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Losing weight helps to recover from migraines

57 out of 81 patients who participated in a study presented at a scientific conference dealing with migraines, reported that the problem of migraines was completely resolved

fat person. "The Tuscan General", painting by Alessandro del Boro, 17th century. From Wikipedia
fat person. "The Tuscan General", painting by Alessandro del Boro, 17th century. From Wikipedia

Massive weight loss in patients suffering from morbid obesity and migraines, reduces the frequency and severity of severe and limiting headaches. This is according to a new study published at the 28th annual conference of the American Society for Metabolism and Bariatric Surgery held in Orlando, Florida in June 2011. This study suggests that weight plays a decisive role in the formation of migraines, and that without the excess weight there is a good chance that they would not have suffered from migraines in the first place.

The researchers examined 81 patients who suffered from morbid obesity and migraines, and underwent gastric bypass surgery. Most of the subjects were women, whose BMI was, on average, 48. The women reduced about 55% of their excess weight and their average BMI, after the surgery, was 33. About six months after the surgery, 89% of the patients reported a significant improvement in migraines. 57 out of 81 patients reported that the problem of migraines was completely resolved. 15 reported that it was partially resolved and 9 had no change or improvement.

The most significant improvement was reported by patients who developed migraines following obesity. 94% (48 out of 51 patients) of them indicated an improvement - 41 testified to a complete cure. 7 partial recovery and in three patients there was no change in the condition. Among the 24 patients who developed migraines before obesity, 75% (18 patients) reported improvement for the better. 11 had complete healing. 7 partial and 6 had no benefit.

This study substantiates the findings of another study published about a month ago in the medical journal Neurology.
In this study, 24 severely obese patients who suffered from migraines and underwent bariatric surgery were examined. After 6 months, in which the subjects lost 49% of their excess weight, most of them testified that they experience fewer headaches and that they are less intense.

Dr. Nasser Sakarn, Secretary of the Department of Bariatric Surgery in Israel, and Director of the Bariatric Surgery Clinic at the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera: "Bariatric surgery offers complete or partial relief from migraines suffered by patients diagnosed with morbid obesity, according to another study presented at the 28th annual conference of American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). These people are absent from work more and there is significant damage to their quality of life and functioning. This shows the importance of increasing awareness to maintain a healthy weight, to prevent serious diseases and unnecessary headaches."

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