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IAI offers a new dedicated electro-optical charger

IAI offers its customers a new dedicated electro-optical charger: a lightweight mini-pop for special air and land applications

Lightweight mini pop. Credit: Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
Lightweight mini pop. Credit: Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)

Ben Gurion Airport, October 20, 2010 - The Aerospace Industry (TAI) presents a new product from the POP (Plug-in Optronic Payload) - lightweight minipop. Materials such as titanium and magnesium are used in the new rocket, which weighs between 6.2 and 7.5 kg, making it lighter than rockets of the same size, and therefore suitable for use in a wide variety of aerial and terrestrial applications.

A lightweight minipop, which includes advanced cameras for day and night use (infrared), a laser pointer, a laser pointer and a laser rangefinder, is intended for use on small tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with a long stay, which provide real-time intelligence in reconnaissance and observation missions of ground forces and also contributes greatly to ground special missions at the individual soldier level.

Shaul Shahar, director of the TAMM plant from the Space and Missile Systems Division of the Israel Defense Forces said: "We are very satisfied with the technological achievements in the development of the lightweight minipop. We managed to reduce about 25% of the weight of the previous minipop while maintaining high performance. The new minipop allows the aerospace industry to offer electro-optical solutions for families of drones in the weight category between 25 and 50 kg and it will significantly increase their capabilities in prolonged missions."

Today, over 300 minipop missiles produced by the Aerospace Industry are deployed around the world in the service of various armies and security forces. The MiniPOP systems are based on a unique secondary that integrates a removable electro-optical "segment" within a stabilized frame. The "segment" includes electro-optical components that can be easily removed and replaced in a few minutes, without the need for special calibrations and directions. This principle forms the basis for improvements and improvements to arrays that will contain improved electro-optical sensors in the future.


  1. I would be happy for a little less unfamiliar initials.. and a little more detail and explanations..

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