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The future of religion: how will the face of religion change in the future?

Dr.Roey Tsezana will speak about the future of religions, at the M.H.R. conference. 2013 which will be held this Thursday at Beit Zioni America
God according to Michelangelo

This coming Thursday, January 10, 2013, I will give a lecture at the M.H.R. 2013 conference - a conference on science, freedom and rationality. In the lecture I will review a number of trends that may affect the future of religion, and we will talk about some possible futures for religions in the world. This record contains about half of the lecture, and readers are invited to the conference (admission cost - NIS 40) to hear the rest, and to be exposed to the rest of the excellent lecturers and the fascinating topics at the venue.

You came here to hear what religion will look like in the future. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you will not leave here with this knowledge.

At this point you are probably considering leaving the room and not coming back. Give me another chance. My big problem is that I'm not a charlatan enough to pretend to know what the future will look like. And that's because I'm not predicting the future, but researching futures.

Futurists do not try to predict what will happen in the future. This is an impossible task. Instead, we review current trends and attempt to document and understand them to develop a series of possible futures. This series serves as a telescope into the future for us, identifying what the future might look like and how it can change depending on the decisions we make in the present.

Why do you even need to know the possible futures? We use them to teach the decision-makers and policy-makers - senior officials in government ministries, the European Union and private bodies - about the trends that already exist today, and their implications for the future. In this way, we help them make informed and wise decisions that will lead us, or at least them, to a better future.

This is the reason why in the present lecture I will not try to predict one future for religion, but I will review the foundations of religion and belief and three of the current trends that can affect religion. Which ones will have a stronger impact on the future? We will get an answer to this question only in the coming decades.

The basics of religion and belief

The 19th century was an extraordinary period in the history of Europe. If you were to walk the streets of London at that time and ask the average person what was going to happen in the future, he would pour into your ears with enthusiasm all the wonderful things the future held for humanity: Pasteur's vaccines would wipe out disease from the world; The sewage will not flow in the streets; Life expectancy will increase, and there will even be people who will reach the age of one hundred. This was surely the answer, and no wonder, because the leading thinkers of the time tried to heal the sick of society, and the people of science and medicine tried to give each person the necessary technologies to guarantee his happiness and his right to self-fulfillment. Deciphering the theory of evolution led to a disconnect between science and the church, and many predicted that the latter would be defeated. Religion was about to suffer a decisive blow.

But she's still here. And she even grew. The percentage of believers in the five main religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism - has only increased since the beginning of the twentieth century. Even in countries that tried to establish a regime that forcibly separated the people from religion - Russia and Turkey mainly - religion returns to occupy a central place in the lives of citizens. All predictions about the end of religion have failed. She is still with us, stronger than ever.

But I still believe that religion may disappear. We will never get rid of faith alone.

The last sentence may seem strange to people. Is there really a difference between religion and belief? The answer is that the two are very different from each other, and it is important to differentiate between them.

What is faith?

Belief reflects the need to identify a certain entity that watches over us. There is good evidence that from the moment we are born, our brains are wired to recognize entities that shape our lives. Actually, it's not surprising. Already as babies we learn that the world is full of causal elements. When my son poops, I come and change him. When he is hungry, his mother feeds him. When he cries, I hug him.

The interesting thing is that my son learned the rules of the game very quickly. He acquired an understanding of causal processes. Every now and then he cries just like that, not because he's in pain. Why? Because he wants us to hug him. He introduced the idea of ​​causality: there are entities in the world that change the existing situation. And he can influence these entities through certain actions, even if the logic behind them is not always clear to him. The meaning is clear: from infancy, humans begin to search for the entity responsible for the world around them. They find it difficult to assume that there are no such beings - a kind of cosmic father and mother - standing behind the surface of things. And when they do not find these entities, they force them.

This is one of the other interesting rules of human psychology: we tend to anthropomorphize—give the identity of a being—to inanimate objects and even events. Want an example? Just yesterday I slipped on a banana peel. I cursed, picked up the banana and angrily threw it in the bin. The rage, oddly enough, was directed at the banana. Why? After all, she is an inanimate object, devoid of feelings or intentions! But the clear feeling was that the banana did this to me on purpose. I personified the banana. For a brief moment, I believed in her being a vengeful little god. to the banana


Beyond that, our mind is always trying to find the entity. Always. It evolved to do this, to protect us from aggressive beings. The problem is that as a result he works hyperactively, sometimes showing us entities that are not really there.


And here is the important point: we cannot defend ourselves against this attempt of the mind!

Sometimes the entities we choose to believe in really exist. We call them 'The Supreme Leader', or 'The Douche', or any other name that suggests their greatness. These are the leaders in fascist and dictatorial countries. And make no mistake: a large part of the subjects in these countries adore the leaders. We see this tendency even in Israel: to find the leader - the Supreme Father - and believe in him and his powers. This is a secular belief, and it is no less bad than a religious belief. You don't believe in God, but in the Führer. And we have already seen what the result of that was.

How do you deal with faith?

We can develop tools and principles of sharp and critical thinking, to neutralize in retrospect the intuitive conclusions that our brain jumps to immediately, and instill them in children. that's it. But our mental needs remain where they are, and are not going anywhere. Research from the very last year shows that scientific knowledge that contradicts our intuitions - for example, that the earth revolves around the sun - does not replace intuitions but suppresses them[1]. They are still there, pushing deep inside in the direction they see fit. Only the conscious and critical thought restrains them.

This means that a large proportion of human beings do not understand these brain biases, and too many are unable to understand them at all, or to develop adequate analytical skills.

What you see here is a scary thing: that half of the world's population has an IQ index below 70. Those of them who can boast an IQ between 85 and XNUMX are 'Borderline Intellectual Functioning'. They have difficulty thinking abstractly, and their logic is simplistic and childish. Few of them will be able to defend themselves actively and constantly from the tendency to look for entities and reasons for the events that come their way.

By the way, you should treat the IQ index carefully, because it changes all the time, and the bar only gets higher over the years. In fact, if we were to use the IQ values ​​available today for people tested in 1932, we would find that the average was 80[2]. Because of this, I am afraid to blindly rely on IQ, and content myself with stating that even if we educate all the people of the world from childhood to guard against these biases, they will still be there and drive our actions. We will continue to want to believe, and we will continue to look for what to believe.

Like it or not, we are bound by faith.

But the situation is getting better, and can get even better.
First trend: education for critical thinking

The first trend we will talk about is education for skepticism and critical thinking. This is a trend that has existed since the beginning of the century, although it has been growing stronger recently. People open courses for skepticism, and parents are willing to fund camps for critical thinking. If this trend becomes much stronger, there is a chance to reach a world that will be mostly without faith.

Now say in a puffing voice: "But Roy, you told us that you are certain that it is impossible to remove the need for faith from the people!"

And it's true, I'm really sure of it. But this is an assumption based solely on contemporary knowledge, with all its limitations. If we were to ask the Greeks or the Romans if it was possible to establish a world without slaves, they would not understand at all what the question meant. For them, slaves were as much a part of the world as air and water, and not one of the great moral philosophers - from Plato to Cicero - wrote about the flaw in holding slaves. If we were to ask a man from the beginning of the twentieth century whether men are more successful than women, he would stare at us incomprehension, just as if we were to ask him whether the sky is blue, or whether the food is nutritious. These were self-evident truths for the times, and yet - today we understand the moral flaw in keeping slaves and treating others as inferior to us. Humanity has changed. who knows? It is possible that one day we will also lose the need for faith. Perhaps intensive schooling and pious indoctrination will teach children to question their perceptions and feelings more than ever. Maybe.

In such a world of unbelief, there would be no religion. People will obey social moral laws for the best reasons: they are hardwired into our minds and they benefit us. There will still be wars over territories and resources. There will still be poor people and extremely rich people. There will still be prostitutes, there will still be drug dealers.

But you know what? All these also exist in the world with religion, today, and with the addition of clerics who take money and power for themselves. I think the world will be able to manage even without them, if we lose the need for faith.

Unfortunately, the strengthening trend of critical and skeptical education is not guaranteed. In fact, if it succeeds in spreading to all strata of the population in many countries, it will be a very pleasant surprise, and the rosiest future of all that we will present in the lecture. I don't believe that will happen, but I leave the future the right to surprise me.


So far we have reviewed only one trend, which must admit that its power is not great compared to the other two trends: the increasing connectivity between human beings, and the pursuit of personal empowerment through advanced technological means. I hope you enjoyed reading, and I invite you to hear about the other two trends that can bring about a change in religion at the M.H.R. conference 2013.

[1] Scientific knowledge suppresses but does not supplant earlier intuitions; Shtulman, Valcarcel; Cognition, 2012.

to the conference website

32 תגובות

  1. There are other reasons for religion to remain and even strengthen, despite the technological development and the deepening of scientific knowledge.
    Our need to search for identity and belonging, beyond nationality.
    Science is not in the business of telling us how to live life
    And what is their purpose. The religion offers a philosophy of life, a way and a way of life that accompanies the believer from the moment he gets up in the morning until the moment he goes to sleep. from birth to death.
    It offers meaning to life and purpose to existence.
    And as we mentioned here, also hope.
    As we advance in our understanding of the universe, these issues will deepen. When humanity stands, for example, on the brink of genetic engineering and the creation of a new person becomes a possibility, will the fear of the unknown and the polemic over whether we give up traits that characterize us today as human beings increase in order to progress?
    And maybe religion is there as an anchor?
    There are other explanations for the basis of the belief itself.

  2. The author of the esteemed article largely missed the main point of his article.
    First the question had to be asked "Why do we even need religion?" or "What are the reasons for its existence since almost the dawn of mankind?".
    After he answers these questions (I have an answer to that) there will be a sense of futurism.
    The one future I see depends on technological progress, as it advances the power of religion will weaken in light of the reasons it was born in the first place.
    I will refer to the author of the article for further discussion.

  3. Avi Cohen
    Your explanation is a possible explanation and I guess it is a correct explanation, but very partial. There are many other explanations, each of which explains a little more.

    One of them is obedience. When a mother tells her son "don't go into the river because there is a crocodile there" then the disciplined children will survive. There is a certain advantage to being disciplined without asking questions. This is how most of us live today.

    Another explanation is a psychological one. Our brain classifies every piece of information. We have 5 natural classes - man, animal, plant, tool and bone in nature. We classify everything into one of these classes and this provides us with a lot of "default" information about the information. But - what happens when we are told about a moving mountain, or a desert tree, or a man walking on water? This contradicts our basic understandings and we try very hard to remember this information. Therefore, when stories are passed down from generation to generation, what is well remembered is the "supernatural" things.
    DA - What you just wrote is based on experiments.

    Another explanation is - our desire to receive explanations. Why does the deer run away? Because maybe there is a lion after him. Why are there wolf cubs? Because their mother impregnated them. These questions have meaning. This extends to their social niche as well. Why are these two girlfriends whispering to each other? And it comes to why are we here?

    There are also explanations from the theory of memetics - any idea that causes people to kill those who do not believe in this idea will survive...

    Religions have many rituals - it turns out that this also exists in animals. If you did A and B happened then A probably causes B. Skinner found pigeons that happened to turn right when they got food and therefore started turning right to get food.

    Religions have unique food - that way we won't socialize too much with those outside our religion. Why do you think there is all the nonsense of kosher for me in a certain court?

    Religions have unique clothing - that's how I recognize the members of my group. Look at the ultra-Orthodox, for all Hasids in their uniforms.

    A final explanation that comes to mind is the story of James Cook in Hawaii. The story is long but they thought he was their god named "Luno". There are many such cases in the Pacific Ocean that took place in World War II - the subject is called cargo cult and it is fascinating...

  4. It is very possible that the need for faith is actually an evolutionary advantage, and therefore it is prevalent among humans of all nations and species. The possibility to believe also gives hope to humans in situations where logic does not provide hope or a solution. Most of the time the humans did not have all the appropriate knowledge to understand their environment, and reach the desired solution. The possibility of believing in an objective way allowed people to continue to act even in situations that seemed like a dead end. Hopeless people would lose all will to continue acting, and therefore fail. People of faith continued to fight the situation, despite the zero odds, and some survived.

  5. It's a shame that modern Judaism and its orientation towards the mainstream has become so racist, conservative that most supporters of science
    Here they disapprove of the belief in the existence of an absolute. That Judaism produced pearls of creative thought
    And I'm also a little sad how such a high intelligence today is also something dark.
    The Talmudic work is, in my opinion, a combination of supreme reason including in matters of jurisprudence and an intellectual parallel to the theory of games with inequality between Jews and non-Jews, women and men. The public on this site mostly believes that the Talmud
    A pile of nonsense. Dealing with a piece of meat falling into a pot of milk or milk spilled into a pot of soup is bland.
    The Baba treatise suggests two holding a Talit, it is an interesting story of how one decides between two without taking out anyone who is a liar.
    Rabbi Akiva's "Paradise" (described by Yochi Brands) is a Talmudic description of how 4 rabbis enter into the Kabbalistic matter of Pardes, one dies, one goes mad, another is injured and only one Rabbi Akiva comes out intact, because of the defense mechanism of that sublime knowledge that is not revealed but to one in a generation. The works that came later are also in part, in my opinion, sparks of genius.
    Teacher of the embarrassed, and straight rails. But the mainstream has somehow lost the original intention of the thinkers - some of them: to encourage independent, critical thinking. Maimonides fully supports the Greek philosophy of Socrates, Plato and especially Aristotle. and supports science. The religious public today, in part, follows a mindset that completely accepts what is written in the sacred literature, the legend that accompanies the interpretations, and opposes changes and innovation.

    But I am also in one submission from Go on the Jewish creation - in part it is the pinnacle of thought, only not in mathematics but in the humanities.

  6. J.B.

    The same science that believes in evolution after modern medicine - the one that has doubled life expectancy since Darwin.
    The same science that explains the Big Bang is responsible for the development of electronics. Without relativity - we would not have GPS.

    Some scientists were wrong and some are wrong, and some will be wrong. But science as a whole is progressing and establishing itself. I know of no evidence-based scientific theory that has been proven wrong.

    Science has a solid foundation. Religion is a collection of lies and nonsense. I'm sorry but I have no real way to see it any other way.

  7. Miracles, in science there are also people like me and you in flesh and blood and they also have beliefs and opinions that will want to push them through science, to remind you
    During the 20s, of the last century, a scientist named Henry Osborn (Osborn), caused a media sensation, when he claimed to have found a (fossilized) remains of the primitive man in the state of Nebraska. The fossil, which was actually just a single tooth, was displayed in honor at the American Museum of Natural History, and Osborne even made sure to bring in a scientific artist to make a three-dimensional graphic reconstruction of the man from Nebraska in the woods, surrounded by other animals from the same area. The reconstruction was impressive, and really planted a feeling as if it were a prehistoric reality that actually happened, but who knows how the story ends.
    In short, believe in the science you use and it works in front of you like: means of transportation, computers, etc.
    Don't believe any reconstruction that they try to push in order to promote one or another view of life

  8. exactly
    But the rabbis did not check, did not investigate. The number of rabbis must be something like a hundred of the number of priests. Maybe they are right?

    And why don't we listen to scientists - science has a much more convincing explanation for the formation of the universe and the formation of life. The explanations of religion are extremely poor and are unable to predict anything. Absolutely nothing.
    Science on the other hand explains the past and wonderfully predicts the future.

    Can you give me one reason not to believe in science?

  9. Nissim is right, the rabbis are known to be the experts on faith, and they claim that God exists, so why doubt it?

  10. Yaron
    I have a question. Is it acceptable for you to get the opinion of experts in their fields of knowledge?

  11. Yaron, you can always find professors and doctors on the fringes who believe in nonsense, usually these are people who grew up with these beliefs at home and it's hard for them to break away from it.... I am sure that if you search well you will also find professors who believe in souls, aliens and good fairies.

    This is not an indication of anything, what determines is only what evidence exists, regarding God the answer is zero, it is a blind faith that is not based on either science or research.

  12. Praise be to God
    I know who Isaiah Leibovitz is
    I do not. Understands what a certain person's opinion is about the existence of God.
    I haven't seen it yet. A religious person who tried to think that there is no creator and see with him comes to a contradiction
    And I don't understand what the meaning of life has to do with the existence of a creator.

  13. Isaiah Leibovich - look at Wikipedia. If the question was not asked disrespectfully, here is a subjective answer.
    Professor in two fields of thought (philosophy and biology?), Renaissance man. Haredi with super modern views on scientific matters. Had philosophical conversations with father Marcel Dubois Christianity versus Judaism and philosophy, religion, science and faith. There is an in-depth Beit Sofer circle on Judaism.
    He had very left-wing political views in clear contrast to his orthodoxy - he saw the occupation as corrupting.
    A one-of-a-kind man who is not accepted by the religious in general.
    After his death, his students in the home circle produced 3 books that I looked at - 1000 about XNUMX pages so it is difficult to read them.
    It is also very in-depth in philosophy, so it is even more difficult to review:
    Talks about straight rails to Ramchal. The Ramchal was a man who was banned by Judaism, most of his books were shelved and later lost
    His death and those that remain have become mandatory books in the mainstream of ultra-Orthodox Judaism, and a subject of study by Western philosophers.
    Talks on the doctrine of prophecy to Rambam. As above, except that Rambam was not banned.
    Talks about the week's parsha.

    I also saw books: Who are you Isaiah Leibovitz, and conversations in Western philosophy and Spinoza (also Western).

  14. Roy
    It was correct to understand how to define the word or term faith and it is not so simple
    Every person wherever he is is a believer
    His faith is largely in things he has never seen
    There does not seem to be a connection between a person's intellectual ability determined by different tests
    and the nature or depth of his faith in those things he did not see

    Maybe faith's role in nature is to make us perform, fight, move forward, want to reproduce, and make sense
    And there is a reason. regardless of whether it is true or not.

  15. I am personally a traditionalist for the sake of heritage preservation and faith, and believe in the Big Bang, in evolution according to Darwin, and in something completely spiritual and indescribable by physical means that I know what they compromised - before I absorb ricochets.
    Believes in the need to separate religion from the state, and against the Halacha state.

    According to the new religion, it spoils and educates the ignorant in order to preserve the power with the priests.
    But even a world without any moral inhibitions at all, like communism was for example, is not acceptable.
    Secularists who worship a culture of hedonism without any other substitute for religion - this is also not good.
    Religion, with all the injustices it has done, has maintained that the masses, out of fear, have maintained an acceptable moral level.
    In my opinion, the crowd is not built to maintain morality, in the absence of God. That is why we talk to him about a punishing carnal deity.
    The religion is not for the masses as the Rambam talks about in the Teacher Nabukim talks about something completely abstract
    materialism, and he also encouraged western science and philosophy in the same book and was a doctor (Dr. Goodman's book). But this religion is for one generation and not for the masses. The information contained in this book is qualified through the provision of partial information
    So that the wise will complete the missing study by themselves.

    It is more likely in today's world that we will enter a Second Middle Age where a dark religion reigns, than that we will march towards enlightenment.
    The demographics of Islam are multiplying at a higher rate than the West within the West itself, and in the land of the ultra-Orthodox, the ultra-Orthodox has risen up against its creator.
    In the West, Christians give birth to less than 2 children per family, meaning that they are on the decline, while Muslims have 5-6 children per family
    It means that they multiply. There may be one religion, Islam, as in Herbert Hulit's book.

    These two religions in their current state - in part encourage the virginity of women from their core professions (Talmud),
    In the wakefulness of male audiences, the inability to think for oneself and detach from the community.

    Let's take another sector in our religion. They are usually against: gays and lesbians, Arabs, the exclusion of women and against secularists (this is my opinion, they are not required to accept). In short against many others. They do not believe in the existence of the big bang, not in evolution according to Darwin.

  16. The two biggest lies in the history of mankind, that I can think of, are the field of finance and finance and on the other hand, religion. They control our lives and steer the masses of people according to the needs of a few and for me these are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand the priests of religion and on the other hand the priests of money. Religion gets rich at the expense of the ignorance and sometimes stupidity of most people. The banks, the investment houses and the hedge funds are getting rich from air finance businesses, loans at interest, creating debt for individuals and countries out of nothing by providing loans from money that did not exist in the first place. All of humanity is in fact perpetually in debt to the banks and is not even aware that it will never be possible to repay the debt. The hedge funds purchase certain agricultural areas or crops that may yield them huge profits at the cost of the lives of millions of people in third world countries who are dying of hunger.

  17. Maybe all those who understand will explain to me how Professor Yehoshua Leibovitz would have responded to the things that were said. After all, he was certainly a man of science, Eliba Dchouli Alma, and also a man who observes Mitzvot. Although he was not a pagan like most of the people of the land who think they are worshipers of God, he certainly claimed that there is no meaning in life and in human life. Without the worship of God. I would advise everyone to be a little modest in their self-confidence. As the proverb says, the verse "If you soar high like an eagle and if you are among the stars, put your nest there and I will bring you down" is God's speech.

  18. Sometimes interdisciplinarity brings enlightenment, and sometimes it is an empty hash that adds nothing.
    To Roy - I usually learn and enjoy your articles, this time I don't find any innovation or in-depth analysis in them, which is a shame. I am vaguely reminded of William James's "The Religious Experience of Matter" and sigh with longing.

  19. Strange, usually articles that mention the word "God" are followed by dozens of comments... This time a bit dry 🙂

    (not that I'm against)

  20. From an article in Vint:

    "Amnon Yitzhak: The organizers of the ads against me will pay with their lives... No one will be cleansed, everyone will die a strange death"

    If this is how the man expresses himself and behaves towards those who are considered the religious leaders of our generation, just think how he will treat atheist infidels like me on the day when a halachic state is established here, people like me will be persecuted people who will be deprived of all freedom.

    Under the auspices of religion - we will return to the darkness of the Middle Ages. It happened in other parts of the world, don't say it won't happen here.

  21. IQ does not change, knowledge and tests change, evolution is not that fast.

    Religion melts in places where there is poverty, which leads to failed education, slaughter and charlatanism.

    The birth rate results in a burden on the natural resources of the earth, and a future of the poor.

  22. For the holidays you are just not well
    Invalidating own imperfection invalidates
    There are many cultures that do not have religion and are more moral!!!

    Religion has not contributed to morality more than science
    In fact, it is science that contributes much more to morality

    The Jewish religion when it was in a position of power murdered and destroyed everything that opposed it
    The Christian religion as above
    The Muslim religion as above

    The only thing that prevents the forces of evil from making names for the poor is science
    Thanks to science there is information sharing and every crime is published in the world within minutes

    The fact that everyone knows discourages forces to do bad things

    Religion is a disaster
    Religion washes the minds of perpetrators and children and makes them believe in bogus stories that do not make any sense

    Religion is the greatest disaster that has befallen humanity

  23. There is already a new religion called sport
    Football Olympics
    The stadiums are the temple
    The judges are the rabbis and the arbitrators
    The players are God
    And the sports institutions are the religious institutions

    In the future, traditional religion will disappear (we just need a visit from extraterrestrials who will finally explain to us that neither bears, nor the forest, nor Moses, nor the crossing of the Red Sea, nor Jesus, nor walking on the Sea of ​​Galilee, nor Muhammad, nor her ascension to heaven)

    The religion that will rule the world will be games, sports and entertainment

  24. It's a shame that you express your opinion and lecture about things that your knowledge of is not professional, but amateurish at best.

    I think that almost every professor of philosophy or religions in any academy in the world, not to mention clergymen, will see your lecture as narrow-minded regarding the future of faith in human life.

    Such is my unfounded feeling, as someone who is very interested in religions and views including the atheistic and skeptical one.
    At least I know that the subject studied by the best human minds, Kant, Descartes, Spinoza and others of all kinds and species, is infinitely more complex than the form in which you present it.

    To seriously doubt something, you should be familiar with it beforehand.

    The attitude that faith is something on the side of human life that can be gotten rid of is an almost unacceptable attitude in the humanities, and it's a shame that someone who deals with exact sciences expresses his opinion about things he hasn't studied, unless you're one of those who have nothing but the exact sciences, which is also an almost and not acceptable.

    In short, my argument is that your basic claim "belief reflects the need to identify a certain entity that watches over us", is incorrect.

    It is true in some cases, with some believers, but the role of faith took a much greater place in the human spirit, some claim that even liberal humanistic values ​​would not have been born and established without the influence of faith on human culture, and the subject is very broad, unfortunately I am not knowledgeable enough to discuss it , certainly not here.

    Your approach cannot cover even a small part of the effects and role of faith on the human spirit and culture.

    Good luck with everything and best regards, Hagai.

  25. The only way is through education, the core studies, including science and evolution, must be forcefully introduced even to religious educational institutions that insist on not teaching it, those who are not ready will not receive budgets - at all.

  26. Unfortunately, the only way to eliminate religion (in my opinion) is by creating a new religion that will take the place of the existing religions (even by force if necessary) and zealously promote education for the accumulation of knowledge, the development of critical thinking and education for the way of the land and moral behavior (at the level of the person to his friend and environment along with receiving the difference from him).

  27. I read that Amnon Yitzhak founded a party and intends to run for the Knesset with his congregation of believers, I don't know about you, but it is very scary to me.

    People do not understand the magnitude of the danger that lies in believing in vanity, we will go back to the Middle Ages - under the auspices of religion.

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