same void, but a primordial void. Perhaps it can be called chaos and chaos, or chasm after the concepts from the book of Genesis.
    The same with the word universe - if the universe contains everything, then it is not suitable to describe "other universes". If the universe contains only our universe as defined by the boundaries of the universe, by the information that has passed at the speed of light since the big bang, then there are other universes. Perhaps to use the concept from Judaism of the Sefirot to describe "parallel universes", and the concept of the universe to describe all the Sefirot, matter and energy that have existed since time immemorial.

  15. What about neutering the meaning of the word "universe"?
    If everything that exists belongs to the universe then the universe is only one.
    Another universe is not possible.
    The pair of words "parallel universe" contains castration of the language and also a mathematical contradiction.
    At most it is possible to limit and say "the visible part of the universe".
    Or maybe even "the active part of the universe".
    Assuming that the universe also has other parts.

  16. In the beginning there was nothing. was empty - There was nothing and there was "nothing". It wasn't empty either.
    A wave of energy appeared from the void - but there was no void.
    The Big Bang - the creation of space-time. The bang event itself is completely unknown.

    The symmetry is broken, the union is cracked. This is a hypothesis. No one knows a complete unification theory, no one knows what it looks like if it exists.

    The universe has become really big. There is no such thing as "big" for something that has units.

    The particles were formed and gained mass quickly. From the moment there were fields (and it probably happened immediately with the creation of the universe) there were also particles.

    Dark energy meanwhile has accumulated - dark energy is a hypothesis.

  17. Thank you very much for the series of articles! You also clarified topics that were not clear. Finally everything is understood 🙂

  18. Nir, I would like to wonder about the first verse of the song.
    In the genesis state there is no spacetime - it was created as a result of the first explosion. But the void is also a space-time reality. Therefore, apparently, the sentence "In the beginning there was nothing." It was empty" contains an internal contradiction, it has no meaning and no truth value.
    At the same time, since the laws of physics are not valid in the primordial state, the quantum statement that "an energy fluctuation appeared from the void" has no validity.
    Your reference please.

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